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  • The Basics: What is a Corporation and How Does it Function?

by Mike Vestil 

The Basics: What is a Corporation and How Does it Function?

A corporation is a type of business entity that is organized and registered as a separate legal entity from its owners. This means that corporations can own assets, enter into contracts, and be held liable for legal action on their own, distinct from the people who own or manage them.

From small, closely-held companies to multinational conglomerates, corporations play a major role in modern economies and society as a whole. In this article, we will delve deeper into the world of corporations, exploring their origins, structures, benefits, and drawbacks.



A corporation can be defined as a legal entity that is separate and distinct from its owners. It has its own rights, privileges, and liabilities that are separate from those of its owners. The key feature of a corporation is its ability to raise capital through the sale of shares of ownership, known as stocks, to investors.

The shareholders own a portion of the corporation and elect a board of directors to manage the company on their behalf. Corporations are created and governed under state laws and can issue debt, sue and be sued, and enter into contracts. They can exist in perpetuity, meaning they do not dissolve when their owners die or sell their shares.

Instead, their ownership simply changes hands. One of the benefits of incorporating a business is that it limits the personal liability of the owners. In a corporation, the shareholders’ liability is limited to the amount of money they have invested in the company. This means that their personal assets are protected from the company’s debts and other obligations.


The history of corporations dates back to ancient Rome, where they were created as legal entities separate from their owners. Over time, corporations flourished in Europe, particularly in the form of guilds, which were associations of craftsmen and merchants. In the United States, corporations began to emerge in the late 18th century, and they were initially viewed with suspicion by many Americans who saw them as vehicles for corrupt business practices.

Nevertheless, corporations continued to proliferate, and by the late 19th century, they had become some of the most powerful entities in American society, with enormous influence over politics, economics, and culture.

One of the key factors in the growth of corporations was the development of limited liability, which meant that shareholders were only responsible for the debts of the corporation up to the amount of their investment. This made it easier for corporations to raise capital, as investors could put their money into the company without fear of losing more than they had invested. Another important development was the rise of industrialization, which created a new class of entrepreneurs who saw the potential for large-scale production and distribution of goods.

Throughout the 20th century, corporations continued to evolve and adapt to changing economic and social conditions. They expanded their operations globally, established new industries, and developed new technologies. At the same time, they faced new challenges, such as increased government regulation, labor disputes, and environmental concerns.

Today, corporations are ubiquitous in modern society, and they play a critical role in the global economy. They come in many different forms, from small family-owned businesses to large multinational conglomerates. Regardless of their size or structure, they are all governed by laws and regulations designed to protect the interests of shareholders, employees, and society as a whole. Understanding the history of corporations is essential for anyone who wants to understand the dynamics of modern business and the impact that corporations can have on the world around us.

Types of Corporations

A corporation is a legal entity that is created to conduct business in the market. Corporations come in different types, each with its unique characteristics and requirements. Understanding the different types of corporations is crucial in determining which type best suits your business needs. Public corporations are owned and operated by the government and are created for public purposes such as building and maintaining infrastructure.

Private corporations, on the other hand, are owned by private individuals or groups of individuals and are created for private profit-making purposes. Non-profit corporations, also known as not-for-profit corporations, are formed to operate an entity in a not-for-profit manner, and they do not distribute any profits to individuals or shareholders. Lastly, foreign corporations are entities that are created in one jurisdiction but operate in another. They are required to register with the foreign state before they can conduct business legally.

In general, a corporation is a separate and distinct legal entity from its owners. Corporations can own property, borrow money, and enter into contracts. The shareholders of a corporation hold shares of stock that represent their ownership in the corporation. Each corporation has a board of directors that manages its affairs and makes important business decisions. The board of directors appoints the officers of the corporation, who are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the corporation.

Public corporations, also known as government corporations, are created by the government to fulfill certain public purposes. They typically operate in areas that are essential to the public, such as transportation, utilities, and infrastructure. Public corporations are owned by the government, and their profits are usually used to finance public projects.

Private corporations, on the other hand, are created for private profit-making purposes. They are owned by private individuals or groups of individuals and are typically created to conduct business in a specific industry or market.

