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  • Google Ads For Real Estate: Top Considerations For Winning Ads

by Mike Vestil 

Google Ads For Real Estate: Top Considerations For Winning Ads

Advertising your real estate business on Google can be a great way to get in front of potential clients. With billions of searches performed on Google every day, you have the opportunity to reach people who are actively looking for real estate services.

While there are other ways to advertise your business - including Facebook ads for real estate - Google Ads provides a great return on your investment when done right.

There are several different ways to advertise your business on Google, and the best approach depends on your goals and budget. You can create an ad campaign that targets people in a specific geographic area or target people looking for particular types of real estate services.

No matter what approach you take, it's essential to make sure your ads are well-targeted and relevant to potential clients. 

In this article, I'll provide you with information on creating a successful Google ad campaign for your real estate business and some tips for getting the most out of your advertising budget.

Let's dive deep into this topic.

Why Real Estate Agents Should Be Using Google Ads

As a real estate agent, there are a few ways to look at what you do.

One way of doing so would be to consider yourself as the person that brings listings to buyers.

Second, you're a neighborhood expert that helps people find the perfect place to live that meets their needs and budget.

Third, you're a transaction coordinator who ensures all the paperwork is handled correctly so the deal can close smoothly.

Why Real Estate Agents Should Be Using Google Ads

Image Credit: http://thebalance.com

However, one of the best ways you could look at yourself is that you're in the business of advertising and marketing your listings. And when it comes to listing inventory, you want as many potential buyers to see your properties as possible.

This is where Google Ads comes in. By using these types of ads, you can put your listings in front of buyers actively searching for properties like the ones you advertise.

For example, someone who types in "3-bedroom house for sale in Los Angeles" is likely further along in their buyer's journey than someone who searches for "homes for sale in Los Angeles."

Why Real Estate Agents Should Be Using Google Ads

This means that if you're able to capture these types of high-intent searchers, you're more likely to convert them into leads and eventually clients.

Not only that, but Google Ads can be a great way to brand yourself and your business.

By creating ads that highlight your unique selling points, you can differentiate yourself from other real estate agents in your market.

This is important because as the real estate industry becomes more and more competitive, it's becoming increasingly difficult to stand out from the crowd.

Creating The Right Google Ads For Real Estate

Let’s now have a look at what’s involved in creating successful Google real estate ads.

Landing Page Optimization

Sometimes, it helps to start with the end in mind.

In other words, before you create your Google ad, you need to have a destination for where you want your ad to send people.

This destination is called a landing page, and it's essential to have a well-optimized landing page if you want to convert leads into clients.

Your landing page should be designed with one thing in mind: conversion.

Landing Page Optimization

Image Credit: http://landingi.com

It should be clear, concise, and easy to navigate.

The last thing you want is for someone to click on your ad and then get frustrated trying to figure out what to do next.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when creating your landing page:

  • Include a strong headline that accurately reflects the content of your ad
  • Use clear and concise language
  • Keep your layout simple and easy to navigate
  • Make sure your contact information is prominently displayed
  • Test different versions of your landing page to see which converts best

Knowing how to make a landing page as part of a successful website that works well with Google Ads is not an arcane art. It can be learned and mastered with some effort and the correct information.

Here is some information that can help with creating a winning landing page for your Google Ads.

Include A Strong Headline That Accurately Reflects The Content Of Your Ad

A strong headline is essential for any Google ad. 

Not only does it help to capture the attention of potential buyers, but it also helps to reflect the content of your ad accurately.

This ensures that potential buyers get what they expect when they click on your ad.

It's also a good idea to use a headline that includes a call to action.

A call-to-action tells the potential buyer what you want them to do, such as "Download my free real estate eBook" or "Schedule a consultation."

Use Clear And Concise Language

When creating your landing page, it's essential to use clear and concise language.

This means avoiding long blocks of text and using short, easy-to-read sentences.

Not only is it easier for the potential buyer to understand, but it also helps to keep their attention focused on your page.

Keep Your Layout Simple And Easy To Navigate

The last thing you want is for someone to click on your ad and then get frustrated trying to figure out what to do next.

This is why it's essential to have a simple and easy-to-navigate layout for your landing page.

Keep Your Layout Simple And Easy To Navigate

Image Credit: http://olanding.com

Your potential buyers should be able to find what they're looking for without having to search through a lot of clutter.

Make Sure Your Contact Information Is Prominently Displayed

One of the most important things you can do on your landing page is to make sure your contact information is prominently displayed.

This means including your name, phone number, and email address in a clear and easily visible location.

Potential buyers are more likely to get in touch with you if all of your contact information is readily available without them going on a hunt to find it.

Test Different Versions Of Your Landing Page To See Which Converts Best

It's essential to test different versions of your landing page to see which one converts best.

