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  • Starting An LLC In New Hampshire: A Comprehensive Guide

by Mike Vestil 

Starting An LLC In New Hampshire: A Comprehensive Guide

The cost of starting an LLC in New Hampshire can be anywhere between $100-$150. If you are considering starting a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in New Hampshire, then you’ve come to the right place. This article will provide an overview of what is required to create and maintain an LLC in New Hampshire. 

We’ll discuss filing requirements, fees, taxes, and other important information that will help you make sure your LLC functions smoothly and successfully.  With the proper preparation and guidance, forming an LLC can be a great way to protect yourself from personal liability while still giving your business the benefits of limited liability protection.

So let's get started!

How To Register An LLC In New Hampshire

Below are the detailed steps of registering an LLC in New Hampshire. Starting a business can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it requires careful planning and preparation. Registering an LLC in New Hampshire is the way to go if you want to get your business up and running quickly and efficiently.

Want to save all the time and let the professionals do all the hard work for you? Here are our best recommendations:

Northwest ($29 + State Fees)

LegalZoom ($79 + State Fees)

Filing A Certificate Of Formation

The process begins with filing a Certificate of Formation with the Secretary of State's office; this document contains essential details like your company's name, address, purpose, and management structure, plus that of its registered agent (the person who will receive legal notices on behalf of the company). It’s important to note that a $100 ($102 for online) fee is associated with filing this form; however, once one member/manager signs off on it, everything else should fall into place!

Create An Operating Agreement

Once you’ve filed your Certificate of Formation with the state, creating operating agreements for your LLC is next. These documents will outline how decisions are made within the organization and how profits are distributed amongst members/managers. While this step isn’t required by law in New Hampshire, it can help ensure that all members/managers are on the same page regarding decision-making and profit sharing. Additionally, having these agreements in writing can help protect members/managers from personal liability should something go wrong.

Obtaining Your EIN

For your LLC to become legally operational, you'll need to obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). An EIN is a unique nine-digit number used by the IRS to identify taxpayers who must file various tax returns. To apply for this number, you must complete Form SS-4 which can be found on their website, or by calling them directly at 1-800-829-4933. Once you receive your EIN, you must include it on all tax forms related to your business.

Choose A Registered Agent

If you're worried about missing important deadlines like this one and facing hefty fines from the state, consider enlisting a registered agent service to help keep your business on track. A registered agent acts as a point-of-contact for legal matters for companies operating within their state.

They’ll ensure that all necessary paperwork gets submitted on time, so you don't have to worry about penalties for missing important deadlines. While this service has an additional cost, it could be worth it in the long run!

Stay Up-To-Date With Changes

If there are any changes in members or addresses of your New Hampshire LLC after registration, these must be reported via their online portal before April 1st or face a $50 late fee! This includes updating member names, addresses, contact phone numbers, and other pertinent information that may have changed since registration. Make sure that all members of your LLC know this requirement so that updates can be made promptly if needed!

A registered agent can also help keep your business up-to-date with any changes that may need to be reported. They will ensure all necessary paperwork is filed correctly and on time, so you don't have to worry about any late fees or penalties from the state.

How To Ensure Your LLC Name Is Unique In New Hampshire

When starting an LLC business in New Hampshire, you must make sure your chosen name stands out. You don't want any confusion with existing organizations or competitors – luckily, there's a way to ensure that doesn't happen. 

The Corporation Division of the NH Dept Of State (Concord) offers a service called the Application for Reservation of Name ($15). When you submit this application, they will keep your chosen name safe and distinct from other names over 120 days - giving you enough time to file everything adequately!

It's essential to take the proper steps when choosing an LLC name. Not only does it need to be memorable and representative of your mission, but it needs to be unique so that customers can easily find you. If your LLC is mistaken for another organization with a similar name, not only could you face costly legal action, but all of your hard work establishing yourself as a brand may be for nothing.

The Application for Reservation of Name process is explicitly designed to protect small businesses from such issues by preventing anyone else from using the same name over 120 days while they get their filings in order. The $15 fee isn’t just money well spent – it’s also peace of mind knowing that no one else can use your desired name during this window.

The process is simple – begin by completing an online form on the Corporation Division website or submitting a paper form. The state requires basic information about your business, such as its legal structure (sole proprietorship or limited liability company) and address.

The state also requires details about the proposed name itself, like whether it includes certain words or phrases, how it compares to other existing names in New Hampshire, and whether it consists of any trademarked terms (in which case additional paperwork may be required). 