Non-profit corporations are created to operate an entity in a not-for-profit manner, and they do not distribute any profits to individuals or shareholders. Their purpose can be charitable, educational, or scientific. Non-profit corporations are managed by a board of directors, just like for-profit corporations. However, instead of shareholders, non-profit corporations have members who elect the board of directors. The officers of a non-profit corporation are responsible for its day-to-day operations, just like for-profit corporations.

Foreign corporations are entities that are created in one jurisdiction but operate in another. They are required to register with the foreign state before they can conduct business legally. Each state has different requirements for foreign corporations, and it is essential to comply with these requirements to avoid penalties or legal issues. Foreign corporations are subject to the laws of the state in which they are registered and the laws of the state in which they operate.

Formation of a Corporation

Incorporation Process

The incorporation process is the legal process of forming a corporation. This process involves several steps and often requires the assistance of legal professionals. The first step of the incorporation process is the filing of the articles of incorporation with the state in which the corporation will be located. The articles of incorporation typically include information about the corporation’s name, purpose, registered agent, and the number and types of authorized shares of stock. The state will review the articles of incorporation and issue a certificate of incorporation once all requirements are met.

Another critical document required in the incorporation process is the bylaws. The bylaws are the internal rules of the corporation and outline the procedures for conducting corporate meetings, electing directors, and appointing officers. The bylaws also establish the rights and responsibilities of the shareholders, directors, and officers. The bylaws of a corporation are legally binding and must be followed by all members of the corporation.

Corporate governance is an essential aspect of the incorporation process. This refers to the system of rules, policies, and practices that control how the corporation is directed and controlled. The three main components of corporate governance are the board of directors, officers, and shareholders.

The board of directors is responsible for overseeing the management of the corporation and making strategic decisions. The officers are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the corporation and implementing the policies and decisions made by the board. The shareholders are the owners of the corporation and have the right to vote on important matters such as electing directors and approving major transactions.

The incorporation process is complex and requires careful planning and execution. Failing to follow the proper procedures can result in legal and financial consequences for the corporation and its owners. Therefore, it is crucial to seek the advice of legal professionals with experience in corporate law to ensure compliance with all legal requirements.

Articles of Incorporation

The Articles of Incorporation is a vital document that outlines the essentials of a corporation’s existence. It is essentially a legal declaration that outlines the corporation’s name, purpose, business location, structure, and shareholder information. The Articles of Incorporation must be filed with the appropriate regulatory authority for a corporation to become a legal entity.

The requirements to form a corporation differ from state to state, but some common details must be included, such as the registered agent’s name and address, the number of shares authorized, and the names and addresses of the initial directors. Because the Articles of Incorporation is a legally binding document, it must be drafted with precision and accuracy.

The Articles of Incorporation is the corporation’s foundation document, and it establishes the corporation’s legal structure, powers, and objectives. The Articles of Incorporation outlines the most fundamental characteristics of a corporation.

The number of shares available to the corporation is specified in the Articles of Incorporation, and it is the starting point for determining the corporation’s worth. The Articles of Incorporation often specify the shares’ classes, including preferred and common shares, and the share’s par value. It may also set forth any limit on shareholder liability for corporate debts.

Furthermore, the Articles of Incorporation determines the corporation’s jurisdiction and governance structure. Each state has its own set of statutes regulating corporations, and the Articles of Incorporation must be compliant with these regulations. If the corporation intends to operate in other jurisdictions, supplementary filings may be required.

The Articles of Incorporation also specifies how the corporation will be run, including the board of directors and officers’ roles and responsibilities. Lastly, the Articles of Incorporation commonly contains other essential organizational details, such as the corporation’s purpose, the duration of its existence, and the initial corporate officers’ names and addresses.

The Articles of Incorporation is a founding document that lays the foundation of the corporation. It’s a legally recognized document that defines the corporation’s legal structure, powers, and objectives. The Articles of Incorporation is an essential part of the incorporation process and incorporates the corporation, granting it legal status. The Articles of Incorporation is the cornerstone of the corporation, and it must be drafted with care and precision to ensure that the corporation is created according to applicable laws and regulations.