This means tracking the number of leads that come in through each version of your page and then comparing the results.

You may be surprised to find that one particular layout or design is more effective than another.

By following these tips, you can create a landing page that will help you convert more leads into clients.

Know What Your Budget Is

Creating real estate ads through Google Adwords is a great way to get in front of potential buyers, but it's important to remember that advertising can be expensive.

This is why it's essential to set a budget for your ad campaign and stick to it.

If you're not careful, you could quickly blow through your advertising budget without making any significant progress.

That being said, there are a few ways to make the most of your advertising budget, as follows.

Target People Who Are Closer To The End Of Their Buyer's Journey

People who are closer to the end of their buyer's journey are more likely to be interested in buying a home.

Target People Who Are Closer To The End Of Their Buyer's Journey

Image Credit: http://roofandfloor.thehindu.com

This is because they've already started looking for houses and potentially seen a few already, which means they're close to making a decision. These people will use specific search queries that are more detailed when compared to those that are just starting on their real estate journey.

Targeting these people with your Google ads can be a great way to get them interested in your services.

Use Negative Keywords To Weed The Non Targeted Audience

One way to save money on your Google ad campaign is to use negative keywords.

Negative keywords are words or phrases that help you weed out people interested in buying a home.

For example, if you're targeting people looking to buy houses, you could add the word "rental" as a negative keyword.

This would help you avoid showing your ad to people looking for rental houses, which would be a waste of money.

Make Sure Your Ads Are Relevant To The People Who See Them

If your ads are relevant to those who see them, they're more likely to click on them.

To make sure your ads are relevant, you need to target the right keywords and write compelling ad copy.

By doing this, you can ensure that your ads are seen by the people who are most likely to convert into clients.

Keyword Research & Keyword Match Types

Doing proper keyword research is essential for a successful Google Ads campaign.

You need to identify the right keywords to target and ensure your match type is set up correctly.

If you're not targeting the right keywords, you won't get the results you're looking for.

Keyword Research & Keyword Match Types

Image Credit: http://wordstream.com

There are three different match types you can use when targeting keywords:

  • Broad match: This match type will show your ad to anyone who searches for your keyword, regardless of how they type it out in Google.
  • Phrase match: This match type will show your ad to people who search for your keyword in the exact order that you specify but might include extra keywords.
  • Exact match: This match type will show your ad to people who search for your keyword in the precise order and spelling that you specify.

You can use all three of these match types to test and target different stages of the buyer's journey.

This is one of those Google Ads strategies that not many people know; however, it will make a big difference in driving people to your real estate website.

Bidding Strategy

Another essential part of your Google Ads campaign is your bidding strategy.

Your bidding strategy will determine how much you're willing to pay for each click on your ad.

You can use a few different bidding strategies, and each one has its own advantages and disadvantages.

You'll need to experiment with different strategies to find the one that works best for your business.

The three most common bidding strategies are:

  • Manual CPC: This is where you set the maximum amount you're willing to pay for each click on your ad.
  • Enhanced CPC: This is a more advanced version of manual CPC, and it automatically raises or lowers your bids based on whether or not you're likely to get a conversion.
  • Automated bidding: This bidding strategy uses algorithms to determine how much you should bid for each click.

You'll need to test out different bidding strategies to see which one works best for your business.

The amount of money that will allow you to show up at the top of the Google Search results will vary depending on your real estate industry, business, and the keywords you're targeting.

However, no matter what keywords you're going after, knowing how to maximize conversions bidding strategy is the key to a successful Google Ads campaign.

Taking Advantage Of Brand Names

While this might seem like a gray area for some, it is sometimes worth it - primarily if you've only used broad match keywords in the past and aren't happy with the results you've gotten so far.

For example, if your brand name is "ABC Realty," you could try targeting them with the keyword "real estate" and use the phrase match discussed above.

This can be a great way to drive traffic to your website and increase brand awareness.

Moreover, as your real estate ad campaign continues, you can continually monitor your results and make changes as needed.

This will help you to fine-tune your campaign and ensure that you're getting the most bang for your buck.

In addition, you can also use this strategy to target competitor brands and hijack traffic that might have been looking for your competitors' websites.

Keep Your ROI In Mind

Running search ads just for the sake of it doesn't make any logical or financial sense.

Especially as the business grows and starts to scale, making Google Ads work in one's favor is vital, allowing the company to generate real estate leads that convert into paying customers.

Knowing your ROI as part of your real estate marketing strategy is critical.

Your return on investment should be the highest priority when creating ads, targeting keywords, and even setting a budget.

This means that if you're spending what you consider to be a high amount of money per click yet still making an even better ROI based on the specific numbers in your business, why change (or stop) your Google Ads campaigns?

