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  • How To Start an Instagram Blog and Make Money

by Mike Vestil 

How To Start an Instagram Blog and Make Money


Image credit: SearchEngineJournal.com

Instagram is a powerful social media platform and is the ideal site for content creators who want to start a blog. With over two billion monthly users, there are plenty of opportunities to reach new audiences and expand your following. The best part? You can make money through paid partnerships, sponsored ads, and affiliate links from running a blog on Instagram.

Before you embark on your Instagram blogging journey, there are some crucial steps you need to take to make your Instagram feed stand out from the competition. Because there are so many bloggers on Instagram, you’ll have to ensure that you’re setting yourself up for success. 

Instagram was in fact one of the ways that I was able to create an extra income online. Which was important because I didn't want to work a 9 to 5 job for the rest of my life, nor did I not want to live paycheck to paycheck.

What I wanted was to able to feel financially secure, to retire my parents, and to be able to work remotely so that I could travel the world.

Luckily I was able to do this by finding an online business idea that was most aligned with my personality, and I was able to make $1.9 million online.

In this article I will walk you through the process of creating an Instagram blog—from converting to a creator account to building a community of followers— so you can hit the ground running and start making money from your blog. I’ll also go through the pros and cons of having a blog on Instagram so you can make an informed decision before you start posting.

Now you can get started with this online business idea independently or you can take our free side hustle quiz here to match an even better passive income idea that perfectly fits your unique personality.

What Is An Instagram Blog?

What Is An Instagram Blog?

Image credit: Later.com

An Instagram blog is a profile that includes Instagram posts with high-quality images and well-written captions, usually centered around a theme or niche—think food bloggers or travel influencers. Many companies, entrepreneurs, and artisans also use Instagram posts and blogs to promote their products.

Instagram blogs are a fantastic resource for building an online presence and reaching your target audience. You can be creative, showcase your talents, and connect with new users. Best of all, signing up for an Instagram account is free, and the platform is easy to use, making it one of the most streamlined ways to make money using social media. 

Instagram varies from traditional blogging platforms because of the limit of 2,200 characters. It is therefore referred to as a microblog. As the name suggests, a microblog is a blog with a word limit. The key is to keep your Instagram posts short and sweet by incorporating punchy captions and visually appealing images to attract the users' attention. 

Do you think you have what it takes to run a successful Instagram blog? The following section will walk you through all the necessary steps to take your blog to the next level.

How To Start An Instagram Blog

How To Start An Instagram Blog

Image credit: Dananicoledesigns.com

All you need to start a blog is an Instagram account and access to reliable internet. You don’t need to be a professional blogger to find success as long as you do your research and are committed to posting quality content.

If you are talented with photography, design, or writing, these skills will elevate your content and result in a more compelling Instagram feed. Consider what hobbies you have that may help you build your Instagram profile.  

Starting with a significant following is helpful, although it is not required for success. Using the tips and tricks in this article, you’ll be able to increase your follower count in no time. 

So let’s get into all the steps it takes to begin blogging, starting with converting your Instagram account to a creator account.

Convert To An Instagram Creator Account

Convert To An Instagram Creator Account

Image credit: Adweek.com

To start blogging on Instagram, you first need to convert your profile to a creator account. Instagram offers three types of accounts: business accounts, personal accounts, and creator accounts. 

The personal Instagram account is the default—when you initially sign up for Instagram, this is what you’ll automatically have access to. A business account lets you run promoted posts and ads, but Instagram also has a creator account option with these advertising features and more. 

Converting to a creator account is the best option for running a blog. Creator accounts were specifically created for influencers and bloggers and come with a few added benefits that can help with your Instagram blogging journey, including the following perks.

Instagram Insights

A key benefit of having a creator account is access to Instagram insights. Instagram insights provide you with data on your followers, including their age, gender, location, and when they are most active on the platform. This information is essential for understanding your audience, creating content that resonates with them, and determining the ideal posting times. 

Ads And Promoted Posts

Another incredible perk of converting to a creator account is the ability to create and manage ads. Ads can be a powerful tool for increasing your reach and growing your blog. The ads manager allows you to create custom ads, target a specific audience, and track the performance of your ads, similarly to promoting posts on a business Facebook page.

Links Within Stories

Integrating links with your Instagram stories is a great tool for directing users to your profile or website. When users swipe up on your story, the link will take them to the chosen site, so it’s the perfect way to drive traffic to and increase engagement on eCommerce platforms and additional social media accounts.

