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  • Understanding The Basics: What Is A Line Of Credit?

by Mike Vestil 

Understanding The Basics: What Is A Line Of Credit?

A line of credit is a type of loan that gives borrowers access to a pre-determined amount of credit that can be used to withdraw cash, make payments, or take other financial actions.

The amount of credit and repayment terms vary depending on the lender and characteristics of the individual borrower.

A line of credit can be a powerful financial tool for those with excellent credit, as it provides a flexible source of funding in case of unexpected expenses or opportunities.

In this article, we’ll discuss the different types of lines of credit, the pros and cons of using them, and how to make them work to your advantage.

Types Of Credit

A line of credit is an essential part of financial literacy. It can help consumers make timely payments and avoid debt, as well as helping in creating an emergency fund.

In this article, we will explore the types of credit associated with lines of credit, including revolving credit and installment credit.

Revolving Credit

Revolving credit is typically associated with credit cards, and is characterized by flexibility, consumer-friendly terms, and generally easier access to funds.

It allows borrowers to access a predetermined amount of money over a period of time, up to their credit limit.

When the borrower pays back some of the debt, they can access more of the approved loan amount. As the borrower pays down the principal, they can take out more money, up to the approved limit, in a revolving cycle.

Interest payments are typically variable and they depend on the credit provider. Credit cards are a popular form of revolving credit.

Installment Credit

Installment credit describes a type of debt backed by an asset or agreement which, when satisfied, ends all payments due.

It may include car loans, home mortgages, and student loans. Installment credit provides regular payments to the lender, which may be principal with interest charges, some of which may be tax-deductible.

Installment credit often has a fixed interest rate and the payments are made on a fixed schedule and the debt is often secured against the value of the purchased asset, such as a car loan being secured against the car purchased.

Each payment made reduces the balance of the debt and also the amount of interest charged since the loan is usually spread over several years, and reduces the total cost of borrowing for the borrower.

With installment credit, a loan can be used to purchase a home, an automobile, or pay for educational expenses.

Uses Of Credit

Credit lines refer to a form of financing offered to consumers by lending institutions, usually banks or credit unions, for making a variety of purchases.

There are several types of credit lines and various uses for lines of credit. This article will cover the three main uses for lines of credit including home improvement, debt consolidation, and emergency expenses.

Home Improvement

Home improvement is one of the major uses of lines of credit. Home improvement loans, or financing, allow homeowners to borrow funds to modify their living space in an effort to make it more comfortable, stylish and/or up to code.

Lines of credit can be particularly useful in this sense, as they provide the flexibility of traditional loans with little to no processing time and offer greater access to funds.

Homeowners can use the money to purchase tools, materials, and even hire specialized contractors for any big projects that require seasoned expertise.

Additionally, lines of credit give more control over budgeting, as homeowners can dedicate only a portion of the budget to a particular project, and access the rest should extra costs occur.

Furthermore, once the project is complete, the balance is due and the homeowner can pay the funds off quickly, thus making the whole process stream lined and convenient.

Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation is a type of credit line used to pay off multiple debts. Through debt consolidation, an individual can combine many debts into one easy payment, often at a lower interest rate.

This allows for a more manageable loan balance and better money management. By consolidating multiple creditors into one loan, it is possible to budget more effectively and save on interest payments.

Debt consolidation can also provide a larger line of credit than a single loan and can help improve credit score.

This can be beneficial in order to increase the chances of qualifying for a better loan if debt consolidation is not the right solution.

Before committing to a debt consolidation loan, it’s important to research options to ensure that the new loan offers the best deal and will assist in becoming debt free.

Emergency Funds

Credit lines can provide an efficient means of covering emergency funds. A line of credit is a loan of a specified amount for which the borrower can access funds at their own discretion.

This allows the borrower to ascertain the amount needed to cover the required expense. A line of credit can be used for a variety of needs, from covering the cost of living to paying for medical emergencies.

For example, if a health issue increases the family’s medical costs, a line of credit can be used to cover the additional costs and help prevent a financial crisis.

