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  • How To Name An LLC: Where To Look For Ideas

by Mike Vestil 

How To Name An LLC: Where To Look For Ideas

Are you an aspiring business owner looking to get your company off the ground? 

The key to a successful business is to have a strong identity. And that starts with an unforgettable name. Trying to come up with a brand name can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be!

In this article, I'll go into what is an LLC name, provide tips on the legal name requirements for an LLC along with brainstorming and naming an LLC, suggest places to look for ideas, and what to consider in the process.

Want to save all the time and let the professionals do all the hard work for you? Here are our best recommendations for registering your LLC:

Northwest ($29 + State Fees)

LegalZoom ($79 + State Fees)

How To Name Your LLC: Legal Name Requirements

One of the most important things when deciding on the legal name of your LLC is that it should not be too similar to any existing business entity or governmental agency.

It also needs to include some form of the phrase "limited liability company," "LLC," "LLC," or "ltd." These phrases will make it clear that your business has limited liability protection and cannot be held responsible for the debts or liabilities of its owners.

Additionally, some states may have restrictions on the words to be used in the name of your LLC, such as "bank," "attorney," or "university." Suppose you attempt to use one of these restricted words in your business name. In that case, you may need to provide additional paperwork and have a licensed professional associated with your business operations. 

Certain words like 'bank' and 'attorney' require additional paperwork and having a licensed professional associated with the operations of the LLC before the name is allowed. 

For example, if you want to use the word 'bank' in the name of your company, then you must first file a request with the state banking department and receive approval from them before forming an LLC that includes this word in its name.

Similarly, suppose you plan on using any word that implies providing professional services, such as: "attorney," "doctor," or "engineer." In that case, you must ensure that all individuals providing those services possess valid licenses from relevant governmental agencies. Otherwise, those departments may deny your request when filing for an LLC registration.

How To Ensure A Unique Brand Name In Business

Naming can be tricky for businesses looking to separate their legal name from the brand they're presenting. An LLC is usually the best way to ensure uniqueness between both representations. 

But if you're in certain states, a DBA (or "Doing Business As") isn't an option—so what do you do? Let's explore some tips and tricks for ensuring your business name is unique and distinct. 

Before finalizing your business name, research existing trademarks registered with the US Patent and Trademark Office; you can use their trademark search tool to determine if a similar name exists. 

Additionally, it is essential to check that the domain associated with your desired URL is available. If unavailable, consider using different extensions (.co, etc.) or modifiers like plus signs (+) to create an identifiable URL.  

For most states, creating a business entity requires using a unique name that isn't already in use by another business in that state. The LLC name doesn't have to match your chosen business's branding; however, it must be distinct enough that no one else can claim it. It means you should avoid generic terms such as "consulting" or "properties" when creating your LLC name. 

Additionally, avoid adding punctuation marks such as dashes or underscores since this can confuse people when searching for information about your company online.

Securing Your LLC With The Perfect Domain Name

The next step when understanding how to start an LLC involves registering a domain name. Again, you can save time and money by being proactive and acting quickly. Not only will registering the domain be affordable, but it will also protect it from being taken away by another user.

Securing your domain name as soon as possible is essential. It allows you to control how people find your business online and what they see when they visit your website. 

If someone else has already registered your desired domain name, they may use it for their own business or sell it for an inflated price. Therefore, when you register your domain name as soon as possible, you protect it from potential copyright infringement or any other misuse of the same name by another entity. 

Additionally, ensuring that no one else can use your same URL helps ensure that customers don't get confused and go to the wrong website by mistake. 

When choosing a domain name for your LLC, make sure it is easy to remember and spell correctly. In addition, it needs to be short enough so that people can quickly type it into a search engine or remember it if they are looking for information about your company online. 

Furthermore, ensure that your URL is relevant and reflects your services or products. This way, customers instantly know what they are getting when they visit your site. Finally, once you have chosen a suitable domain name, purchase it before someone else does!

LLC Name Search: Brainstorming Ideas

Before researching potential names for your LLC, consider brainstorming ideas that could work as possible names. 

Try coming up with something clever or catchy that reflects what your business does. Next, list possible words and phrases that could combine in various ways until you find something that works for you. Once you have narrowed your list, it's time to do legal research.