Contact Button

Another valuable feature of a creator account is the contact button. This tool allows users to easily and quickly get in touch with you through a direct message. With the contact button, you can easily connect with your followers and answer any questions they may have, as well as receive feedback on your blog. You can also use this button to reach out to other brands for collaborations and paid partnerships.

Now that you know the perks of converting to a creator account, I’ll show you how to go through the conversion process step by step.

  • Go to your Instagram profile and click the three-line button on the upper-right corner of your screen.
  • Click on Settings and go to Account. Keep in mind that you will already need to have switched to a professional/business account from a personal account before the next step.
Convert To An Instagram Creator Account
  • Click on Switch, and your Instagram will automatically update—it’s that easy! Now you’ll have access to insights, simplified messaging with the contact button, and the ability to create ads. 

Find Your Blogging Niche

Find Your Blogging Niche

Image credit: AskNugget.com

Before you start blogging, it’s crucial to decide on a niche for your Instagram feed. Having a streamlined and cohesive theme will help you focus your content and attract an audience interested in what you have to say. 

Honing in on a topic you’re passionate about is key since you’ll want to focus on a niche you have expertise or interest in. To start brainstorming, consider these questions:

  • What does my audience want to see from me?
  • How can I help my audience?
  • What companies or brands do I want to cooperate and partner with?
  • What can I consistently post about in my day-to-day life?

Once you’ve narrowed in on what kind of Instagram blogger you want to be, it’s time to consider which niches are the most popular and lucrative. Thankfully, there are tons of possibilities! Here are some of the most standard Instagram niches.

Health And Fitness

Health And Fitness

Image credit: Blog.zine.co

Health and fitness blogs on Instagram include content about diet, workout routines, and the best fitness products to use. If you run this kind of blog, you can post videos of your workouts, show users what you eat on an Instagram story, showcase your progress with before and after photos, and promote brands that you use.

If fitness is your passion, this is a fantastic opportunity to inspire others to take the same journey. Creating content will be intuitive if leading a healthy lifestyle is part of your day-to-day routine—it’s also a way to partner with brands to get free merch and paid advertisements using their fitness gear and products!



Image credit: Livvyland.com

Fashion blogs can include content about new products, Instagram stories of your OOTD (outfit of the day), and tagged posts that link users to the clothes you are wearing so they can buy the products. If you’re super into fashion, it’s a fantastic way to monetize your passion and maybe even get free samples from sponsored brands!  

If you have a fashion blog, make sure you keep up with trends and showcase brands you believe in. You’ll need to have more than just good style, too—a significant part of promoting your page will be posting aesthetically pleasing and versatile photos of clothing, as you can see in the image above.



Image credit: Moz.com

Starting a beauty blog is the perfect option if you’re talented with makeup and knowledgeable about beauty products! You can post tutorial videos showing your followers your process so they can recreate your looks. To make money and try new products, you can partner with makeup and beauty brands to promote the makeup that you use.

Beauty is a popular category on Instagram, so to stand out, be creative with your designs and showcase various looks. Make sure to reach out to brands you admire to get samples and tag these sponsors in your posts to make money off your makeup skills.



Image credit: Willedmond.com

If you’re a foodie always trying new restaurants, a food blog is an excellent way to showcase your favorite eats. The key with food blogs is to make sure you are posting a variety of meals and that each post will appeal to the tastebuds of your followers—you need to ensure that what your posting looks appetizing, as you can see in the photo above.

With a successful food blog, you can partner with local restaurants to promote their business and your page. They often comp meals if you have this arrangement, so it’s a fantastic way to try new delicious dishes while making money!



Image credit: Pinterest.com

Running a travel Instagram account is a super way to fund your travels if you’re always on the go. If you’re already living a nomadic life, creating travel content will fit in with your routine. Inspire wanderlust in your followers by posting beautiful pictures in diverse places and creating Instagram stories of your adventures.

Since you’re not advertising a physical product, making money from a travel blog requires you to network with hotels, tour companies, and restaurants that will pay you to promote their business through photos and advertisements.



Image credit: Hueandhatchet.com

Influencers use lifestyle blogs to show their followers their daily lives and interests. Usually, they post about various topics, including travel videos, meals they eat, and brands they recommend. Think of it as an elevated personal profile, where you can get insight into the everyday lives of celebrities and content creators. 

