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  • What are Crowdfunding Strategies and How Do They Work

by Mike Vestil 

What are Crowdfunding Strategies and How Do They Work

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This comprehensive guide to crowdfunding covers everything from understanding different types of crowdfunding (donation-based, rewards-based, equity-based, and debt-based) to setting up a campaign, pre-launch strategies, marketing and promotion, campaign management, and post-campaign activities.

Learn how to choose the right platform, develop a compelling story, build your email list, and engage with social media and influencers for maximum success. By following these steps and learning to adapt and adjust strategies, you’ll be better equipped to make your crowdfunding venture a success.

Definition and Background

Crowdfunding is a modern way of raising funds that involves asking a large number of people for small amounts of money, typically through online platforms. It has become a popular alternative method for entrepreneurs, creatives, and non-profits to secure funding for their projects or ventures.

The concept of crowdfunding dates back centuries, as shared financing has been used to fund endeavors such as publishing books or constructing monuments. However, the rise of the internet has transformed crowdfunding into an easy and efficient way for businesses and individuals to reach a global audience and ask for financial support.

Crowdfunding platforms generally act as a mediator between project creators and potential backers, offering tools for both parties to engage and track the progress of campaigns. The platform takes a percentage of the funds raised, while project creators set target budgets and usually have a deadline to reach their goal.

Types of Crowdfunding

There are several types of crowdfunding, with each catering to a specific kind of project or financial goal.


Donation-based crowdfunding involves individuals giving money to a project or cause with no expectation of receiving anything in return. This type of crowdfunding is particularly popular with non-profit organizations, charities, and disaster relief efforts. Platforms like GoFundMe and JustGiving are well-known examples of donation-based crowdfunding.


Rewards-based crowdfunding, also referred to as product-based crowdfunding, involves backers pledging money in exchange for a reward, which varies depending on the level of contribution. Most often, the reward is the product or service the entrepreneur is developing or offering. This type of crowdfunding is popular for creative projects, technology startups, and consumer products. Kickstarter and Indiegogo are examples of rewards-based crowdfunding platforms.


Equity-based crowdfunding sees backers invest in exchange for equity shares in the company. This option may be appealing to those hoping for financial returns or long-term involvement with the success of the business. It is crucial that entrepreneurs and investors understand the legal requirements and regulations associated with this type of crowdfunding, as securities laws are often involved. StartEngine and Crowdfunder are examples of equity-based crowdfunding platforms.


Debt-based crowdfunding, or peer-to-peer lending, involves individuals or institutions providing loans to entrepreneurs, who are required to pay back the loan with interest. This type of funding is popular among small businesses or projects requiring a relatively smaller amount of capital.

Backers are attracted to debt-based crowdfunding as it offers the potential for financial returns, and entrepreneurs benefit from potentially lower interest rates compared to traditional bank loans. LendingClub and Prosper are examples of debt-based crowdfunding platforms.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Crowdfunding offers significant benefits for both backers and project creators. Advantages include accessing a wider audience of potential supporters, receiving feedback and validation on project ideas, and potentially lower costs of funding for entrepreneurs. Additionally, crowdfunding can help build an engaged community of customers or supporters who take a personal interest in seeing the project succeed, and it offers the potential for media exposure through viral campaigns.

However, crowdfunding is not without its disadvantages. Projects can be time-consuming to manage, and creators must effectively communicate with backers and manage their expectations. There is also no guarantee that a goal will be reached, and failure may be damaging to a project’s reputation.

Additionally, campaigners often face intense competition for attention and funds, as well as potential scams or fraudulent activities. Finally, certain types of crowdfunding, such as equity-based, involve strict regulations and legal requirements that must be carefully navigated.

Setting Up a Crowdfunding Campaign

Crowdfunding is a powerful and effective way to raise funds for a project, startup, or initiative. It involves raising money from a large number of people, usually with the help of the internet. This guide will cover several key aspects of setting up a successful crowdfunding campaign.

Choosing the Right Platform

The first step in setting up a crowdfunding campaign is selecting the appropriate platform. There are many platforms available, each catering to different types of projects and offering varying levels of support and services.

Some popular crowdfunding platforms include:

  1. Kickstarter – This platform is ideal for creative projects such as new gadgets, films, books, or games.
  2. Indiegogo – Indiegogo supports a broader range of projects and offers flexible funding options.
  3. GoFundMe – This platform is primarily used for personal causes and community projects.
  4. Patreon – This platform helps creators build a long-term funding relationship with supporters in exchange for exclusive content and experiences.