LLC Name Availability Check

Once you have brainstormed four or five names for your business, enter them into an LLC Name Generator search bar and let the tool do its magic. You'll receive customized results within minutes that will help you narrow your choices. 

Besides finding creative names, The LLC Name Generator also helps you identify possible trademarks so that you don't run into any legal issues. It even searches for similar-sounding words that could confuse people in the marketplace, protecting you and your customers from potential misunderstandings. 

Here are a couple to get you started:

Your brain is often the most powerful tool for generating name ideas. So, before you head to the LLC Name Generator, take some time to brainstorm potential names and test them out on friends or family who have had success in the business world.

Feel free to look for inspiration from other businesses, too. Take a few moments to search the web for LLC names that are no longer available. 

Be sure to take note of the words used and the patterns they form. These factors might provide clues on making your business name stand out from the crowd.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Benefits When Building A Brand

On top of helping entrepreneurs build a unique identity, registering your company's name as an official LLC also provides SEO benefits. It means potential customers can find your business more quickly when they search online—increasing web traffic and boosting sales in no time!  

SEO involves a lot of different factors that you can factor into your LLC costs. Still, the two most important are selecting keywords that are relevant to your business and getting your website linked to other popular websites. 

By registering an LLC, you can use the name of your business in SEO-friendly phrases that will help customers find you faster on search engines like Google. That is a great way to differentiate yourself from competitors with similar products or services. As the LLC name appears in search results, potential customers can identify your business more quickly and easily.

From improving customer recognition and boosting SEO performance to providing clarity with a memorable brand name, registering an LLC for your business is one of the best ways to ensure that you stand out in a crowded market. As long as you select the correct domain URL and follow basic branding rules, you'll be well on your way to success!

Social Media Availability

Once you have determined that there are no conflicts between your proposed LLC name and any existing trademarks, it is crucial to check its availability across popular social media platforms. For example, you can check on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. 

Also, check domain hosting websites like GoDaddy or HostGator. By so doing, you can create an appropriate username or URL for promotional purposes when necessary. 

With social media, it is essential to consider the potential implications of any usernames and URLs associated with your business. For example, if you create a Twitter account for your LLC, it would be best to make sure the username contains both your company name and something that distinguishes it from other businesses like yours to prevent customer confusion.

Legal Compliance & Trademarks

When choosing an LLC name, it is vital to be aware of certain restrictions imposed by both federal and state governments on certain words and phrases used in business titles. 

It is also essential to check whether any trademarks related to the chosen title exist so as not to infringe upon another person or business's intellectual property rights. Again, the US Patent and Trademark Office website is an excellent resource for researching existing trademarks and ensuring your chosen title complies with the law.

How To Register A Name For Your LLC

Once you have chosen your desired name, you can register it with the Secretary of State in most states by filing the appropriate form. Depending on where you live and operate, the fee may only amount to $10. 

After filing away your registration form, you will have between 60-120 days before it expires - giving you plenty of time to make up your mind if needed. However, note that "articles of organization" come at an additional charge but protecting any registered trademarks would require further investment too.

Difference Between An LLC Name And Trademark 

Although they may seem similar on paper, an LLC name and trademark are two distinct things with very different implications. For example, an LLC name appears on official documents such as financials; it doesn't grant any exclusive rights over its usage, nor does it protect against infringement.

On the other hand, if you register with the USPTO or benefit under standard law protections, you will be granted exclusive rights over your brand name's usage - something which can only come from officially registering with the USPTO or benefiting under standard law protections. 

In other words, even if another company has trademarked the same name for their use, yours may still exist in legal documents such as financials without granting any exclusive rights over its usage. 

Registering an LLC does not automatically grant any exclusive rights over its usage—so how do you protect your brand? 

The answer lies in legally registering your brand with either the USPTO or Common Law Protections – this way, you can ensure that no one else uses your brand without permission. Filing with any of the two institutions will also prove invaluable if someone else attempts to exploit a similar mark to yours; this will make it easier for you to take legal action against them and prove damages should litigation become necessary. 

Additionally, having a registered trademark will open up opportunities for specific LLC license agreements and other monetization strategies associated with owning intellectual property - further increasing potential revenue streams related to your business venture.