However, having a public platform or a significant following is usually a prerequisite for running a successful lifestyle blog because these blogs are not focused on a specific theme. If you’re starting small, focusing on one of the niches mentioned above may help you better attract a target audience.

Now that you have a better idea of what your Instagram account will focus on, it’s time to start preparing your profile. In the next section, I’ll walk you through designing your Instagram profile.

Redesign Your Instagram Bio And Profile Photo

Redesign Your Instagram Bio And Profile Photo

Image credit: ThePreviewApp.com

Your bio and profile photo are two essential elements on your Instagram page. They are the first things users see when they visit your profile, so it’s necessary to make sure they are exciting and attractive. Though they may seem insignificant, your profile pic and bio can make or break whether a visitor stays on your page or moves on to the next account.

Your profile picture should be high-quality and showcase the theme of your blog. If you’re running a food blog, have a picture of your favorite dish. Or, if you run a lifestyle page, put a photo of yourself, so users know who they are interacting with. This photo will be the first representation of you, so make sure it encompasses what your blog is all about. 

When writing your bio, state your name or company name—you can also add your profession if you think users need more information. Your bio should show off your personality and your niche. Feel free to play around with fonts and emojis to add an extra kick. You should also add location and contact info so that it’s easier for users to find your services and connect with you. 

Make sure to add links to relevant websites or other profiles you are active on and regularly update your bio. You also should always test how your page looks on both desktop and mobile devices to ensure that both are compatible with your photo and bio.

Plan Your Instagram Blog Content

Plan Your Instagram Blog Content

Image credit: Planoly.com

Once you’ve chosen a niche and revamped your bio, it’s time to start creating content. Keep in mind that the best way to grow your Instagram following is by posting high-quality, engaging content relevant to your audience regularly—ideally every day. 

There are many ways to interact with your followers but figuring out what and when to post can be tricky. That’s where planning your content ahead of time comes in handy. 

Creating a schedule for your content will help you streamline your feed and post consistently. One of the best ways to ensure that your content is on-brand and engaging is by creating a content calendar. A monthly schedule will help you plan out your posts in advance, ensuring that you have a variety of content to share. You can use websites like Planonly to plan and schedule your Instagram posts.

Create Quality Media

Create Quality Media

Image credit: Business2community.com

Instagram is a super competitive platform, so your content must be visually appealing. Your Instagram feed is the first thing that will grab users' attention, so if your photos aren’t up to par, people will move on quickly. Taking quality photos can be challenging, but you can do a few things to make sure your posts look great. 

If you’re serious about running a successful Instagram blog, you should invest in photo equipment—using your phone can work for live videos and spur of the moment stories, but to elevate your content, you should be using professional equipment. You can also use photo editing apps like VSCO, FaceTune, and Adobe Lightroom to improve your photos. Make sure to use similar filters and color schemes to keep your feed looking cohesive and aesthetically pleasing.

Create Captivating Instagram Captions

Create Captivating Instagram Captions

Image credit: Blog.kicksta.co

Instagram is saturated with beautiful images so you'll want to add a unique touch with your captions. While having quality photos is the first step to a successful blog, well-written captions can make or break a post. Not only do captions provide context for your photos, but they should also be funny, inspiring, and thought-provoking. Captions are a great way to engage with your followers and start a conversation while showcasing your personality. 

Here are a few tips for writing captivating Instagram captions:

  • Be personal and relatable: Try to be honest and authentic with your followers by letting them into your daily life and inner thoughts. You can be vulnerable, share anecdotes from your life, or use humor to draw in users. If you appear authentic, your followers will feel like they’re looking at a friend’s post instead of a random internet stranger or dull influencer. 
  • Promote products without being spammy: Not every post should be a paid partnership or advertisement. While featuring products and tagging other brands in your posts is a great way to monetize your account, you don’t want to overwhelm your followers with ads and promotions. Strive to make most of your captions focused on your life and interests instead of products.
  • Include a call to action: Calls to action are an effective way to get users to interact with your page. Ask them to comment their thoughts, and make sure to reply to as many comments as you can (as well as direct messages). Involving your followers in the posts will help you connect with them and appear more authentic. 

If you're having trouble with writing captions, you can use tools like the Caption Writer app or outsource this work to copywriters using platforms like Fiverr.