Bylaws are the specific rules and regulations that govern how a corporation operates. The bylaws typically contain information about the corporation’s internal affairs, such as the process for electing directors, the responsibilities of officers, and the procedures for holding shareholder meetings. One of the primary functions of bylaws is to establish the framework for how important decisions are made within the corporation.

Bylaws help to ensure that decision-making processes are transparent, fair, and consistent. In addition to outlining the corporation’s decision-making processes, bylaws may also contain information about the corporation’s capital structure, financial reporting requirements, and other important matters. It is important for corporations to have comprehensive and well-written bylaws in order to promote good corporate governance and avoid potential legal disputes.

Corporate Governance

In corporate governance, the management of the corporation is entrusted to the board of directors, which is mandated to guide corporate policies, objectives, and overall decision-making processes. To effectively meet this mandate, the board of directors is expected to have a clear understanding of the corporation’s activities, with the requisite skills and experiences to evaluate and address the principal risks facing the entity.

This responsibility is complemented by the board’s oversight of the corporation’s financial performance, through the approval of major financial decisions, and the supervision of the officers who manage day-to-day operations. Corporate governance also involves upholding the interests of the shareholders who own the company, ensuring that the board of directors is accountable to them and the corporation’s stakeholders.

Additionally, the board of directors must promote transparency and accountability in the corporation’s activities, adhering to strict regulatory standards and policies. Governance procedures are essential for sound control, management, and strategic direction, providing the framework that enables corporations to achieve their objectives, while meeting the expectations of shareholders and other stakeholders.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Corporation


The Corporation is an iconic form of business organization that has been enjoyed by entrepreneurs for its diversified advantages over other forms of business structures. Corporations are legal entities with the ability to exercise rights similar to humans, such as the ability to enter into contracts, sue or be sued, incur liabilities, and own assets that are separate from its shareholders.

Advantages of a corporation include limited liability for shareholders or owners, perpetual existence, access to capital markets, broad management pool, and enhanced credibility in the eyes of the public, vendors and suppliers who are more inclined to do business with corporate entities. One of the most significant benefits of a corporation is that it offers personal asset protection for shareholders, unlike sole proprietorships, partnerships or limited liability companies where the owners bear the brunt of the business failure.

Corporation shareholders have limited liability and are only liable for the amount they invested in the company. Another benefit of the corporation is a perpetual existence that is untethered from the life span of an individual, unlike other forms of business structures that are dissolved when the owner dies. As a separate legal entity, corporations can raise finances through stock shares, bonds, or other securities. They are also considered a valuable source of long-term financing for entrepreneurs who can access venture capital firms or angel investors.

The broad-based management structure of corporations means that the business can outlive its founder, managers or board members, since new individuals can be appointed and fill the vacuum. Finally, corporations enjoy a more credible profile in the eyes of the public, as well as vendors and suppliers who are more willing to do business with a corporation than a sole proprietorship or partnership. These are just some of the advantages that make the corporation a preferred business structure by entrepreneurs seeking to shield their personal assets, access financial capital markets, and create a sustainable business entity.


While corporations have many advantages, there are also several notable disadvantages that must be considered. One of the primary disadvantages is the potential for conflict of interest between shareholders and the general public. Shareholders are focused on maximizing value and profits for themselves, which can lead to decisions that harm the broader community or environment. For example, a corporation might cut costs by using cheaper, environmentally harmful production methods, even if it means polluting local waterways or contributing to global climate change.

Another disadvantage is the limited liability protection, which can incentivize corporations to take risks that might not be in the best interest of the public. Without the threat of personal liability, corporate executives might be more likely to engage in behaviors that prioritize short-term gains over long-term stability. Additionally, corporations can be slower to adapt to changing market conditions or consumer preferences due to their size and bureaucratic structures. This can lead to missed opportunities or a failure to innovate.

Finally, corporations are often subject to negative public perception or backlash, particularly when they engage in unethical or illegal behaviors. Such negative press can harm a corporation’s reputation, leading to decreased profits or even bankruptcy. Overall, while corporations are a powerful tool for generating economic growth and innovation, their potential drawbacks must be carefully considered and managed.