Credit lines also provide flexibility, allowing the borrower to access funds as needed and avoid having to pay an enormous one-time sum.

Lines of credit can also be used for short-term loans and payday loans to help individuals meet their financial obligations. Credit lines offer a convenient option for those who need quick access to funds.

Credit Card Lines Of Credit

As an important means of borrowing money, lines of credit have enabled businesses and individuals to make purchases, cover debts, and finance large expenses.

This article will focus on the specific features and advantages of credit card lines of credit. We will further explore credit card cash advances, credit card balance transfers, and other types of credit card lines of credit and associated features.

Credit Card Cash Advances

Credit Card Cash Advances, or charges taken against a credit card’s available line of credit, can be an appealing way of accessing short-term cash.

They usually come with a high-interest rate and fees, making them a less appealing option in the long-term. Additionally, they are limited to credit card holders and can only be used against available funds.

People should be careful when opting for this type of loan as it can lead to large, difficult to pay-off sums of debt. Making sure to exhaustother alternatives to a cash advance, such as a personal loan can save individuals from falling into deep debt.

It is also important to check how much interest is due after considering a cash advance, as well as any potential caps to the total amount taken. Always consider the risks and benefits of a Credit Card Cash Advance before making any decisions.

Credit Card Balance Transfers

Credit card balance transfers offer an efficient way to consolidate high-interest debts into a single, lower-interest payment.

Credit card issuers often offer promotional balance transfer rates to attract new customers or encourage existing ones to keep using them.

Balance transfers can also help with budgeting and cash flow management, by making it easier to pay down sizable balances and reduce total interest payments.

To take advantage of balance transfer offers, however, it’s important to understand the fees and fine print associated with the card being offered.

Transfer fees, recurring fees and credit limit change fees may all apply, depending on the card and issuer.

Additionally, some credit cards have time restrictions on balances, with high-interest rates applied after a promotional period ends.

Before selecting a credit card balance transfer, compare offers from different issuers and make sure you are aware of all associated fees.

Qualifying For A Line Of Credit

Qualifying for a line of credit is a very important part of the application process. The most important factors considered when someone applies are their credit score, income, and debt-to-income ratio.

In this section, we will discuss how these items factor into the application process and what you can do to increase your chances of being approved.

Credit Score

Qualifying for a line of credit requires the borrower to meet certain criteria. Most lines of credit require positive credit scores of the individual or business.

Credit scores can be obtained from a variety of sources, such as the three main credit bureaus, Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax.

Generally, a good credit score is determined by a points system, ranging from 300 to 850, with higher scores deemed better.

The points are an aggregate taken from a range of factors, including past payment history, debt-to-income ratio, and type of credit accounts.

These scores, when combined, determine one’s overall creditworthiness – or their potential to pay back the loan.

Lenders usually set a minimum credit score required in order for an individual to be eligible for the line of credit. This score may vary, depending upon the lender and the type of loan the customer is looking for.


Qualifying for a Line of Credit is integral to the borrowing process. Typically, people who pursue these types of loans have a stable source of income, such as a job, pension, or disability benefits.

The amount of income accrued will often determine the loan amounts the borrower is eligible to receive. To be eligible to apply for a Line of Credit, the borrower must be able to prove that income is being made.

This can be done through tax returns, bank statement reflecting regular deposits, and/or pay stubs. Additionally, a credit score is also used in the decision-making process, as it can affect the interest rate the borrower may receive.

A high credit score indicates the borrower is less of a risk for nonpayment or default, so the lender is more likely to offer the borrower a lower interest rate.

It is important for potential customers to remember that a Line of Credit is not an income source, but needs to be used as a form of debt management.

Debt-to-Income Ratio

When applying for a line of credit, a potential borrower is often required to provide their debt-to-income ratio. This figure is calculated by determining their monthly debt payments, such as rent, mortgages and car loans, and comparing this amount with the person’s gross monthly income.

