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by Mike Vestil 

federal government

A federation (from Latin: foedus, gen.: foederis, “covenant”), also known as a federal state, is a political entity characterized by a union of partially self-governing states or regions under a central (federal) government. In a federation, the self-governing status of the component states, as well as the division of power between them and the central government, are typically constitutionally entrenched and may not be altered by a unilateral decision of either party, the states or the federal political body. The governmental or constitutional structure found in a federation is known as federalism. It can be considered the opposite of another system, the unitary state. Germany with sixteen Länder is an example of a federation, whereas neighboring Austria and its Bundesländer was a unitary state with administrative divisions that became federated, and neighboring France by contrast has always been unitary. Federations may be multi-ethnic and cover a large area of territory (e.g. United States or India), although neither is necessarily the case. The initial agreements create a stability that encourages other common interests, reduces differences between the disparate territories, and gives them all even more common ground. At some time this is recognized and a movement is organized to merge more closely. At other times, especially when common cultural factors are at play such as ethnicity and language, some of the steps in this pattern are expedited and compressed. The international council for federal countries, the Forum of Federations, is based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. It helps share best practices among countries with federal systems of government, and currently includes nine countries as partner governments.


The term ‘federal government’ first appeared during the American Revolution, when the thirteen colonies were declared to be independent states. It was used to describe a system of government in which power is divided between a national government and state governments. This type of government is based on the idea of federalism, which is derived from two Latin words: foedus, meaning compact or covenant; and res publicae, meaning public things or affairs.

In 1787, the United States Constitution created a federal form of government that allowed for both a national and state level of governance. The powers not delegated to the federal government are reserved for the states or the people. This structure guarantees citizens certain unalienable rights and freedoms, as well as provides for a more equitable distribution of resources across all states.

Throughout history, other countries have adopted variations of this form of government. In Canada, it’s called Confederation; in Germany, it’s known as Rechtsstaat; in Switzerland it’s direct democracy; and in India it’s called Unionism. Each country has adapted its own version to suit their respective needs and conditions.

Today most countries use some form of federalism as part of their governmental structure. It provides an efficient way to govern large populations while ensuring that people in each region have representation at both the local and national levels. Federalism also allows state governments to serve unique interests without interfering with other regions’ autonomy or sovereignty.

Ultimately, federalism ensures that individual rights are protected while still maintaining an effective system of governance at both local and national levels. By sharing power between different branches or levels of authority, it helps ensure stability within society by creating checks and balances that prevent any single entity from dominating policy decisions or gaining too much power over citizens’ lives.


The belief system of the federal government is a complex set of values and norms that have been developed over time by the people who lead it. It is made up of both constitutional principles and pragmatic decisions about how to best serve the citizens of a nation. It has been shaped by historical events, economic realities, and cultural norms.

The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land and provides guidance for how laws are to be interpreted and enforced. It outlines fundamental rights such as freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, petition, privacy, due process of law, equal protection under the law, and other essential freedoms. The Constitution also includes provisions for separation of powers among the branches of government—the legislative branch (Congress), executive branch (the President), judicial branch (the Supreme Court)—and sets limits on governmental authority in order to protect individual liberties.

The beliefs held by those within the federal government are shaped by a number of factors that range from political ideologies to personal relationships among members. Political ideologies can be divided into two main categories: liberal and conservative. Liberal ideology generally favors an expansive role for government in providing services such as healthcare or welfare while conservative ideology is more focused on fiscal responsibility and reducing taxes. Personal relationships between members can play a role in shaping beliefs because these relationships often provide opportunities for collaboration and compromise in order to pass legislation or resolve disagreements between parties involved.

In addition to ideological beliefs about how federal governments should operate there are also practical considerations that must be taken into account when making decisions about policy. These include making sure laws are passed that will benefit citizens rather than impede their rights; ensuring fair enforcement across state boundaries; ensuring resources are allocated fairly amongst states; abiding by international treaties; developing foreign policies that promote cooperation with other nations; supporting economic growth through trade agreements; protecting national security interests both domestically and abroad; supporting infrastructure development; encouraging free enterprise; protecting public health; protecting natural resources; promoting educational initiatives; advancing scientific research initiatives; ensuring civil rights protections for all citizens regardless of race or gender etc..