Create A Community Around Your Instagram Blog

Create A Community Around Your Instagram Blog

Image credit: Venturebeat.com

Now that you’ve started creating quality content, it’s time to start building a community around your Instagram blog. The best way to do this is by engaging with your followers. Reply to their comments, run polls in your stories, and like their posts. You can start by interacting with similar accounts that you follow and with users you think would appreciate your content to draw attention to your blog.  

Another tip for building a community is by hosting giveaways and contests. These posts encourage followers to participate and help you build relationships with them. By giving followers a reason to interact with your page, you’re more likely to keep them engaged in the long run.

When running giveaways, you can create rules for entry that will increase user engagement, like following your page and tagging friends. This method is a low-cost way to get more traffic to your blog.

Use High-Performing Hashtags And Geotags

Use High-Performing Hashtags And Geotags

Image credit: Adweek.com

Hashtags are one of the best ways to get your content in front of a larger audience. Not only do they help you to reach people who aren't following you, but they can also increase the number of impressions your posts receive. To find relevant hashtags, you can use generators like All Hashtag

When choosing which hashtags to use, it’s essential to consider the most suitable options for your content. It would help if you used a mix of generic and branded hashtags—generic hashtags are more vague, like #foodie or #travelgram, while branded hashtags use your name or brand. Having a branded hashtag is fantastic for increasing engagement because it can help you connect with people already interested in your content.

Geotags are another feature you can use to reach more followers. All you have to do is tag the location of your photo—the more specific, the better. For example, if you’re a travel blogger posting from Paris, tagging your exact location (like the Eiffel Tower) instead of the city will still yield a lot of results when followers search the location, but not so many that they get overwhelmed or find irrelevant content. 

Incorporating relevant hashtags and geotags in your posts will allow you to reach a larger audience and hopefully increase your amount of Instagram followers. Using these tools is free and only takes a few minutes to add to your blog post, so it’s worth playing around with what hashtags and locations drive the most traffic to your blog.

Take Advantage Of All Of Instagram’s Features

Take Advantage Of All Of Instagram’s Features

Image credit: nytimes.com

In addition to regular posts, Instagram has other features to increase your reach and engagement, including Instagram Stories, highlight reels, Instagram TV, and Instagram Live. Taking advantage of all these tools will help you produce a higher volume of varied content to keep your followers excited and engaged. 

Instagram Stories are short pictures and video clips that stay on your page for 24 hours. You can use them to tease new products, give followers a behind-the-scenes look at your business, and post quick snaps of your everyday life without having to put much work into thinking of a caption. 

If you want to keep your stories permanently on your page, you can also create a highlight reel that you can curate to show your favorite stories based on locations and themes. For example, if you’re a travel blogger, you could have an entire reel dedicated to a specific country, or if you are a fitness blogger, a series of videos from your workout routine. 

Instagram TV is a feature that allows you to create long-form videos. It's perfect for sharing content like tutorials and product reviews or unboxings. You can also hop on Instagram live to connect with your followers in real time. Instagram Live is perfect for Q&A sessions and product launches since you’ll be able to read and address incoming comments as you stream your video. 

By using these all features for your blog on Instagram, you're more likely to reach a larger audience and keep followers engaged for the long run. You’ll have more freedom to be creative, interact with your audience, and add easily-accessible highlights to showcase your favorite moments.

How To Make Money On Instagram

How To Make Money On Instagram

Image credit: Thedmonline.com

Now that you know how to set up a blog on Instagram, it’s time to get into how you can monetize your account and start making a profit using the platform. Throughout the article, I’ve provided a few tricks, like partnering with brands for free merch and products, but there are additional ways to generate revenue on the app. 

Remember that running a blog on Instagram is not a get-rich scheme, but you can still use your blog as a side-hustle or a creative outlet that makes you extra cash. Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of making money on Instagram.

Sponsored Content

Image credit: Business2community.com

Sponsored content refers to posts you create that advertise for another brand, which you can do by tagging the company in your bio or their product in the photo. Paid partnerships are one of the most popular ways to make money with Instagram, and you can create content for companies in exchange for products, discounts, or cash.

Making connections is crucial so do your best to promote your blog and keep an eye out for companies that may want to be affiliated with your brand. The amount of income you make will depend on how many followers you have on your page—typically, the more you have, the better partnerships you will be offered. But don’t be afraid to reach out to brands and connect with companies whose values may align with your blog.