On the flip side, if you're not seeing a good return on your ad spend, it's time to reevaluate your strategy.

Some key ROI metrics that you should be tracking include:

  • The number of leads generated from your ad campaign
  • The number of conversions from your ad campaign
  • The cost per lead
  • The cost per conversion

These are just a few of the metrics you should be tracking.

You can use these metrics to fine-tune your real estate ad campaign and ensure that you're getting a good return on investment.

Take Advantage Of Ad Groups

As a marketer that wants to take your real estate agency to the next level, it is essential to understand how ad groups work.

An ad group is a collection of ads and keywords that share a common theme.

For example, you could have an ad group for each of your listings.

Each ad group would target specific keywords and then contain more detailed ads relevant to that particular listing.

Ad groups are a great way to organize your campaign and make it more effective.

When it comes to real estate, they can also signify different houses, such as "luxury listings" or "fixer-uppers."

This will help you target your ads more effectively and ensure that they reach the right audience.

Take Advantage Of Location Targeting

If you're looking to generate leads from a specific geographic area, you'll need to take advantage of location targeting.

Location targeting allows you to specify the geographic areas you want your ad to appear.

For example, if you're only interested in generating leads from a particular city or state, you can use location targeting to specify those areas.

Location targeting is a great way to improve the effectiveness of your ad campaign and ensure that you're reaching the right people.

Use Ad Extensions

Ad extensions are additions to your ad that help provide more information about your business or product.

Use Ad Extensions

Image Credit: http://bossmarketinginc.com

There are a variety of different types of ad extensions, including:

Each type of extension has its benefits and can help achieve your marketing goals. 

For example:

  • Callout Extension: Similar to a call to action, this encourages people to take a specific action.
  • Social Extension: This increases an ad’s social proof, making the ad more belieavable as a result.
  • Sitelink Extension: This takes people directly to a specifc page on the target website.
  • Location extensions can help show potential customers that you're close by, which in turn, can help increase conversion rates.
  • Call extensions can help increase the number of phone calls you receive from potential customers.
  • App extensions can help promote your mobile app and increase downloads (if applicable).
  • Review extensions can help to build trust and credibility by showing potential customers that others have had a positive experience with your business.
  • Website extensions can help to increase traffic to your website.

Ad extensions are a great way to improve the effectiveness of your ad and give potential customers more information about your business.

While not all of the extensions will apply for real estate listings, knowing what options are available can give you an edge over the competition.

Understanding Google's Policies

While it's essential to be familiar with Google's policies, it's also necessary to understand how they work.

Google has several different policies that govern how ads are run.

The personalized advertising policies launched at the end of 2020 helped regularize the digital advertising market for real estate.

These latest Google ads guidelines help real estate advertisers by providing more precise rules for the advertising they create.

The launch of these policies was a pivotal change in the market, and all real estate advertisers need to be aware of these changes.

Structure Your Account The Right Way

As a sort of recap, here are some key points to remember when setting up your real estate Google Ads account the right way:

  • Use keyword-rich ad groups: When creating your ad groups, make sure to use keywords that are relevant to the listings that you're advertising.
  • Target specific locations: If you're a local real estate agent, make sure to target specific geographic areas in your ads. This will help ensure that your ads are being shown to people who are interested in buying or selling property in your market.
  • Use different ads for each stage of the buyer's journey: When creating your ads, use different messaging depending on where the potential client is in their buying journey. For example, someone just starting to research real estate might not be ready to contact an agent yet, but someone further along in the process might be interested in getting more information. This should be reflected in the language used in your ads.
  • Use ad extensions: Ad extensions are a great way to provide more information about your business and listings. They can help improve your click-through rate (CTR) and conversions.
  • Track your results: Make sure to track the results of your Google Ads campaigns so you can see which ads are performing the best and adjust your campaigns accordingly.

You'll set yourself up for success when creating your Google Ads campaign by following these tips.

Don't Forget About SEO

While Google Ads can be a great way to get your listings in front of potential buyers, it's important to remember that SEO is still essential as a long-term strategy.

Google Ads can effectively drive traffic to your website, but if your website isn't optimized for search engines, you will not get the return you want if you stop paying for traffic.

Make sure to invest time and resources into SEO so you can ensure that your website is ranking high on Google.


To wrap up, using Google Ads for real estate can be a great way to generate leads and traffic to your website.

Whatever you do, ensure you target specific locations, use keyword-rich ad groups, and track your results to see which ads perform best.

Using these tips will help you create an effective Google Ads campaign to help you achieve your business goals.

Whether you are a marketer specializing in real estate or simply looking to get into the market, following this guide will provide you with a great starting point for your next Google Ads campaign.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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