Finally, it is important to note that beliefs within federal governments are not static but instead evolve over time as new issues arise or circumstances change. As such it is important for leaders within governments to remain open-minded and willing to accept change in order to ensure they continue serving their citizen’s needs in the most effective manner possible.


The federal government is the system of national political governance in the United States. The federal government operates under a system of checks and balances, where three branches of government—the executive, legislative, and judicial—work together to ensure that no one branch has too much power. The practice of federalism allows for different levels of authority between the states and the national government.

Practices at the Federal Level include legislation, regulation, taxation, foreign affairs, defense and security policy, social welfare policy, civil liberties issues, and more. According to the Constitution of the United States all legislative powers are vested in Congress which is divided into two chambers: the House of Representatives and Senate. The President has certain executive powers including signing laws passed by Congress into effect as well as vetoing any law that he or she deems unfavorable or unconstitutional.

The Supreme Court is responsible for interpreting laws passed by Congress as well as resolving disputes between different branches of government or between state governments and private entities. Many decisions made at the federal level are subject to review by the Supreme Court before they can become law. Additionally Congress can override presidential vetoes with a two-thirds majority vote in both houses.

Taxation is a major component of federal practices. Taxes collected by the federal government help fund its services such as national defense, Social Security benefits payments, Medicare & Medicaid benefits payments, food stamp programs, public education programs and infrastructure projects like road & bridge construction/maintenance or airport improvement/maintenance etc. Additionally taxes levied on individuals provide funds for national debt reduction efforts or deficit reduction efforts.

Foreign affairs is another component that falls under federal practices; this includes diplomatic relations with other nations around the world through embassies as well as international trade agreements and treaties negotiated at international conferences often times overseen by representatives from multiple countries including those from non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Additionally affiliated agencies such as Homeland Security monitor immigration patterns within US borders for reasons related to national security or public safety concerns .

Social welfare policies are also developed through federal practices; these may include programs like Social Security which provides income support to retirees or disabled persons while also providing disability insurance benefits should someone become disabled due to an accident or illness during their working life. Other social welfare programs include unemployment insurance which allows workers who lost their jobs due to factors beyond their control receive temporary financial assistance while they seek new employment opportunities; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) which helps low-income families in need access healthy meals; Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) which provides cash assistance to qualifying families with children in order to meet basic needs such housing & utilities expenses etc.; and more recently thanks cares act provisions focused towards relieving economic impact caused by COVID-19 pandemic such providing stimulus checks to eligible citizens across US , expanding unemployment insurance access criteria etc .

Civil Liberties issues are also part of Federal Practices such protection under fourth amendment against unreasonable search & seizure ; fifth amendment guarantees against self incrimination , double jeopardy etc., six amendment guarantee right to counsel , first Amendment guarantee freedom speech , religion etc . In addition there are several civil rights protections enshrined within US constitution guaranteeing citizen’s rights regardless race , sex , color , age etc . These civil liberty protections are essential components necessary for building strong democracies around world .

In summary Federal Government Practices involve legislation & regulation development ; establishing foreign affairs ; taxation & revenue collection ; providing social welfare policies ; protecting citizens civil liberties & rights etc . This ensures proper functioning efficient governance structure within US necessary overseeing operations all levels : local state up till federal level governing bodies thus forming checks & balances system preventing any single branch overreaching its power boundaries set out constitution .


Books are a fundamental tool for knowledge acquisition, and the federal government has long recognized their importance. In addition to supporting libraries and educational institutions, the US federal government has taken steps to provide books to its citizens.

The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world, and it serves as the research arm of Congress. The Library of Congress holds over 168 million items, including more than 38 million books and other print materials. As part of its mission, the Library provides free access to these materials through its branches and online resources. The Library also works with major publishers to ensure that Americans have access to new titles at affordable prices.

The federal government also administers a number of programs geared towards providing books for those who cannot afford them. The National Book Bank program provides millions of free books annually to qualifying families through public libraries and community organizations across the country. Additionally, the United States Department of Education’s Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Program (FSEOG) awards grants for textbooks and other instructional materials for eligible undergraduate students in need.

The US federal government also supports literacy initiatives that make reading more accessible for all Americans. For example, First Book provides new children’s books to schools, libraries, and agencies serving low-income populations across the US. Furthermore, through partnerships with organizations such as Reach Out and Read and Everybody Wins! DC, federal agencies collect donations of new children’s books from publishers or distributors that are then given away at local schools or clinics in underserved communities around the country.

