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  • How To Get The Best ROI From Google Ads For Small Business

by Mike Vestil 

How To Get The Best ROI From Google Ads For Small Business

Google Ads can be a great way to promote your small business. With Google Ads, you can create ads that appear on Google when people search for terms related to your business. You can also target your ads to specific locations and demographics, and as such, these ads can be an effective way to reach new customers and grow your business.

That said, being selective about where you spend your marketing dollars is essential as a small business owner. That's why it's necessary to understand how Google Ads can work for your business before you invest any money in them.

In this article, I'll explore how Google Ads work and discuss some of the benefits of using Google Ads to promote your small business. I'll also provide some tips on how to create effective Google Ads campaigns so that you can get the most out of your investment.

Whether you want to use Google Ads to promote your Shopify store or increase leads for your B2B business, read on to learn more about how this advertising platform can work for you.

Let's get started.

Reasons Why Small Businesses Should Use Google Ads

The following are some of the top reasons why small business owners should use Google Ads.

Reasons Why Small Businesses Should Use Google Ads

Image Credit: http://engaiodigital.com

Google Ads are scalable, which means you can adjust your budget to meet your needs. If you find that a particular campaign is working well, you can increase your budget to see better results. Conversely, if a campaign is not performing as well as you'd like, you can decrease your budget or discontinue the campaign altogether.

One of the benefits of using Google Ads is that they can be more effective than SEO to drive traffic to your website. While SEO can take time to produce results, Google Ads can start driving traffic to your website almost immediately.

If you're looking for a way to generate traffic to your website quickly, Google Ads is a great option.

One point to mention is that if you're doing SEO for eCommerce, using Google Shopping Ads (in addition to your SEO) to get product listings in front of searchers who are ready to buy, is a great marketing combination.

Google Ads are also very measurable, which means you can track how well they are performing and make adjustments as needed. You can track how many people clicked on your ad, how much money you spent on the campaign, and how much revenue is generated.

Google Ads Are Measurable

Image Credit: http://growdigitalmarketing.com.au

This level of transparency allows you to make informed decisions about your campaigns and helps ensure that you're moving in the right direction.

Google Ads are also cost-effective, which means you can get a lot of bang for your buck. With Google Ads, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad, and you can set a budget that fits your needs.

This makes Google Ads an affordable option for small businesses with limited advertising budgets.

Another reason to use Google Ads is that they can drive more sales for your business. Studies have shown that companies who use Google Ads see a significant increase in sales. One study found that businesses saw a 33% increase in sales after using Google Ads.

Google Ads can also help build your brand awareness. When people see your ad, they will associate your company with their search terms. This can help increase brand awareness and generate more leads in the future.

Another benefit of using Google Ads is that they can help secure your brand name searches. When people search for your company name, they first want to find your website. With Google Ads, you can ensure that your website appears at the top of the search results for your brand name.

Google Ads Secures Brand Name Searches

Image Credit: http://hawksem.com

This can help increase traffic to your website and improve your branding efforts.

Uses Of Google Ads For Small Business

The above reasons might be compelling enough for you to want to give Google Ads a try. But what are some specific ways that small businesses can use Google Ads?

Here are a few ideas:

Use Google Ads To Drive Traffic To Your Website During Slow Periods

If your business is experiencing a lull in traffic, Google Ads can be a great way to drive more traffic to your website. By targeting people who are already interested in what you have to offer, you can quickly generate leads and sales.

This will help get your business back on track and improve your bottom line.

Use Google Ads To Promote Special Offers Or Discounts

If you have a special offer or discount that you want to promote, Google Ads can be a great way to reach people interested in what you have to offer. By targeting your ads to people already browsing products and services in your market, you can ensure that they see your ad and take advantage of your offer.

Use Google Ads To Generate Leads For Your Sales Team

You can also use Google Ads to generate leads for your sales team. By targeting people who are already interested in what you have to offer, you can quickly create a list of potential customers for your sales team. This can help increase sales and improve your bottom line. 

You might also generate leads and sell them to other businesses, marking up the cost it takes you to generate each lead.

Targeting Competitors With PPC Ads

If you want to take your marketing efforts up a notch, you can target your competitors with PPC ads. Your competitors are already spending money on marketing, so why not use that to your advantage?

You can 'steal' their customers and beat them at their own game by targeting their keywords and ads. While it might be a bit of a gray area, it can be effective if done correctly.

Testing Headlines And Messaging For Other Marketing

You can also use Google Ads to test different headlines and messaging for your other marketing efforts. By trying different combinations, you can see which ones are the most effective at generating leads and sales. This can help you improve your overall marketing strategy and get better results from your marketing budget.

Getting To Know Your Target Audience Better

One of the best things about Google Ads is that they allow you to get to know your target audience better. By targeting people who are already interested in what you offer, you can learn more about what they want and need, getting a deeper understanding of their problems as a result. If you're going to fine-tune your marketing efforts, Google Ads can be a great way to do it.

How To Run A Google Ads Campaign

Now that you know some of how small businesses can use Google Ads, let's look at how to run a campaign.

