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  • Amazon Product Research: The Best Tools

by Mike Vestil 

Amazon Product Research: The Best Tools

Amazon is the leader in online retail, and it’s not hard to see why. They have a huge selection of products that are often very competitively priced. When you’re looking for something new to buy on Amazon, chances are you’ll find what you want at a price that can’t be beaten anywhere else online (or even offline). 

As an online business owner, the only problem with this service is that it makes product research more difficult than ever before because there are so many options available. This means finding the perfect item has become increasingly time-consuming — that is, unless you know how to do your research properly. 

If you want to save yourself hours of wasted time and effort, then we strongly recommend using some of the powerful tools we’ll mention below when it comes to product research. By doing so, you’ll never waste another second searching again and wondering whether a product will be a hit or miss.

What Is Amazon Product Research?

Product research involves studying many products available on the market and then picking out the one that offers the most value for your money. This product could be just about anything: from a particular brand of coffee maker to the latest smartwatch. 

It’s not always easy to know which product will offer more value since there are so many options available. For example, when you’re shopping online, it can be difficult to determine whether a $300 smartwatch will provide any better features than a $140 model from another retailer. 


Image credit: https://www.smallbizdaily.com/

It’s all about doing your research properly so you don’t waste too much time trying different products. In other words, we’re trying to make the process risk-free (or as risk-free as possible). 

Moreover, if you want to ensure you’re getting a competitive price, then doing product research for Amazon products is even more important. The fact is that many people are loyal to particular brands, so they’ll wait until their favorite item goes on sale. This means prices can vary dramatically depending on what the market will bear at any given moment in time.

You may also find that different dealers around the world offer very different prices for an item, especially when it comes to electronic goods like smartphones or computers. By doing your homework beforehand, you can get a great deal instead of paying full price.

The truth is that financial freedom starts with product research. That’s why learning how to do it properly and with the right tools is crucial. 

What Makes a Successful Amazon Product Research?

If you want to do product research on Amazon and get the best deal possible, then it’s important to consider all the available options before making your decision. To be successful at this, three main factors should be top of mind when researching for products: price, quality and value.

Amazon Product Research Tools – Price

Price is very important because if something costs too much, then people simply won’t buy it. Even if a product has great features, if its price tag is prohibitively high, then it can only have limited appeal. 

Also, many online shoppers like to wait and see how good something is before pulling out their wallets. This means even if an item looks like a bargain now, its price could increase in a matter of days. This means that you might either want to get in early or see what the consumer’s reaction is to get in at a later stage — it all depends on your game plan.

Amazon Product Research Tools – Quality

Quality is another thing you must consider when doing product research on Amazon. 

After all, no matter how good a price is, if the item isn’t practical or well-made it will quickly become useless and inefficient. Even worse, if an item has a major defect, then you’ll end up wasting your money even if it does have a great price tag.

When researching for products we recommend looking at both user reviews and professional reviews to see what previous buyers thought of an item, before going out and making your purchase. If there are any technical problems with it, such as complaints about a certain part not working properly, then this should be taken into account before buying.

Amazon Product Research Tools – Value

Value is the final factor to keep in mind when doing product research for new items. To find out what value means, you need to only look at what your needs are and how this item will help you reach them. 

Here are some questions that can help determine if a particular product has true value: 

1) Does it fulfill my needs?

This means that you must do your research to find out how this product will help you reach your personal or professional goals. Alternatively, think about people’s desires when buying a product to understand if the item you are researching could satisfy that desire. 

Product research means understanding which features and benefits are important to potential buyers. At the same time, consider why someone would buy such a product, rather than one made by its competitors.

 2) Is it going to save me money in the long run? 

Spending a little bit of extra money upfront may seem wasteful but it could save you dollars in the long run. After all, if something is going to help you out regularly, then it’s probably worth spending that little bit more money upfront, rather than buying something cheap and ending up with buyer’s remorse later on.

 3) Is it going to save me time? 

Does this product have many features I can use very quickly without having to spend a lot of time figuring them out? If a product is going to save you time over the long run then you should consider buying it. If it takes a lot of effort for you to figure out exactly how something works or why it was made a certain way, then this is probably not what you are looking for.

4) Does it have good reviews from previous users? 

Reviews are crucial to go through before making a final decision. Ask yourself: Do the main reviews mention anything negative about the item that could come up again in the future? 


Image Credit: http://blog.repricer.com

Saving yourself the trouble of doing product research for Amazon products by using one of the below tools is a no-brainer. However, you still need to ask yourself crucial questions to ensure that you are on the right track before making a final decision. 

3 Tips and Tactics for Effective Product Research

Let’s now speak about three crucial tips and tactics for effective product research.

Check Out the “Customers Also Bought” and “Frequently Bought Together” Sections for Accurate Direction When Doing Your Research

The “Customers Also Bought” section is great for finding out what products are popular with other customers or being bought at the same time as your main choices.

By looking at this section, you can make informed decisions about which products are likely to succeed and which ones won’t with your target audience, saving yourself a lot of time and effort.