Affiliate Links

Affiliate Links

Image credit: Blog.kicksta.co

Affiliate marketing is the process of promoting products you are passionate about and making a percentage of any sales generated when users buy with your unique link. Usually, you will be given a code to share with your followers, which will allow companies to track the sales that come from your audience.

By referring your followers to different companies and products, you can receive a commission, usually up to 10% of the sale. Affiliate links are similar to sponsored posts but can increase your profit since they are not exclusively a one-time payment—the more people use your code to become customers, the more commissions you’ll make.

If you want to learn more about making money with these links, look no further than my guide on the best niches for affiliate marketing.

Sell Your Own Products And Services

Sell Your Own Products And Services

Image credit: Blog.hootsuite.com

Another way to make money on Instagram is by selling your products or services. You can promote anything from physical goods, like clothes and jewelry, to digital products, like e-books and courses. If you have a product or service that you think your followers would be interested in, you can promote it on your page and link to where they can purchase it. 

You can also take advantage of Instagram Shopping to create a store where you can sell your products directly to customers. A successful blog in conjunction with an online store can boost your earnings even more!

These are the primary ways to increase your income by blogging on Instagram but if you need more options, make sure to check out my video on how to make money on Instagram.

Benefits Of Starting A Blog On Instagram

As you can see, there are quite a few benefits to starting a blog on Instagram, from the ability to showcase your creativity to connecting with a large audience. Still not convinced? Here are some more perks of having an Instagram blog

  • Increased brand awareness and reach: By sharing high-quality content regularly, you can increase brand awareness, leading to more customers, especially if you are selling a product or service. Instagram makes it easy to reach an entirely new audience, whether by running ads or partnering with other brands. 
  • Trend awareness: Instagram is a great way to stay up-to-date on trends in your industry. You can use hashtags to find relevant content, and you can also follow accounts that share content similar to what you’re interested in. Connecting with these like-minded bloggers will help you pick up new strategies and techniques for your Instagram account.
  • Increased traffic: By sharing links in your Instagram bio and blog posts, you can increase traffic to other social media platforms, like Facebook and Twitter. If you have an online store or another passion project, it’s easy to promote it on your Instagram blog to drive more users to these sites.
  • Building relationships with followers: Instagram is one of the best ways to interact with your followers since you can communicate both on your profile and privately in your direct messages. By engaging with your followers and responding to their comments, you can build strong relationships that lead to more loyal customers.
  • Monetizing your hobbies: Chances are you’re already posting on a personal account about your daily life and interests, so making money off of your passions is an awesome benefit of running an Instagram blog. While you’ll have to put work into curating your profile, it’s well worth the time if you can make money doing what you love.

Downsides Of Blogging On Instagram

While there are tons of benefits of being an Instagram blogger, there are also some downsides to consider. Since Instagram is very saturated with people who have the same aspirations as you, make sure to be realistic about your prospects. 

Here are a couple of issues you may run into when trying to get your blog off the ground:

  • Follower growth can be slow: Unless you have a significant following to begin with, it can be challenging to get people to follow your blog. This issue can be discouraging, especially if you're putting a lot of effort into your posts. However, using the tips and tricks I’ve mentioned, you should be able to attract more users from your target audience.
  • Less control over the look of your page: On Instagram, you're limited to the way your page looks—you won’t be able edit the layout or make changes the way you would with a traditional blog. The simplicity of Instagram’s layout can save you time and money since you won’t have to code or pay for a domain. However, you may feel creatively stunted by the preset format and word limit for captions.
  • Frequent changes to the platform: Instagram is constantly changing, making it challenging to keep up with the latest trends and features. These updates can be frustrating, especially if you’re trying to grow your blog. Also, keep in mind that if your account is hacked or your password is lost, recovery of your profile may be difficult.

FAQ—How To Start An Instagram Blog

How Does An Instagram Blog Work?

Instagram blogs are typically creator profiles that include content centered around a specific niche or theme. Bloggers create a feed with Instagram posts using beautiful photos and captivating captions to share their passions and knowledge with their followers. Additionally, they can profit from partnering with other brands and selling their products and services.

How Do You Successfully Blog On Instagram?