In conclusion, from supporting libraries to providing millions of free books annually through public libraries, community organizations, and literacy initiatives – the US federal government takes measures to ensure that individuals have access to quality reading material regardless of their financial circumstances. By providing these resources to citizens in need, they support knowledge acquisition and foster a culture that values education across all levels of society.


The United States is a federal government made up of fifty states, four territories, and the District of Columbia. Each state has its own unique demographic makeup, with total population size, racial and ethnic composition, age distributions, education levels and income ranges all varying from one state to another. As such, the demographics of the federal government have a significant impact on policy decisions made at all levels.

In 2018, the U.S. population was estimated to be 327 million people. Of that population, 76.5 percent were non-Hispanic white; 12.8 percent were Hispanic or Latino; 5 percent were African American; 4.3 percent were Asian; and 1 percent Native American/Alaska Native (with the remaining 0.4 percent being two or more races). This was a slight change from 2010 when non-Hispanic whites represented 81.7 percent of the population; Hispanics accounted for 16.3 percent; African Americans 12.6 percent; Asians 5.1 percent; and Native Americans and Alaska Natives 1 percent (with 0.2 being two or more races). This shift in diversity suggests an increasingly multicultural nation over time as once minority populations become larger portions of the overall demographic picture in different regions across the country

When broken down by age groupings, 2018 estimates showed 24%.6 of all persons under 18 years old; 63% between ages 18-64; and 12% 65 years old or older (these numbers having remained relatively consistent since 2010). Median age across all states was 38 in 2018 compared to 37 in 2010 – reflecting an aging population over time as baby boomers enter retirement age while fertility rates remain low among younger generations due to delayed childbearing and smaller family sizes overall

Education levels also vary significantly across different states but have seen a general upward trend over time with 90% of adults having earned at least high school diplomas in 2018 compared to 86% in 2010, 37% holding bachelor’s degrees versus 32%, and 15% earning advanced degrees versus 11%. Income ranges also fluctuate widely from state to state depending on cost of living, job opportunities available and other factors that influence gross domestic product (GDP) – with median household income across all states at $57,652 in 2018 compared to $52,762 in 2010

In sum, demographics play an important role in shaping federal policies given their direct linkages between certain characteristics such as race/ethnicity, educational attainment and income disparities which can contribute to inequitable access to resources for various applicants based on geographic location or even generational divides within certain areas of residence. Therefore it’s critical for policy makers to remain mindful of this data whenever making decisions that affect public life so that they’re better able to provide appropriate solutions tailored towards helping people work towards a better future no matter their background or current circumstances

Businesses / Structures / Denominations

The Federal Government of the United States is the national government of the United States, established by the Constitution. It is composed of three distinct branches: legislative, executive, and judicial, which are responsible for exercising the powers and functions of the federal government. The federal government is primarily responsible for making laws and regulations, implementing those laws and regulations, and carrying out other activities that affect the nation as a whole.

Businesses within the federal government include corporate entities such as defense contractors and banks; other non-profit organizations such as hospitals; and public-sector organizations like post offices. Structures within the federal government include agencies like NASA and FEMA; departments like Treasury and Education; bureaus like Social Security Administration (SSA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); commissions such as National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC); task forces such as National Security Council (NSC); boards such as Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)and Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC); committees such as Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)and Joint Chiefs of Staff; councils such as Office of Management & Budget (OMB); centers like Centers for Disease Control & Prevention(CDC).

Denominations within the federal government include currency denominations from one cent to one thousand dollars; units used to measure energy consumption in buildings, land area measurement units defined by surveyors for various purposes ,weight measurements for food processing operations ,time measurement intervals for scheduling workers ; as well as size categories assigned to various items when ordering or shipping merchandise.

Businesses within the federal government have a major impact on its economy through their impact on taxes, job creation, infrastructure development, financial stability, regulation of markets and industry sectors, access to resources or capital investments. Structures within the federal government provide a framework that enables it to efficiently execute its mission while ensuring accountability to citizens. Denominations help ensure that all transactions are properly accounted for while keeping track of expenses related to different activities or projects. All these components are vital in order for any organization to function properly.

Cultural Inflience

The federal government is a system of government in which power is shared between a central authority and constituent states. In the United States, the Constitution established the federal government, which is composed of three branches – executive, legislative, and judicial – with powers vested by the people.