Research each platform to understand the fees, support, and terms and conditions before making a decision. Consider the target audience, type of project, and funding goals when choosing the best fit for your project.

Defining Clear Goals and Objectives

Next, define the goals and objectives of the campaign. Outline the reason for raising funds and the intended outcome of the project. This includes identifying target milestones and deliverables, the timeline for the project, and any potential risks or challenges.

Be specific about the work required and explain why the funds are necessary. This helps potential backers understand the importance of their support and feel more confident in your ability to deliver the project.

Developing a Compelling Story

Telling a compelling story is essential for any crowdfunding campaign. The story should engage the audience and evoke an emotional response, increasing their trust and willingness to contribute.

Elements to consider while crafting your story:
– Explain the project’s background and origin.
– Share personal experiences, motivations, and passions related to the project.
– Emphasize the impact and benefits the project will bring to the target audience and broader community.
– Provide a clear call to action, inspiring people to support the project.

Use videos, images, and other visuals to enhance your storytelling and make your project more memorable.

Designing Rewards or Incentives

Offer attractive rewards or incentives to motivate people to contribute to your campaign. Choose rewards that are closely aligned with your project and represent meaningful value to backers.

Types of rewards include:
– Physical products or prototype versions of the project.
– Services such as workshops or consulting sessions.
– Personalized experiences or exclusive access to events or content.
– Recognition in the form of shoutouts, acknowledgments, or featuring backers’ names in the final product.

Create different tiers of rewards to cater to varying levels of contributions and communicate the estimated delivery timeline.

Creating a Project Budget and Funding Goal

Develop a detailed budget outlining all the costs involved in completing the project, such as production and manufacturing, shipping, taxes, platform fees, and marketing expenses.

Based on the budget, set a realistic and attainable funding goal. A transparent breakdown of costs and funding goals builds trust with potential backers and demonstrates professionalism and commitment.

Planning a Campaign Timeline

Create a well-structured timeline for the crowdfunding campaign, including pre-launch, launch, and post-launch phases. The pre-launch phase involves building an online presence and generating buzz through social media and email marketing. Engage the community and form partnerships with influencers to gather support.

During the launch phase, keep the momentum going with regular updates, media outreach, and promotional events. Maintain open communication with backers, providing updates and addressing any questions or concerns promptly.

After the campaign, continue sharing progress, celebrating milestones, and delivering rewards as promised. This fosters a positive relationship with backers and can lead to future support and collaboration opportunities.

Pre-Launch Strategies

Before launching your product or service, it’s crucial to have a well-rounded pre-launch strategy in place to generate buzz and build anticipation for the big day. Having a solid plan ensures that you can maximize the impact of your product or service launch and potentially improve your chances of success. Here are some strategies to consider when planning your pre-launch approach.

Building an Email List of Supporters

Creating an email list of supporters during the pre-launch phase is vital for maintaining a sense of anticipation and excitement in your target audience. An email list serves as a direct line of communication between you and your customers and allows you to share important updates and information about your product or service launch.

To start growing your email list, you can create a pre-launch landing page on your website that invites people to sign up for updates about the upcoming product or service. Encourage, incentivize, and remind them to sign up by offering special deals, early access, or exclusive content related to the launch. The more value and exclusivity you can provide to your email subscribers, the more likely they are to support your product or service launch.

Developing a Strong Social Media Presence

Building a robust social media presence is essential for creating awareness and excitement around your product or service launch. Use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to share updates, images, videos, and other content related to your upcoming launch.

Developing an identifiable brand and voice across your social media channels will help you connect with your target audience and establish recognition. Use engaging visuals, hashtags, and content that resonate with your audience to drive interest and shares. Also, consider running ads on various platforms to reach a broader audience and drive traffic to your pre-launch pages.

Connecting with Influencers and Media

To amplify the visibility of your product or service launch, consider partnering with influencers in your industry who can help introduce your brand to their audience. Identify influencers with a strong following and align with the values of your brand, then reach out to explore potential partnerships or collaborations.

In addition to influencers, pitching your story to media outlets can be a great way to generate coverage and attention for your launch. Ensure that your pitches are newsworthy and timely, and tailor your message to each outlet or journalist. Share any pre-launch events, milestones, or exclusive stories related to your product to capture their interest and increase your chances of being featured.

Creating Engaging and Shareable Content

High-quality, engaging content plays a significant role in generating excitement and enthusiasm around your product or service launch. Create various forms of content, including blog posts, articles, infographics, videos, and podcasts, to address different parts of your audience’s interests, needs, and preferences.