Also, many times there is a “Frequently Bought Together” section in the middle of the page. Sometimes these deals are found below, sometimes they’re above or even to the right of the main listing.

The point is that you can use this section to understand what goes well with the main product that you’re considering, giving you more data to think about when doing your research. 

By understanding your customers better, any final decision you make (when it comes to product research) will be more on point with what your target customers really want. 

Use Resources Such as eBay’s Trending Lists

Even though you’re researching Amazon, checking out what’s happening on eBay — when it comes to the same items you’re considering — is a great way to get more information for your product research.

Check Out What Is Happening on AliExpress Through Their Bestsellers

Don’t forget about a great option like AliExpress. It is worth spending a few moments on the newsfeed and checking what is the most frequently bought product. These can be very useful for finding out if you should include this product in your niche or not.

By doing so, you can also see if your competition is already working with this particular product. Moreover, it’s a great way to find new sellers who are selling the products that you need, and in some cases even cheaper than the big giants on Amazon.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Tool

Let’s now look at some factors that will help you choose the best tool for your needs.


The first step in choosing a great product research tool is deciding exactly what features you need before choosing one that has them. Here are some essential features:

1) Is it easy to navigate?    

You don’t want a process that’s too time-consuming or complex, since you’re going to be using this tool multiple times every day. 

2) Can I easily change the search parameters?    

This is always important because you never know what will work best for your product research needs.

3) Does the item’s popularity grow and shrink over time? 

If so, do I need to track historical data as well as current data? For example, if you’re selling toys based on popular movies, then the number of people searching for them is likely to fluctuate depending on how old/new the movie is. 

For example, if you are trying to decide whether to sell a new toy model or an older one (that might be trending again), you need to ensure that the tool you choose gives you the right historical data and also the means to understand how such data should be interpreted.


You want a great database to get access to more products than you could find yourself without one. Look for a tool with at least several million products in it — the bigger this number, the better.

Some of the best tools out there have databases that are constantly growing.


Pricing is the next thing you need to look at when choosing which product research tools are right for you. If not free, how much do they cost? Can you afford them or do you need to use the free version first?

Speaking of money, if making 300 USD per day is something you’re interested in (maybe this money can go towards some of the tools needed for your Amazon research), then definitely check out the above link to get started.

Countries and Languages Supported

Most good product research tools are available in U.S. and UK English, as well as German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian and Dutch. If your main market is somewhere else or if you just want a tool that meets the needs of users all over the world from day one, this is an important point to consider.

Tool Comparison and Review

Here are some of the best tools to use when it comes to doing your Amazon product research.

Helium 10


Helium 10 provides the best tools to the Amazon seller. Black Box (which is one of the tools within the Helium product) is a finding and research tool that uses filters to identify products that fit your industry’s specific markets. 

Another tool, known as Trendsetters, makes it possible to check seasonal demand, year-round sales and price movements. Cerebro offers thousands of searchable keywords, allowing you to look at search volume to see what’s in demand. 

They offer several analytics features that include competitor analyses and an alert tool that can protect you from product hijackers. In addition, they provide email automation in many of their templates.

IO Scout


IO Scout integrates many options for Amazon sellers including a product finder and product tracker, Amazon FBA calculator and word search tools for Amazon. Use filters to find high-margin products with limited competition, bookmark products, and save filters. You can also add resources that let you quickly find products’ suppliers. 

The tools for history and trends are awesome — they allow you to check seasonal patterns, price movements, and market trends. They also provide several extra features like sales forecasting, a search optimization tool, and listings. All of a sudden you can calculate what fees your company will be.



AMZbase is a software tool to help you find products that you can sell on Amazon. It allows sellers to quickly locate the ASIN and title of items listed on Amazon. 

It also allows you quick access to Google results to product listings in CamelCamelCamel, Alibaba, AliExpress and eBay. It can also calculate FBA fees and total profits.

If you’re looking for an Amazon FBA product research tool that you can start using for free, this is a good tool to consider.



JungleScout is an all-in-one Amazon software that helps you get ideas for something before you launch. It is a tool that takes you from your first concept to launching your product and can also help you develop your products further.



SellerApp contains a host of tools for making Amazon selling easier. Market research tools allow you to use the “advanced product intelligence” to locate low-risk products with a high competitive advantage. Sales tools include PPC payment tools, a keyword tracking tool that allows you to check your listing’s rank for their keywords, and an Amazon listing optimization tool to verify the quality. 

The dashboard provides you with an excellent idea about the metrics related to business performance and actionable insights for improvement

Summary: The Best Amazon Product Research Tool

In conclusion, you should also remember that your Amazon product research isn’t going to be perfect every time. Products rise and fall, trends change, and all of these factors can make it tricky to figure out what is the best tool.

With that said, you can control how much effort you put into product research and how much time you sacrifice towards learning the best way to do it. Every hour that you spend on product research is going to be well worth it — since this will help you figure out which products to sell on Amazon (or even any other marketplace).

Get started with your Amazon product research today!

Finally, if you’re interested in learning how to use the Silver Lining Method to start making $10/day and keep increasing that number till it’s $1000+/day and more, then check out the webinar right here.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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