Corporate Finance

Equity Financing

Equity financing is a popular method for corporations to secure funding for their operations. It involves the sale of shares of stock to investors in exchange for capital. Shareholders who invest in a corporation become part owners of the company and are entitled to a portion of its profits. This type of financing can be advantageous for corporations that do not want to take on debt or be beholden to loan repayment schedules.

Additionally, equity financing can provide access to a broader pool of investors with various levels of financial resources and investment goals. Many corporations utilize equity financing in combination with debt financing to establish a well-diversified capital structure.

The process of equity financing can vary depending on the size and maturity of the corporation. Start-up companies may seek funding from angel investors or venture capitalists in exchange for a stake in the business. Once a company has established a track record and becomes larger, it may consider an initial public offering (IPO). In an IPO, a corporation sells shares of stock on a public exchange for the first time. This can generate significant capital for the company, but it also comes with increased regulatory requirements and oversight.

While equity financing can be a powerful tool for corporations, it is not without risks. Shareholders who purchase equity in a company expect a return on their investment, typically in the form of dividends or an increase in stock price. If a corporation is not profitable or fails to meet investor expectations, the value of the stock can decrease, leading to financial losses for shareholders. Additionally, selling equity in a company dilutes the ownership stake of existing shareholders, which can lead to loss of control and potentially hostile takeovers.

In summary, equity financing can be a valuable way for corporations to raise funds for their operations. It can provide access to a broad pool of investors and allow for more financial flexibility than debt financing. However, it is important for corporations to consider the potential risks and drawbacks of equity financing and to carefully balance the various forms of financing available to ensure a strong and stable capital structure.

Debt Financing

Debt financing is a crucial aspect of corporate finance. It involves borrowing funds from creditors, which may include banks, financial institutions, and other lending entities. In exchange for these borrowed funds, corporations offer interest payments and collateral, such as assets, to their creditors.

Debt financing is an excellent way for companies to raise capital without diluting the ownership of their company. However, it is essential to note that excessive debt can be risky, as it increases a company’s financial leverage, making it more susceptible to changes in interest rates, economic downturns, and other external factors.

One of the most important benefits of debt financing is that it allows companies to maintain control over their business operations. Unlike equity financing, which often results in shareholders taking over a percentage of ownership in the company, debt financing does not dilute ownership. As a result, management can continue making decisions without interference from outside shareholders. Furthermore, debt financing is often less expensive than equity financing. Interest payments that a company makes on its debts are tax-deductible, which can result in a lower tax bill for the corporation.

Another advantage of debt financing is that it can help build corporate credit. Timely payments on debt obligations can help a corporation establish a good credit rating. A good credit rating can make it easier to secure future loans and financing, potentially at better terms. Additionally, debt financing can help a company structure its capital in a way that balances risk and return. By using both equity and debt, a company can fine-tune its capital structure to minimize risk while maximizing returns.

Despite the benefits mentioned above, it is important to recognize the potential drawbacks of debt financing. One of the most significant risks associated with debt financing is default. If a company is unable to make its debt payments, it may be forced to declare bankruptcy, which can result in the liquidation of assets and the dissolution of the company.

Excessive debt can also lead to a decrease in a company’s credit rating, making it more challenging to secure financing in the future. Finally, debt financing may not be the best option for companies that require a significant amount of capital upfront or have unstable cash flow. These companies may find equity financing more suitable.

Venture Capital

Venture capital is a type of financing that allows a startup company to receive funds from investors in exchange for equity in the company. This type of financing is most commonly used by early-stage companies that have a high potential for growth but lack the financial resources to develop their products or services. Venture capital firms provide funding to startups that they believe have the potential to become major players in their industry.

The process of obtaining venture capital involves the startup company pitching their business idea to venture capitalists, who then evaluate the potential of the company based on their business plan, market analysis, and financial projections. If the venture capitalists believe that the company has the potential for success, they will invest in the company in exchange for a percentage of ownership.

Venture capital firms typically invest in companies that are in their early stages of development, such as startups that are in the seed or early-stage rounds of financing. These companies are typically high-risk investments, as many of them will fail to generate a return on investment. However, the few companies that do succeed can generate significant profits for the venture capital firm and their investors.