Cultural influence is an important factor in how a nation’s federal government operates and makes decisions. As culture is a key component that defines society and its norms, values, and beliefs, it has an affect on how citizens interact with their government on various issues. Additionally, it can even impact the structure of the government itself.

In many countries with strong national identities or cultural homogeneity, such as China or Japan for example, the population often has a unified set of values which are reflected in public policy and legislation. This uniformity can also be seen in countries like India where there are numerous ethnicities with different religions each having their own cultures – yet they all come together to form one nation under the same laws and regulations enforced by their central government.

When it comes to international affairs and diplomacy, culture plays an integral role as well due to its ability to create bridges between nations of different backgrounds. Cultural exchanges among countries help foster understanding between citizens from different nations while also providing opportunities for economic development. For instance, exchange programs like Fulbright provide students from around the world with chances to study abroad while strengthening relations between two countries through educational cooperation. This allows both parties involved to gain insight into each other’s cultures as well as learn new skills that will help them succeed within their respective societies.

Furthermore cultural influences are visible in areas such as immigration policies where governments must weigh whether allowing certain groups into their borders will have beneficial outcomes or negative consequences depending on their cultural background. In some cases when immigrants arrive they may bring ideas that may clash with traditional values already held by citizens, whereas in others they can be embraced because they add something positive to society as whole; either way it is up to leaders of each country to decide what type of immigration policies should be implemented based on this kind of analysis regarding cultural influences.

Cultural influences have been impacting politics since early history when societies were first organized according to social hierarchies determined by religion or ethnicity – this trend still continues today though now more focus is placed on forming a cohesive nation wherein all individuals regardless of who they are can benefit equally from its laws and regulations while maintaining special interests based on culture so everyone has chances at success regardless of where they come from. The federal government plays an important part in making sure this delicate balance is achieved without infringing upon anyone’s rights or compromising any group’s uniqueness which makes it necessary for them to consider cultural influences when making decisions about policies that affect entire nations both domestically and internationally..

Criticism / Persecution / Apologetics

The Federal Government of the United States is often subject to criticism, persecution, and apologetics from those who support or oppose the policies and actions of its executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Those who have studied the history of government in the US typically recognize that it has long been a source of contention between different political ideologies. It is therefore important to consider how various views have shaped public opinion on federal government policy over time.

Criticism of the federal government has existed since its founding. Early critiques focused on issues such as taxation without representation or states’ rights versus a strong central government. As the US grew, other areas of concern arose such as corruption in politics and economic control clashes between agrarian interests in the South and industrial interests in the North. More recently, topics such as foreign aid spending, civil rights enforcement, immigration reform, and social welfare programs have brought attention to how federalism can impact day-to-day life in America.

Persecution stemming from Washington D.C. has also been evident throughout American history. During times of crisis such as wars or during periods when individual freedoms are threatened due to political paranoia, citizens may be targeted due to their beliefs or positions on matters related to federal government policy. Examples include loyalty oaths during World War II which led to internment camps for Japanese Americans or McCarthyism which saw many accused of being communists without evidence or due process protections being enforced by Washington D.C..

Apologetics for federal government actions can also be found throughout American history though it typically takes place during times of national pride such as after winning a war or when an individual politician receives plaudits from fellow citizens for their service in office. Supporters may even claim that certain aspects of Washington D.C.’s role are necessary for order and stability within society despite criticisms from other groups who disagree with specific policies and laws that are enacted by Congress or signed into law by presidents past and present.

Ultimately, it is clear that there are many different views on how best to approach issues pertaining to federal government policy in America today; some criticize while others defend various aspects related to decisions made by elected representatives at all levels involved with governance within our nation’s capital city regionally known as “The Beltway” due both its proximity to Washington D.C., but also because it tends be a place where decisions made tend perpetuate around themselves like a ring road freeway that never ends completely leaving out anyone not directly involved with making decision on behalf of citizens far away whose voices are seldom heard no matter if they shout loud enough their point is little understood until it’s far too late which leads back around again time after time without any tangible improvement year after year until something new emerges from within along with fresh ideas worth exploring by those still listening who wait patiently hoping finally something else will come forth instead than merely more rhetoric unheeded once again about what was said before nothing changed one bit regardless regardless if anything good was meant ever before made nor not now forgotten nor forevermore damnable regretful whenceforward eternally unremarkable unsettled till somewhensoever hereafter


The federal government is a form of government in which power is shared between a central government and constituent political units, such as states or provinces. It’s a type of governance in which all power ultimately resides with the people, who are represented by elected officials at the local, state, and national levels. In most cases, federalism implies that each level of government has its own legal jurisdiction and responsibility for certain functions within their allocated powers.