This numerical value is seen as a key indicator of whether a person can manage to make the payments associated with a line of credit. It is often part of the lender’s risk assessment process and gets considered along with other factors such as credit score and credit history.

A borrower who does not meet the minimum debt-to-income ratio set by the lender might not qualify for the line of credit. To increase the ratio, a person might need to reduce the amount of monthly debt they have or find a way to increase their monthly income.

Managing A Line Of Credit

Managing a line of credit effectively requires a clear understanding of related concepts like payment schedules, interest rates, and fees. In this section, we’ll explore these ideas in-depth, to provide readers with the insight they need to make informed decisions regarding line of credit management.

Payment Schedules

Managing a line of credit can be an effective method of obtaining funds for a variety of needs. Payment schedules are an important element of any line of credit agreement.

Generally, payments are due according to a given payment schedule, which outlines the payment amounts, type of payment (electronic or check) and payment schedule intervals.

Payment schedules are typically outlined in the loan agreement and borrowers should pay attention to the specifics of their individual agreement.

Depending on the lender and loan program, some payment schedules may require minimum payments only while others may have varying payment amounts.

It is important to understand the payment schedule and to make all payments in full and on time in order to maintain a good credit rating.

Minimizing payment delays is also beneficial, as non-payment or delayed payment increases the possibility of penalty fees and interest rates. Additionally, pre-payment might be allowed and can be beneficial for minimizing interest costs.

Interest Rates

Interest rates play an important role in managing a line of credit. Most lines of credit have variable interest rates that are driven by the current financial markets.

A low-interest rate is preferable; however, this can often make it difficult to qualify for many lines of credit. To determine interest rate eligibility, lenders evaluate credit score, debt-to-income ratio, and borrowing limit.

Furthermore, fees and charges associated with a line of credit can also affect its interest rate. Often, the interest rate is negotiable; it is advised to shop around and compare different rates to get the best deal.

Moreover, interest rate can be a major factor in determining one’s ability to repay a loan since it can significantly add to overall costs of borrowing.

To keep interest costs low, it’s often important to maintain a good payment history, as well as avoid incurring additional debt.


When managing a line of credit, there are several fees to consider. Credit lines usually require an annual fee, which can range from $25 to $100.

Depending on the lender, there may also be an origination fee and a fee for excessive withdrawals. If an account goes over its credit limit, an overlimit fee will be charged.

Additionally, some creditors charge interest on the unpaid balance, or charge a fee if a check is returned. Lastly, if a customer pays late, there will almost always be a late payment fee.

Knowing these fees and managing credit responsibly is essential for properly managing a line of credit.

Line Of Credit: FAQs

What Is A Line Of Credit?

A line of credit is a credit agreement between an individual or business and a financial institution. With a line of credit, the financial institution allows an individual or business to borrow money up to an approved credit limit.

How Can A Line Of Credit Be Beneficial?

A line of credit offers customers flexibility, allowing them to use funds as needed, when needed. It can also provide customers with access to a more affordable, lower-interest rate compared to other forms of short-term borrowing such as credit cards.

What Are Some Types Of Lines Of Credit?

The two most common types of lines of credit are home equity line of credit (HELOC) and business line of credit (LOC). A HELOC is secured with home equity as collateral and offers lower interest rates than other forms of credit. A business line of credit is unsecured and is typically used to cover short-term financing and working capital needs.

What Is The Difference Between A Loan And A Line Of Credit?

The main difference between a loan and a line of credit is the repayment term. With a loan, customers are expected to pay back the full balance of the loan within a specific period of time, usually with one lump payment at the end. With a line of credit, customers are expected to make regular payments of a minimum amount every month.

What Factors Do Lenders Consider When Approving A Line Of Credit?

Lenders typically consider factors such as credit history, income, and assets when approving a line of credit. Some lenders may also require collateral or a down payment to secure the loan.

What Are The Fees Associated With A Line Of Credit?

The most common fees associated with a line of credit are fees for setting up the line of credit, annual fees, and late fees. There may also be additional fees for exceeding the credit limit, withdrawing cash, and closing the line of credit.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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