When people begin to stalk me on my Instagram,
one of the most common questions I get asked is:
“Mike, you travel so much, how much does all of it cost to travel the world?“
Well my fellow freedom fighters, the answer may surprise you. Find out in today’s video.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhWi5flqMTA[/embedyt]
Newbie Entrepreneur? Learn The Simple Tactic I Used To Make an Extra $1K Per Day While Traveling the World
What’s up my fellow freedom fighters?
Today, we are going to talk about How Much It Actually Cost to Travel the World Indefinitely.
I was looking at my comments section on Youtube the other day and I got a question from an amazing freedom fighter named, Malan Short, where she said:
“Mike, great content! I just subbed earlier and keep coming back to your video’s… Very nostalgic/inspiring feeling for me… But I would love to know more about your travels… Like how much does it cost to travel the world? How often do you switch cities/countries? Do you stay in hotels or with friends? Etc I’m super curious, My dream is the life you are living lol… Much love!”
Thank you so much for asking those questions, Malan!
Before I actually jump into answering the first question, you have to understand this one COMMON MISCONCEPTION:
Everyone thinks that you need a lot of money to live a lifestyle of just traveling the world while making a bunch of money at the same time.
Guys, you don’t!
Truth is, what I spend on a daily or monthly basis is a lot less like what my friends back in the states are actually spending on.
How much does it cost to travel the world?
At the end of the day, all you really need to do is to create an online business in order to make $1000 to $3000 a month.
And you could travel as long as you want..
As far as you want..
And as much as you want!
There are two factors that dictate HOW MUCH WILL IT COST when you decide to travel.
Let’s say you are going to places like Southeast Asia or in Europe.
Europe is going to be a lot expensive since the cost of living there is very high.
Whereas in Southeast Asia like Thailand or the Philippines, it’s definitely going to be a lot cheaper.
Factor #2: DURATION
Now if you’re going in and out between cities..
Or if you’re going and taking in many flights, then for sure it’s gonna be more expensive.
But if you just sit back and relax, you’ll save a lot of excess expenses. This is especially crucial to those that are new to making money online while traveling.
Do you stay in hotels or with friends?
One of the biggest things that you should do is to FIND A PLACE THAT YOU LIKE so that you could stay there for a longer period of time.
I used to do binge traveling and I was literally in and out of cities within two or three days. But personally, I didn’t really find it that fulfilling.
That’s because I prefer staying in a place for an extended period of time. That gives me the time and opportunity to learn a new skill or maybe learn their language.
For example when I was in Thailand, I was focusing on Muay Thai and Salsa dancing lessons.
And now that I’m here in Krakow, Poland.. I’m also trying to learn how to cook and speak some of Polish words. And that’s all because I preferred to stay longer rather than just do binge traveling.
So since I’m starting to really like it here in Krakow, Poland.. I got myself an Airbnb for an extended time until the next month.
This entire place where I’m staying right now is only $70 a month!
And the craziest thing is that it’s a lot less than what people are spending on their rent back in the states.
What you guys need to learn from this is…
That’s because, odds are, you’re going to start spending a lot less than what you would normally spend back in the US.
How long do I typically stay in cities and countries?
It depends.
Sometimes, I like doing binge traveling and also seeing a bunch of countries or cities all at once.
At the end of the day, it really didn’t feel that fulfilling just going in and out of the cities or counties. It prevents me from understanding the culture of that particular country.
It makes me feel that I’m just one of those surface-level tourists.
Whenever I want to go somewhere, I want to really EMBRACE THE CULTURE.
I prefer not to just go to the bars and meet other travelers. I want to meet the people that actually live in the country.
Because the coolest thing for me why I love traveling is so I can build relationships with people. So when I come back to the country, I’m not just visiting that country.
It’s almost like I already have a second home!
It’s really cool that almost wherever you are in the world, you have a friend that you could be there for, and those that can be there for you, too!
So for Malan, before I end this response. .
I don’t want you to think that this lifestyle is unattainable. Because the thing is, it’s a lot easier than a lot of people can imagine.
The only thing is WE WERE NEVER TAUGHT this different way of thinking…
This nomadic way of thinking of being a minimalist and just having what it is that you own in a backpack.
Because it’s all about collecting EXPERIENCES instead of THINGS.
So don’t let the unknown stop you from actually trying.
So guys, hopefully that helps!
If you have questions and you want me to answer them in this Ask Mike Segment, leave me a comment below!
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