Ensure your content is educational, informative, and engaging to keep your audience interested in your brand and offerings. Consider incorporating storytelling and testimonials to help connect with your audience emotionally. Moreover, optimizing your content with SEO techniques will improve the visibility of your content on search engines and increase the likelihood of people discovering your product or service organically.

Organizing a Pre-Launch Event

A pre-launch event can be an excellent way to build anticipation and excitement around your product or service launch. These events can range from in-person gatherings, such as launch parties or workshops, to virtual events like webinars or live-streamed product demos.

Hosting a pre-launch event allows you to showcase your offering in a unique, interactive setting, making it memorable for those who attend. It also gives you an opportunity to establish relationships with potential customers, partners, influencers, or members of the media, all of whom can play a vital role in spreading the word about your product or service launch.

In conclusion, implementing these strategic pre-launch tactics can help create enthusiasm and anticipation for your product or service launch, improving the chances of a successful unveiling. By carefully planning and executing email marketing, content creation, influencer and media outreach, and pre-launch events, you can guarantee that your audience will be poised with excitement to support your big launch.

Effective Marketing and Promotion

Utilizing Social Media and Online Advertising

One of the most effective ways to market and promote your business is through social media and online advertising. These digital channels provide a cost-effective and efficient way to reach your target audience, increase brand awareness and ultimately drive sales.

  1. Choosing the Right Channels: To be effective in online marketing, it is crucial to select the right social media platforms that cater to your target audience. For instance, if your target audience is young professionals, starting with platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter may be more beneficial. On the other hand, if you target a more general audience, Facebook and Instagram may be better options. It’s important to experiment, analyze and adjust your strategy as necessary to find the best fit for your business.

  2. Crafting Engaging Ads and Posts: Your online ads and social media posts should be engaging and relatable, something your audience would want to share with others. Make use of strong visuals, thought-provoking headlines and relevant content to create captivating promotional materials. Remember to keep a consistent brand image throughout all your marketing and promotion channels.

  3. Employing Analytics and Targeting: Tracking the performance of your social media and online advertising campaigns is essential to measure the success of your marketing efforts. Utilize tools such as Google Analytics, Facebook Insights or Twitter Analytics to gain insights on audience demographics, reach, engagement and conversions. Use this data to refine your targeting strategy and optimize your ad campaigns, ultimately leading to better results.

Content Marketing and Blogging

Content marketing is a strategic approach to creating valuable, relevant and engaging content with the goal of attracting and retaining customers. Blogging is one such content marketing strategy that can drive traffic to your website and establish your business as an authoritative source in your industry.

Consistently publishing high-quality content that solves problems, provides information or entertains can foster trust and credibility among your target audience. In addition, well-optimized blog posts can improve your search engine ranking, making your business more visible to potential customers.

Public Relations and Media Outreach

Public relations (PR) and media outreach are crucial components of a successful marketing strategy. Developing relationships with media outlets, journalists and influencers can lead to valuable coverage and publicity for your business. Consider creating a compelling press release or media kit about your company, products or services, and distribute them to relevant contacts in your industry. Make sure to personalize your outreach and follow up regularly to maximize your chances of obtaining coverage.

Email Marketing Strategies

Despite the rise of social media, email marketing remains an effective way to communicate with your audience and promote your products or services. Building a targeted email list, crafting engaging email campaigns and automating your email strategy can lead to increased customer loyalty, higher conversion rates and ultimately, growth for your business. Pay attention to the performance metrics of your email campaigns, such as open rate, click-through rate, and conversion rate, and optimize your content accordingly.

Partnerships and Cross-Promotions

Collaborating with other businesses or influencers in your industry can significantly increase your brand exposure and credibility. Establish partnerships with complementary businesses, and engage in cross-promotions through social media, email campaigns or co-hosted events. This approach can result in mutual benefits, by broadening the reach of both parties and providing value to each other’s audience.

Offline Marketing Tactics

Despite the growing emphasis on digital marketing, traditional offline marketing tactics still hold value in promoting your business. Some examples of offline marketing include print advertising in newspapers or magazines, direct mail campaigns, radio advertising, billboards, sponsoring events, and attending industry trade shows.

Determine which offline marketing tactics are most suitable for your industry and target audience, and implement them strategically to complement your online marketing efforts. Overall, a mix of both online and offline marketing strategies can yield the best results for your business’s growth and success.

Managing the Campaign

Managing a crowdfunding campaign involves multiple tasks, including communicating with backers, tracking metrics, handling challenges, providing customer service, and utilizing stretch goals. In this article, we will explore each of these crucial aspects in detail.