To successfully run an Instagram blog, you can take a few steps. Here is the run-down of how to get started:

  • Convert to a creator account. Using a creator Instagram account will give you access to insights, allow you to create ads, and communicate more easily with followers.
  • Find your blogging niche. Monetize on your passion by creating content focused on a specific theme, like travel or fitness.
  • Redesign your Instagram bio and profile. Stand out with a clever bio that showcases your personality and brand mission, as well as a high-quality profile picture.
  • Plan your content. Make a calendar of your planned content to stay organized and on-brand.
  • Create quality media. Invest in high-quality equipment and use photo editing apps to take your photos to the next level.
  • Create captivating Instagram captions. Stand out with original and exciting captions that will help your followers gain insight into your personality and values.
  • Create a community around your blog. Reply to your followers, do live Q&As and engage with similar accounts to boost your follower count and build a loyal following.
  • Use high-performing hashtags and geotags. Take advantage of relevant hashtags and geotags to attract new users and share your content on the discover page.
  • Implement other Instagram features. Use Instagram stories, highlight reels, and Instagram live to diversify your content and connect with your followers.

How To Start A Food Blog On Instagram And Get Paid?

To start a food blog on Instagram and get paid, begin by selecting a niche within the food industry, such as vegan cuisine or baking. Create a visually appealing profile with high-quality photos and engaging captions. Consistently post content, utilize relevant hashtags, and engage with your audience. Collaborate with brands, participate in affiliate marketing, and explore sponsored posts. Focus on building a loyal following and offering valuable content.

  • What are some effective strategies for growing your Instagram following as a food blogger?
  • How can collaborations with brands benefit your food blog's monetization efforts?
  • What types of sponsored content opportunities are available for food bloggers on Instagram?

How To Start A Fitness Blog On Instagram?

Starting a fitness blog on Instagram involves defining your niche, whether it's bodybuilding, yoga, or home workouts. Create a visually appealing and cohesive profile showcasing your expertise and personality. Share informative and motivational content regularly, including workout routines, nutritional tips, and progress updates. Engage with your audience through comments, direct messages, and stories. Collaborate with fitness brands, offer online coaching services, and explore affiliate marketing opportunities.

  • What are some effective ways to engage and interact with your audience as a fitness blogger on Instagram?
  • How can you leverage Instagram features like IGTV and Reels to enhance your fitness content?
  • What are some potential revenue streams for monetizing a fitness blog on Instagram?

How To Start A Personal Blog On Instagram?

To start a personal blog on Instagram, determine your niche or focus area, such as travel, fashion, or personal development. Create a visually appealing profile that reflects your personality and interests. Share authentic and relatable content, including stories, experiences, and insights. Engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages, and by sharing user-generated content. Collaborate with like-minded creators, explore sponsored content opportunities, and consider offering consulting or coaching services.

  • How can you maintain authenticity and connection with your audience while running a personal blog on Instagram?
  • What are some effective strategies for finding and collaborating with other influencers in your niche?
  • How can you monetize a personal blog on Instagram without compromising its authenticity?

How To Start A Lifestyle Blog On Instagram?

Starting a lifestyle blog on Instagram involves defining your niche, such as minimalism, parenting, or travel. Create a visually cohesive profile that reflects your chosen lifestyle and resonates with your target audience. Share diverse content encompassing various aspects of your lifestyle, including tips, advice, and personal experiences. Engage with your audience through comments, direct messages, and polls. Collaborate with brands, offer sponsored content, and explore affiliate marketing opportunities.

How To Start A Beauty Blog On Instagram?

To start a beauty blog on Instagram, define your niche, such as skincare, makeup tutorials, or product reviews. Create a visually appealing profile with high-quality images and engaging captions. Share valuable content, including beauty tips, tutorials, and product recommendations. Engage with your audience by responding to comments, hosting Q&A sessions, and conducting polls. Collaborate with beauty brands, participate in affiliate marketing, and explore sponsored content opportunities.


Benefits Of Starting A Blog On Instagram

Image credit: Fashiontravelrepeat.com

Blogging on Instagram can be a fun and creative way to connect with followers, share your work, and make money. You can hone in on your interests and passions to connect with people interested in your content. 

Of course, there are some things to keep in mind when starting an Instagram blog, such as the pros and cons I looked at earlier. But with a bit of effort and research, you should be able to create a successful, profitable blog.

So what are you waiting for? Start your Instagram blog today! 

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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