The Benefits Of Registering For A DBA (Doing Business As) 

If you are an entrepreneur or small business owner, chances are you have considered giving your business a name different from yours. After all, it can be daunting to try and create a brand around your identity. 

However, before you make any hasty decisions, it's essential to learn about the legal considerations associated with rebranding—especially if you're considering registering for a DBA (Doing Business As). A DBA allows you to use a business name while still legally protecting your assets, so keep reading to find out why registering for one is beneficial. 

The first key benefit of registering for a DBA is that it allows entrepreneurs and business owners to do business under a business name without formally establishing a corporation or limited liability company. It means there is no need to file articles of incorporation with the state or create bylaws. 

Furthermore, this process also provides extra protection for entrepreneurs and business owners because their assets are kept separate from those owned by their businesses. Not only does this provide financial security, it also allows entrepreneurs and business owners to secure financing in the future without having to worry about being held personally liable for debts incurred by their businesses. 

Another great benefit of registering for a DBA is that it makes marketing more accessible and practical. For example, many states require businesses operating under an LLC or Corporation label to include "LLC" or "Corp" in their marketing materials. However, with a DBA, this isn't necessary as businesses can operate under whatever trade name they choose—which can often be more attractive than something featuring the legal structure of their company. 

Additionally, when customers conduct online searches of products offered by the business, they will come across the registered trade name rather than the legal entity associated with it. Ideally, this may lead them directly to its website instead!  

Lastly, registering for a DBA is relatively inexpensive compared to other options, such as establishing an LLC or Corporation; this means that entrepreneurs and small business owners can save time and money while still getting all the benefits associated with using a trading name. Registering for a DBA allows entrepreneurs and small business owners to reap numerous benefits without investing too much time or money upfront. 

What's A Good Name For LLC? Other Tips To Consider

Here are a few final tips to help you pick a great name for your LLC.

Doing Your Research

The first step when naming an LLC is research. Before registering, ensure that the desired LLC name has yet to be taken or trademarked to avoid confusion. 

It's also essential to stay within regulations by avoiding terms such as "Legal" and "Medical" unless appropriate licenses in these areas are available. 

In addition, consider doing a Google search of your proposed LLC name to ensure no other companies have used it before and that you won't infringe upon someone else's intellectual property rights. 

Also, check if any social media accounts are associated with the company name, as this could be another potential infringement of someone else's brand identity or confuse customers looking for your business online.

Creating Something Memorable

When picking an LLC name, remember what makes a memorable impression on customers. Then, consider creating something unique and descriptive that reflects what your company does or stands for in some way. 

Your LLC should also include words related to its industry, such as "Tech," "Consulting," or "Marketing." That will help differentiate it from competitors and give customers more information about your services without looking further into your website or social profiles.

How To Name An LLC - FAQ

What Is The Role Of A Registered Agent In An LLC?

A registered agent is a person or business appointed to receive legal documents on behalf of the LLC, such as service of process (lawsuits and other legal notices). The registered agent must have a physical address in the state where they are designated and accept these documents during regular business hours.

How Do You Dissolve An LLC?

When dissolving an LLC, it's crucial to properly notify all stakeholders, including members, creditors, and the state government. Depending on the situation, a dissolution may require filing paperwork with the Secretary of State in your home state and other actions depending on each business's circumstances.

Typically, this will involve actions such as: giving notice to all creditors and issuing final payments, canceling any contracts or leases, disposing of company assets properly, notifying any governmental agencies that you were doing business with, and filing any necessary forms with your Secretary of State.

Is It Possible To Pay Yourself From An LLC?

Yes—as the owner, paying yourself from an LLC is perfectly legal. The most common way to do this is to set up a payroll account with the IRS and begin paying yourself a salary through that account. You can also pay yourself via LLC distributions, which are essentially profits of the LLC that you can withdraw at your discretion.


Knowing what an LLC is, involves understanding how to name it.

When picking a name, consider something descriptive and memorable that will help your customers understand what you do. Additionally, registering for a DBA can provide legal protection while making it easier to market your business online.

Choosing the right LLC name and registering for a DBA can help you maximize your business opportunities and ensure that you are legally protected. With the proper name and legal protection, entrepreneurs and small business owners can take their businesses to new heights.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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