One of the benefits of venture capital financing for startups is that it provides them with the funds they need to develop their products or services without taking on debt. Unlike loans, equity financing does not need to be repaid with interest. Instead, investors receive a share of the company’s ownership, which may increase in value as the company grows.

Venture capital financing also provides startups with access to experienced investors who can provide guidance and support to help the company grow. These investors often have a wealth of experience in the industry and can provide valuable insights into market trends, customer preferences, and business strategy.

Overall, venture capital provides startups with the funding they need to grow and develop their products or services, as well as access to experienced investors who can help them succeed. However, it is important to note that venture capital financing is not right for every startup, as it requires giving up a percentage of ownership in the company and may not be the best option for companies that are not high-growth or high-risk.

Initial Public Offering (IPO)

Initial Public Offering (IPO) is a process through which a private corporation offers shares to the public, thereby transforming it into a public company. Typically, an IPO is the first-time sale of a corporation’s shares to the general public. As such, it is a significant milestone in the life cycle of a company that provides access to public capital and the liquidity and visibility that comes with being a listed entity.

An IPO is most commonly undertaken by companies looking to raise significant capital to support future growth, fund acquisitions or repay existing debts. As part of the IPO process, companies must work closely with investment banks and underwriters to prepare a registration statement that provides transparency concerning their financial performance, ownership structure and key risks, among other things. This statement will be provided to investors, who will in turn evaluate the potential for the company to generate attractive returns.

The IPO process involves various steps that can take anywhere from six months to two years to complete, depending on factors such as the complexity of the company’s business, the regulatory environment and market conditions. Typically, before a company goes public, it must first file a registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which provides a comprehensive overview of the business and the securities that the company intends to sell.

Once the prospectus is filed and approved by the SEC, underwriters work with the company to determine the initial offer price and the number of shares to be sold. This information is then disseminated through a roadshow, where investment bankers and the management team of the company meet with potential investors to discuss the offering and answer questions. Following the roadshow, the shares are publicly listed, and the company’s shares become available for purchase by the public on a stock exchange.

The benefits of an IPO are numerous. Most notably, an IPO can result in a significant increase in a company’s visibility and credibility, which can lead to further opportunities for growth and expansion. An IPO can also provide immediate and substantial liquidity for existing shareholders, including employees, founders and early investors.

Additionally, being a publicly traded company can improve access to capital, making it easier to finance future growth initiatives. However, there are also significant costs and complexities associated with an IPO. The time and expense associated with preparing for and executing an IPO can be substantial, and the process often requires significant resources from the company’s management and finance teams. Additionally, being a public company means increased public scrutiny and regulatory requirements that can be burdensome and costly.

Corporate Taxation

Corporate Tax Rates

The tax rates imposed on corporations are a crucial aspect of corporate governance. Corporate tax rates are the taxes paid by businesses to the government on their profits. These rates differ from country to country, and in some cases, even from state to state, depending on the specific regulations involved. Several factors influence the tax rate, including the industry of the corporation, the country or state of operations, and the ownership structure. High corporate tax rates can negatively impact businesses and lead to a decline in economic activity. On the other side of the spectrum, low corporate tax rates can attract businesses and stimulate economic growth.

Corporate tax is a contentious issue as it can affect the profitability of businesses and impact the overall economy. Many countries offer tax incentives to corporations for investing in specific areas. For instance, corporations that invest in a particular region may receive tax breaks as a means of stimulating economic growth in that area. The tax code is also used to encourage companies to invest in environmentally sustainable practices. The government may provide tax benefits to corporations that use renewable energy sources or implement energy-efficient processes as a way of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Double taxation is another factor that affects corporations. Double taxation occurs when the same income is taxed at both the corporate and personal level. This is often the case for businesses that operate as a corporation, where the income generated is taxed at the corporate level before being distributed to shareholders as dividends. The dividends are, in turn, taxed at the personal level. This can be mitigated by electing to be taxed as a pass-through entity or an S-corporation, allowing the income to pass through the company and taxed only at the individual level.