First, you'll need to create a Google ads account and set up your first campaign. You can do this by going to the Google Ads website and clicking on "Create an account."

From there, you'll need to select your campaign type, target location, and budget.

The Campaign Type

Your Google AdWords campaign type will determine how your ads are displayed. There are various types of campaigns:

  • Search Network: This option targets people already searching for what you have to offer. Google will display your ads on the Google search results page and other websites that partner with Google.
  • Google Display Network: This option targets people who are not actively searching for what you have to offer. Your ads will be displayed on websites that partner with Google, including millions of apps and websites across the web.
  • Shopping Campaigns: This option is for businesses that want to promote their products or services online. Your ads will be displayed as shopping results on Google, YouTube, and millions of other websites that partner with Google.
The Campaign Type

Image Credit: http://searchenginejournal.com

Targeting Options

You'll need to decide which campaign type is best for you and then set up your targeting options. Your targeting options will determine who sees your ad. There are a few different targeting options to choose from:

  • Location: You can target people based on their location, such as country, state, or city.
  • Keywords: You can target people based on the words they use in their search queries.
  • Interests: You can target people based on their interests, such as sports, travel, or cars.
  • Demographics: You can target people based on their age, gender, or parental status.
  • Time of day: You can target people based on the time of day they're most likely to be online.
Targeting Options

Image Credit: http://searchengineland.com

At this stage, deciding which targeting options are best for you is crucial when it comes to creating your ad.

Your Budget

A successful business online with an online advertising campaign needs to have a clear idea of the budget. Otherwise, there may be a lot of wasted money that comes out of the business owner's pocket.

Your Google Ads campaign budget will determine how much you spend on your ads each day. You can also set the maximum amount you wish to pay throughout your campaign.

It would help if you also kept in mind that your budget affects your ad ranking. Typically, the higher your budget, the higher your ad rank. This means that your ad will be more likely to be displayed and clicked on.

In addition, you can use bid adjustments to target a specific audience. For example, you can increase your budget for people of a particular gender, income, or even age range.

Google ads work by having the advertiser spend a fixed price for each ad click, and Google determines how high or low the ad is placed in its search engine. This is usually based on how much the Google AI thinks the click is worth and varies per industry. 

While the above holds true, it's essential to keep in mind that you don't have to spend more than you can afford when setting your budget. You can start with a small budget and increase it over time as you see more success.

Creating Your Ad Group

After you've determined your campaign type, targeting options, and budget, you're ready to create your ad group. An ad group is a collection of ads that share a common theme or target a specific audience.

Your ad group can also include one or more ads that make sense to be grouped together. There is also a common destination URL where you want people to go when they click on your ad. 

You'll also need to create a keyword list for your ad group. A keyword list is a collection of words and phrases related to your product or service. Your keywords will help Google determine which search queries your ad should be displayed for.

Creating Your Ad Group

Image Credit: http://support.google.com

When creating your ad group, it's essential to ensure that all components are aligned. For example, your ad group should have a similar budget, target audience, and keyword list. This will help you track your progress and ensure that your ads perform well.

You also have the option to include negative keywords, which are words and phrases that you don't want your ad to be displayed for. This can help you avoid targeting people who aren't interested in your product or service.

Finding negative keywords for search ads is partly a matter of trial and error, but some tools can help. The AdWords Keyword Planner is an excellent place to start, as it will show you how many people are searching for each keyword. You can also use the Google Search Console (GSC) for more keywords. While GSC is typically more closely related to SEO, this tool can give you ideas to help brainstorm negative keywords related to your PPC advertising.

Writing Your Ad

Writing Your Ad

Image Credit: http://kinsta.com

Now that you've created your ad group, it's time to write your ad. Your ad needs to have the landing page include, the headline over two lines, and the description. The description is typically the bulk of the ad.

The description should also include a short call to action. A call to action tells the person reading your ad what they should do next. For example, "Learn more," "Sign up now," or "Buy today."

Your ad should also include a keyword or phrase related to your product or service. This will help Google determine which search queries your ad should be displayed for.

When writing your ad, it's essential to keep in mind the following tips:

  • Make sure your ad is relevant to your target audience
  • Include a call to action
  • Keep your ad concise
  • Make sure your ad is well written and easy to understand
  • Have only one idea in it

Also, split testing your paid ads and seeing which test gives you better results will allow you to adjust your marketing angle accordingly.

Don't Forget About Your Landing Page

While the above information is essential for creating your ad, don't forget about your landing page. Your landing page is the website where people go when they click on your ad. It's essential to ensure that your landing page is well designed and relevant to your ad.

When using Google Ads, various Landing Page Test tools are used to determine how well your landing page converts visitors into customers. These tools will help you identify problems with your landing page and make changes to improve your conversion rate.

In addition to using the right keywords on your PPC campaigns, a great way to ensure you maximize your advertising budget is to have excellent ad copy on your landing pages. Similar to the ideas given above when writing your ad, the ad copy on your landing page is crucial.