Regular Communication with Backers

Communicating with backers is an essential aspect of managing a crowdfunding campaign. It helps build trust, keep contributors engaged, and encourage them to spread the word about your project. To ensure effective communication, consider the following tips:

  1. Provide regular updates: Share progress, milestones, and challenges throughout the campaign. This keeps your backers in the loop and helps them feel invested in your project’s success.

  2. Be transparent: Address any hiccups, delays, or changes to the project honestly and openly. Honesty builds trust and helps backers understand the reality of running a crowdfunding campaign.

  3. Engage backers: Encourage backers to ask questions, share their thoughts, and interact with you and fellow backers through comments. This fosters a sense of community, and backers may offer valuable insights, suggestions, and support.

  4. Utilize multiple channels: Communicate with your backers through various channels, including email, social media, and your campaign page. This ensures that they receive updates in the format they prefer.

  5. Show gratitude: Always thank your backers for their support, whether they’ve made a small contribution or shared your campaign. Their involvement is vital to your project’s success.

Tracking Campaign Metrics and Adjusting Strategies

Monitoring and analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs) during your campaign can help you identify its strengths and weaknesses, as well as informed decisions on adjusting your strategies. Some important metrics to track include:

  1. Funding progress: Monitor your campaign’s real-time progress towards its funding goal. This information is crucial for adjusting your strategies and setting realistic expectations.

  2. Conversion rate: Measure how effective your campaign page is at converting visitors into backers. If the conversion rate is low, consider optimizing your campaign page to improve its persuasiveness.

  3. Traffic sources: Identify where your traffic is coming from to understand which marketing channels are working best. Focus your efforts on those channels to maximize campaign exposure and reach.

  4. Social media engagement: Track likes, shares, comments, and retweets to gauge public interest in your project. Monitor trends and respond accordingly to maintain momentum.

  5. Backer demographics: Obtain information on your backers’ location, age, gender, and other demographics to tailor your marketing messages and offer relevant rewards.

Managing Challenges and Setbacks

Crowdfunding campaigns often face unexpected challenges, such as manufacturing delays or negative feedback. Here’s how to manage setbacks effectively:

  1. Acknowledge the issue: Inform your backers about any problems promptly and explain the causes in a transparent manner. This demonstrates your commitment to honesty and your willingness to learn from setbacks.

  2. Develop a plan: Outline the steps you will take to address the challenge and provide an estimated timeline for resolution. Ensure that your plan is realistic and achievable.

  3. Communicate progress: Provide updates on your progress towards implementing the solution, highlighting any milestones or positive developments. This keeps backers engaged and assured that you are working to overcome the issue.

  4. Learn from setbacks: Reflect on the lessons you learned from the setback and utilize that knowledge to improve your campaign management and final product. Share these lessons with your backers, showcasing your growth and commitment to their satisfaction.

Handling Customer Service and Support

Backers may have questions or concerns that you will need to address. Maintaining good customer service is important in keeping them satisfied and loyal. Here are some tips:

  1. Be responsive: Respond to queries promptly, providing thorough and helpful answers.

  2. Maintain a FAQ: Create a list of frequently asked questions and their answers to streamline the support process.

  3. Train your team: Ensure that everyone on your team knows how to handle inquiries professionally and effectively.

  4. Manage expectations: Clearly communicate production timelines, shipping details, and any other pertinent information to backers to minimize unnecessary inquiries.

  5. Solicit feedback: Encourage backers to provide feedback on your project and respond to their suggestions.

Utilizing Stretch Goals and Milestones

Stretch goals and milestones are great ways to generate excitement and encourage more backers to join your campaign once initial goals have been met. Implement them effectively using the following strategies:

  1. Set achievable stretch goals: Ensure that any additional goals you set are realistic and do not compromise the quality or delivery of your project.

  2. Clearly communicate benefits: Explain how reaching each stretch goal will benefit backers, such as improved product features or additional rewards.

  3. Celebrate milestones: Share milestones with your backers as they are achieved, thanking them for their part in your project’s continued success.

  4. Offer exclusive rewards: Consider offering limited-time or exclusive rewards for reaching stretch goals, incentivizing backers to increase their pledges or share your campaign with others.

By effectively managing these aspects of your crowdfunding campaign, you can maximize your chances of success and deliver a satisfying experience for your backers.

Post-Campaign Activities

Fulfilling Rewards and Delivering on Promises

After the completion of a successful crowdfunding campaign, it’s crucial for the team behind the project to start working on delivering the promised rewards to their backers. This is a critical phase in the post-campaign process as it directly affects how your backers will perceive your business or project and whether they will support you in the future.