In summary, corporate tax rates are a necessary component of corporate governance. The tax rate impacts the profitability of businesses, and high rates can lead to a decline in economic activity. Many countries offer tax incentives to encourage investment in specific areas or encourage environmentally sustainable practices. Double taxation is also a factor to consider, and corporations can mitigate this by electing to be taxed as pass-through entities or S-corporations.

Double Taxation

One of the most significant challenges that corporations face when it comes to taxation is double taxation. Double taxation refers to a situation where a corporation’s profits are taxed twice. The first time is at the corporate level when the company earns its profits, and the second time is at the individual level when the profits are distributed to the shareholders as dividends. This can result in a significant reduction in the amount of money that shareholders receive, making it challenging for companies to attract investors.

There are several ways that corporations can mitigate the impact of double taxation. One of the most common is to elect to be taxed as an S corporation. This means that the corporation’s profits are not taxed at the corporate level, and instead, the profits pass through to the shareholders, who report them on their individual tax returns. Another strategy is to issue stock options instead of paying dividends. This allows shareholders to benefit from the company’s growth without incurring an immediate tax liability.

Double taxation can also be addressed through careful tax planning. For example, corporations can take advantage of deductions and credits to reduce their overall tax liability. By investing in tax-advantaged assets, such as municipal bonds, corporations can also reduce the amount of taxable income that they generate, which in turn reduces the amount of taxes paid at both the corporate and individual levels.

Despite the challenges posed by double taxation, corporations continue to play a vital role in the economy. By providing jobs, stimulating innovation, and driving economic growth, they contribute significantly to society’s overall well-being. With careful tax planning, strategic decision-making, and a commitment to innovation, corporations can continue to thrive in a competitive global marketplace while still meeting their tax obligations.

Tax Benefits

Tax Benefits are one of the most significant advantages of incorporating a business. There are many tax deductions and credits that corporations can take advantage of, which can significantly reduce their tax liability. One of the most notable tax benefits of incorporating is the ability to deduct business expenses from their taxable income. This includes expenses such as employee salaries, rent, and office equipment.

Another significant tax benefit for corporations is the ability to defer taxes. Corporations can defer taxes by reinvesting their earnings back into their business or by using them to pay off outstanding debts. This can help them to keep more money in their business, which can lead to growth and expansion.

Corporations can also take advantage of various tax credits. For example, they can receive tax credits for investing in renewable energy, hiring employees from disadvantaged groups, or offering health insurance to their employees. These tax credits can significantly reduce their tax liability, and in some cases, they can even result in a refund from the IRS.

Finally, corporations are also eligible for lower tax rates on their income. Unlike individuals, who face higher tax rates as their income increases, corporations enjoy a flat tax rate on their income. This means that they can keep more of their profits, which can be reinvested back into their business or distributed to shareholders.

Corporate Social Responsibility


Corporation refers to a legal form of business entity that is characterized by limited liability, owning assets, and the ability to enter into contracts. Legally, a corporation is a separate entity from its owners, shareholders, and managers; therefore, it can own property, sue and be sued, enter into contracts, and pay taxes. One of the most significant advantages of the corporation as a legal form of business is its ability to raise capital by selling stocks and bonds to the public. Moreover, a corporation is governed by a board of directors who oversee company management and determine the organization’s strategic goals.

Corporate law speaks to the rules, regulations, and principles businesses must follow to organize, operate and manage their organization. The law recognizes the corporation as a legal entity whose existence is separate from its owners, which means that the debts, liabilities, and obligations of the corporation are not the same as those of its shareholders. Therefore, shareholders cannot be held liable for the corporation’s debts in excess of their investment.

This legal separation between the corporation and its owners is what constitutes the concept of limited liability. For this reason, the corporation is highly favored by investors, business owners, and entrepreneurs who seek to limit their personal risk exposure.

A corporation is formed by filing the appropriate documentation with the Secretary of State in the state where the corporation will be headquartered. Documents submitted include the Articles of Incorporation, which provide the essential details of the corporation, such as its name, purpose, headquarters, and the number of shares to be issued. Upon its formation, the corporation obtains a state charter, which permits it to conduct business as a legal entity. Once incorporated, the corporation must also comply with state and federal regulations, such as SEC reporting requirements, tax filings, and labor laws.