Don't Forget About Your Landing Page

Image Credit: http://leadpages.com

This is the text on your landing page that will determine the first impression people get and is your chance to convince them about giving you more of their time.

Excellent ad copy is the difference between a person moving along the customer journey (and potentially buying your products or services) or moving on to one of your competitors. Here are some further considerations when it comes to your landing page.

Use Keyword-Rich Titles That Accurately Reflect The Content Of Your Ad

Keyword-rich titles will help you target your ads more effectively and help potential customers understand what your ad is about. Make sure that your title accurately reflects the content of your ad and that you address the most significant pain point that your potential customer has.

Write Clear, Concise, And Persuasive Descriptions

Your description should be clear, concise, and compelling. It should tell the reader what you're offering, why they should buy it, and how they can easily do so. Use the active voice and strong calls to action to encourage click-throughs.

Focus On The Benefits Of Your Product Or Service, Not Just The Features

When writing your ad copy, focus on the benefits of your product or service rather than just the features. Tell the reader how your product or service will make their life better and why it's the best choice for them.

Use Strong Calls To Action To Encourage Click-Throughs

Your ad should have a solid call to action that encourages potential customers to click through. Be clear about what you want the reader to do, and make it easy for them to do it.

You can create effective landing pages that will help your target customer become an actual one by following these tips.

Digital Marketing Tools For Small Businesses

Now that you know how to create effective Google Ads, it's time to start thinking about other digital marketing tools that can help you reach your target audience and potentially make the ad creation process more straightforward.

Several digital marketing tools are available to small businesses, and the right mix of tools will depend on your business goals and objectives.

Here are some digital marketing tools that may be helpful for your small business:

  • Google Analytics: This free tool from Google can help you track your website traffic, understand where your visitors are coming from, and see how they interact with your site. You can use such information to improve your website and ensure that it's reaching its full potential.
  • Google Business Profile: This free tool from Google allows you to create a business profile for your company. Your business profile can include basic information about your company, such as its address and website, as well as customer reviews and ratings.
  • Ahrefs/Semrush: These tools can help you research your competition and see what keywords they're targeting in their campaigns. As a result, you can use this information to create more effective ads of your own.
  • Email marketing software: Email marketing can be a great way to connect with your customers and promote your products or services. In addition to the standard email marketing benefits like building relationships and staying top of mind, email marketing can also help you create timely marketing campaigns and provide customers with the right information at the right time.
  • Canva: Canva is a graphic design tool that can be used to create professional-looking images for your website, social media accounts, and marketing materials.

Digital marketing tools can be a great way to reach your target audience and grow your small business. Choose the right mix of tools for your business, and don't be afraid to experiment to see what works best for you.

Costly Google Ads Mistakes To Avoid

To be successful with Google Ads, you need to follow best practices and also avoid making costly mistakes. While I have already touched briefly on some errors to avoid in this article, I want to go into more detail about some of the most common and costly mistakes that small businesses make with Google Ads.

  • Not using negative keywords: Negative keywords are essential for ensuring that your ads are only shown to relevant searchers. Without negative keywords, your ad could be shown to people who are not interested in what you're selling, which would be a grand waste of money. Make sure to add the relevant negative keywords to your PPC campaign to ensure that your ads are targeted to the right people.
  • Bidding too low: If you bid too low on your keywords, your ads may not be shown at all. Make sure to set your bids high enough to be competitive but not so high that you're spending more than you can afford.
  • Not using ad extensions: Ad extensions are a great way to increase your click-through rate and improve your ROI. Make sure to use all of the available ad extensions for your campaigns, and test different combinations to see which work best.
  • Focusing on the wrong metrics: It's essential to focus on the right metrics when measuring the success of your Google Ads campaigns. Don't focus exclusively on clicks or impressions; instead, measure your campaigns' conversion rate and ROI to get a better idea of their effectiveness.
  • Not tracking results: One of the biggest mistakes businesses make with Google Ads is not tracking their results. Without tracking data, it's impossible to know whether or not your campaigns are successful. Make sure to track all relevant data points to understand better how your campaigns are performing.
  • Not testing bidding strategies: There are a variety of bidding strategies available in Google Ads, and it's essential to experiment with different techniques to see which one works best for your business.
  • Creating only one ad variation: It's essential to create multiple ad variations to test different messaging and target different segments of your audience.
  • Ignoring regional trends: Depending on your business, it may be essential to consider regional trends when creating your Google Ads campaigns.
  • Not using Google Experiments: Google Experiments are a great way to test different aspects of your campaigns and see what works best for your business. Make sure to use this tool to improve your campaigns and get the most out of your Google Ads ad spend.

You can ensure that your Google Ads campaigns are successful and profitable by avoiding the above mistakes.


Using Google ads for a small business can be a great way to reach new customers and grow your business.

While understanding the potential mistakes to avoid, make sure you experiment with different strategies and tactics to see what works best for you.

In addition, if you're not obsessively tracking your results, you won't be able to know whether or not your campaigns are successful. Make sure to track all of the relevant data points to better understand how your campaigns are performing.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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