To ensure you fulfill your rewards and meet your deadlines, it’s essential to be organized, have a well-executed plan, and maintain clear communication with your backers. Starting with a realistic timeline for delivering rewards will help you map out the required steps and resources to meet your goals. Collaborate with your team and with external partners, such as manufacturers or suppliers, to track progress and stay on schedule.

It’s also essential to keep your backers informed of any changes or updates regarding the production and shipment of rewards. This can be done through project updates on your crowdfunding platform, as well as through social media and mailing lists. Transparency is crucial when it comes to building trust and maintaining a positive reputation with your backers.

Lastly, it’s a good idea to have contingency plans in place for any unexpected challenges or issues that may arise, such as manufacturing delays or difficulty in obtaining certain materials. Being prepared for these scenarios will help you make informed decisions and continue to deliver on your promises.

Maintaining Open Communication with Backers

Keeping backers informed and engaged throughout the entire project lifecycle is essential for a successful crowdfunding campaign. Regular communication not only helps to build trust and credibility but also creates a sense of community and involvement among your supporters.

You can maintain open communication with your backers by sending out periodic updates, both during and after your campaign. These updates can include progress reports, production milestones, shipping details, and any challenges or setbacks you’ve encountered along the way. Encourage backers to provide feedback and ask questions, as this can help improve your project and provide valuable insight for future endeavors.

In addition to updates, utilize social media channels, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, to engage with your backers and share behind-the-scenes content. By showcasing the progress and growth of your project, you’re not only creating buzz but also demonstrating your commitment to delivering a high-quality product or service.

Conducting Post-Campaign Analysis

After your crowdfunding campaign has ended, it’s essential to conduct a thorough post-campaign analysis to assess your project’s performance and identify areas in which you could improve for future projects. Gather and analyze data from your campaign, including the number of backers, funds raised, reward tiers, social media engagement, and traffic sources.

Identify the strategies and tactics that were most effective in attracting backers and driving conversions. Determine what worked well, what didn’t work, and the reasons behind the successes and failures. This information will help you build on your strengths and address weaknesses when planning future campaigns.

It’s also crucial to gather feedback from your backers. Surveys and direct communication can help you better understand how your campaign resonated with your supporters. Take their insights into consideration to improve your offerings and communication strategies in future campaigns.

Planning for Future Projects and Investment

With a successful crowdfunding campaign under your belt, it’s time to consider your next steps and how you can build on your success for future projects. Continue developing relationships with your backers and community, as they can serve as an invaluable resource for providing insight, support, and potential future investment opportunities.

Assess your current resources and capabilities to determine your readiness for future projects. This may involve expanding your team, investing in new equipment or technology, or seeking additional funding from investors or other financial sources.

As you plan for future projects, it’s crucial to be strategic in your approach, identifying new markets or niches to target, creating a robust marketing strategy, and setting realistic goals and expectations. By continuously learning from your previous crowdfunding experiences and building on your successes, you can pave the way for increased growth and success in your future endeavors.

Crowdfunding Strategies — FAQ

1. What are the key components of a successful crowdfunding strategy?

A successful crowdfunding strategy includes clear project goals, enticing rewards for backers, a comprehensive marketing plan, a strong pitch, detailed budget and timeline, and consistent communication with potential supporters and investors.

2. How important is pre-launch marketing for a crowdfunding campaign?

Pre-launch marketing is crucial for successful campaigns, enabling creators to create awareness, build an audience, fine-tune their pitch, and gather feedback before the campaign goes live. This helps secure early support and gain momentum once launched.

3. What are some critical strategies to reward backers and keep them engaged in the campaign?

Rewarding backers includes offering exclusive perks, keeping them informed through regular updates, showcasing progress, delivering timely and quality products, and expressing appreciation for their support. Rewards should be varied, well-priced, and appealing to ensure engagement.

4. How can creators effectively use social media to promote their crowdfunding campaigns?

Creators should create engaging content that showcases the campaign’s story, create shareable visuals, partner with influencers, participate in relevant groups, and engage in conversations. Regular updates and timed promotional campaigns help maintain momentum.

5. How crucial is budgeting and financial planning for a crowdfunding campaign?

Precise budgeting and financial planning ensure funds are allocated effectively and allow creators to deliver on promises made during the campaign. Proper planning mitigates risks and enhances credibility, fostering trust among backers.

6. What are the advantages of using crowdfunding platforms over traditional funding methods?

Crowdfunding platforms enable creators to test market demand, build a community, and gain access to a wide array of potential backers without giving up equity. Additionally, they offer an opportunity to create brand awareness and receive valuable feedback.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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