In summary, a corporation is a form of business ownership that is governed by a board of directors and is typically owned by shareholders. One of the key advantages of the legal structure is that it allows for limited liability, which protects the individual shareholders from legal and financial obligations beyond their investment. Additionally, another significant advantage is the ability to raise capital by selling stock to the public. Although a corporation’s legal structure offers several advantages, it is also subject to various state and federal regulations, making compliance with the law paramount to the success of the business.


Corporations are important entities in the world of business. Their significance lies in their legal structure, which affords them certain rights and obligations. The most crucial of these are limited liability and perpetual existence. Limited liability means that the owners of a corporation are liable only for the funds they invest in the business, whereas perpetual existence means that the corporation can continue to operate even if its owners retire or die.

These benefits make corporations an attractive option for individuals looking to start or invest in a business. Additionally, corporations play a vital role in the economy by creating jobs, generating revenue, and promoting innovation. They provide a platform for companies to scale their operations and expand into new markets.

Corporations also have access to financial resources, such as equity or debt, which facilitates investment and growth opportunities. Another important aspect of corporations is their ability to distribute ownership through stock. This feature allows investors to share in the company’s profits without taking on management responsibility. Overall, corporations are vital to the business landscape, and their importance cannot be overstated.


Examples of corporations abound in the modern world, from small-scale startups to corporate giants like Apple and Walmart. By incorporating, organizations are given legal status as a separate entity from its owners or shareholders. This legal distinction provides advantages in liability protection, taxation, and access to capital that make it an attractive option to many entrepreneurs. One famous example of a corporation is McDonald’s, the fast-food chain that has over 36,000 locations around the world.

The Coca-Cola Company is another well-known corporation that owns a variety of brands such as Sprite, Dasani, and Minute Maid. In the tech sector, Microsoft Corporation has been a dominant player for decades, creating software such as Windows and Word. Amazon, originally an online bookseller, has grown into a massive corporation with a wide range of businesses such as Amazon Web Services, Amazon Prime, and the acquisition of Whole Foods. These examples demonstrate the diverse ways in which corporations can operate and succeed in various industries.


Corporation — FAQ

What is a corporation?

A corporation is a legal entity that is created under the laws of a state, and has its own legal rights and obligations, separate from those of its owners or shareholders. Corporations are typically owned by shareholders who elect a board of directors to oversee the company’s operations.

What are the benefits of incorporating?

There are several benefits to incorporating a business, including limited liability protection for the owners, the ability to raise capital by selling shares of stock, and the potential for tax advantages. Incorporation also helps to establish a sense of legitimacy and credibility for the company, which can be beneficial when attracting customers or investors.

How does a corporation differ from other types of business entities?

Corporations are unique from other business entities such as partnerships or sole proprietorships in several ways, such as having limited liability protection for owners, being able to raise capital through the issuance of stock, and being able to exist beyond the death or departure of its owners or directors. Additionally, corporations are subject to greater regulatory oversight and are required to follow specific rules and regulations regarding reporting and transparency.

What is the process for incorporating a business?

The process for incorporating a business will vary depending on the state in which the business is located. Generally, the steps involved will include selecting a business name, filing articles of incorporation with the state, creating bylaws, selecting and appointing directors, and issuing stock. It is recommended that business owners consult with an attorney or accountant to ensure that all requirements are met and that the process is done correctly.

What is the role of a board of directors in a corporation?

The board of directors is responsible for overseeing the management and operations of the corporation, and making strategic decisions on behalf of the company. Directors are elected by the shareholders and are typically responsible for setting policies, approving financial decisions, and selecting and supervising executives. Their primary responsibility is to act in the best interest of the corporation and its shareholders.

What are the different types of corporate structures?

There are several types of corporate structures, including S corporations, C corporations, and Limited Liability Companies (LLCs). S corporations allow for pass-through taxation, where the company’s profits are passed through to the owners and taxed at their individual rates. C corporations are taxed as separate entities and offer limited liability protection. LLCs offer both pass-through taxation and limited liability protection. The type of structure that is best for a business will depend on factors such as the number of owners, the goals of the company, and any tax considerations.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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