Once completed and submitted with payment, the state will review your application and provide notification within 24 hours via email if approved. Once approved, you have 120 days before filing anything else with the state related to that particular name reservation.

Register An Alternate Business Name For Just $50

Did you know that you can register an alternate business name for just fifty dollars? This is done through Form TN-1 and the Department of State. Registering an alternate business name can give customers a different way of referencing or finding your business than what has already been established under its current LLC designation. This will help ensure that customers find the information they need, whether they search by your primary or alternate name.

Why not use a professional service to do all the work for you? Here are our best recommendations:

Northwest ($29 + State Fees)

LegalZoom ($79 + State Fees)

How To Maintain Your Credentials With Certificates Of Good Standing

The last step in protecting and maintaining your credentials is getting a Certificate of Good Standing (CGS). Fortunately, New Hampshire makes these available online or by mail at costs ranging from five to seven dollars - far less than some states charge! 

This document validates that all requisite fees have been paid and that the company remains in compliance with its filing requirements with the state - making it essential if you ever plan on selling or expanding operations into other states.

The Benefits Of Starting An LLC In New Hampshire

Here are some reasons you should consider starting an LLC in New Hampshire.

Business Friendly Tax Environment

All LLCs in New Hampshire are subject to no corporate income taxes or state-level personal income taxes. This makes it easier for businesses to operate without the extra burden of high taxes. Additionally, there are no franchise or capital stock taxes for companies registered with a foreign origin outside of New Hampshire.

These measures make it easier for companies looking to do business abroad to keep more profits and reinvest them into their business operations.

Flexible Business Formation Requirements

Unlike some states, there are no minimum capital requirements when forming an LLC with foreign origins in New Hampshire. Furthermore, annual reports are not required for non-operational businesses outside New Hampshire that have established an LLC here. Companies can focus on getting their business up and running without worrying about unnecessary paperwork or financial obligations that other states may require.

Secure Business Regulations

When starting an LLC in New Hampshire, it’s essential to make sure you secure any additional permits or licenses needed depending on your industry sector and geographic area. Doing so will ensure that everything runs smoothly when it comes time to launch operations and legally provide customers with the necessary services. Additionally, if you plan on conducting business within the state of New Hampshire itself, check if any additional registration requirements apply before beginning operations, as these vary between industries and locations.

Registering Your Domain Name For Your New Hampshire LLC

While you don't need a domain name for an LLC, having one will come in handy when you build your website presence. Domain names generally cost between 99 cents and $49.99 annually–a relatively inexpensive investment into protecting your brand identity!

The first step to registering a domain name is checking if the desired domain is available. When choosing a domain name, think of something catchy and memorable that will stick with customers and represent your business well. You’ll also want to determine what type of top-level domain (TLD) you want — such as .com or .net — as these are two of the most popular options. To check if the desired URL is still open, use a domain registrar such as GoDaddy or NameCheap, which allows users to search for domains by keyword or topic. 

Once you’ve purchased a domain name for your LLC, consider taking extra steps to protect yourself from cybersquatting. This is the practice of purchasing another company’s trademarked name to make money off potential visitors looking for that business’s website. Companies like GoDaddy offer trademark protection services that help combat cybersquatting by detecting any possible misuse of your brand on other websites or social media platforms—allowing you to take immediate action against them if necessary. For example, GoDaddy's service scans over 700 million web pages daily to detect unauthorized use of trademarks on other domains with similar spellings or variations in words (such as plurals).

LLC Taxation Requirements In New Hampshire

The Granite State has specific tax requirements for LLCs that take home over $92,000, including a flat 7.6% income tax that must be paid by the 15th day after their fiscal year closes. That’s not all, though–if your LLC earns over $50,000 annually, you must also pay the Business Enterprise Tax (BET). The rate of this tax depends on earnings, so it is wise to enlist the services of an accountant or other professional who can help you figure out how much you owe and how to pay it promptly.

When filing taxes for your business, ensure you have all your ducks in a row! Late filing fees can add up quickly and range from $10 to $50, depending on when the return is filed. Understanding taxation laws is essential to business in any state, which also applies to New Hampshire. 

It’s crucial to ensure your business complies with all applicable rules and regulations. If you need more tax information, plenty of resources are available at the New Hampshire Department of Revenue website and other official state websites.


Starting a New Hampshire LLC is a straightforward process. To get started, choose a unique name, register your company and trade name, and stay up-to-date with changes in members or addresses. Also, don't forget to pay any taxes you owe on time! With the proper knowledge and preparation, you can ensure that your business will be successful as you navigate the Granite State.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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