In America, the United States Constitution establishes the framework for the federal system of government. There are three key components to this structure: delegation, sharing of powers between national and state governments (such as taxation), and division of authority among multiple layers of government (such as granting states control over education).

There are several types of federations across the world, depending on how authority is divided among different levels of government. These include Unitary States, Confederation Systems, Dual Federalism, Cooperative Federalism, Fused Federalism and Self-Governing Federations.

Unitary States have one level of government that holds all the power while confederation systems divide it between multiple levels with limited authority. Dual federalism separates powers between two distinct layers—the national and state governments—that maintain separate functions without direct interference from either side. Cooperative Federalism is similar but allows both levels to come together to share resources or regulate industry standards.

Fused Federalism combines aspects from both dual and cooperative systems by allowing each layer to rule independently but also collaborate when necessary. Finally, self-governing federations grant sub-state entities such as provinces or districts their own constitutional rights and freedoms to decide their own laws without interference from higher levels of authority.

Regardless of the type used in any given country or region around the world, all forms of federalism have demonstrated success in creating efficient governments that are able to represent many different interests while still providing citizens with necessary services like education and infrastructure development. Understanding how these different types work together can help citizens better understand their own governments as well as appreciate how other nations operate differently under a different system than what they may be accustomed to at home.


The federal government of the United States recognizes a wide range of languages as official. This means that certain documents and official business are conducted in those languages, and states that citizens should be able to access all federal services regardless of their native language. Official languages can be divided into two broad categories: official national languages and official regional languages.

Official National Languages

The United States has no single official national language, but English is by far the most widely spoken and used language at both a federal and state level. At the federal level, documents associated with Congress, the Supreme Court, executive agencies such as the Department of State and military branches are written in English. Spanish is also an officially recognized language at the federal level, though it is not used as often as English. Other federally recognized but less used national languages include Hawaiian (in Hawaii), French (in Louisiana) and German (in Wisconsin).

Official Regional Languages

In addition to recognizing certain national languages, several states have declared one or more additional languages to be ‘official’ at a regional level. These include Alaska’s recognition of Alaska Native Languages; New Mexico’s recognition of Spanish; Arizona’s recognition of Navajo; Maine’s recognition of French; New York’s recognition of Chinese; California’s recognition of Tagalog; Guam’s recognition of Chamorro; Hawaii’s recognition of Hawaiian; American Samoa’s recognition of Samoan; Puerto Rico’s declaration that Spanish and English are its two official languages; and Virginia’s adoption of both English and Algonquian as its designated Commonwealth Language.


The diversity in linguistics within America continues to grow as immigration becomes increasingly prominent in today’s society. Nevertheless, despite the variety in cultures that exist inside this nation, there are still some common denominators between them: the use of certain nationally-recognized official languages for governmental communication. The United States acknowledges several different linguistic backgrounds by recognizing various national and regional language systems from across the nation. In doing so, it serves to provide citizens with greater access to information which reflects their own cultural background or knowledge base.


A region is an area of land that is defined by either physical, social, or political characteristics. In the context of federal government, regions are geographical areas for which a central government has authority and responsibility. They can be divided into smaller sub-regions, such as states and provinces, and further subdivided into counties or districts.

The concept of federalism is at the core of many countries’ government structures. Federalism grants a certain degree of autonomy to regional governments while maintaining a unified state structure. This system is often used when two or more distinct populations share a common identity and history but have different economic or cultural needs. Regions are central to this system as they provide a way for individual states and provinces to maintain their distinct identities while still being part of the greater federal entity.

In some countries, regions are identified primarily by their geographic boundaries while in others they are determined by historical legacies or politics. Oftentimes, regions will have distinct cultures, economies, languages, customs, and laws that differentiate them from other parts of the country. The United States has four widely recognized regions—the Northeast, Midwest (also known as Great Lakes), South (also known as Dixie), and West—each with its own unique characteristics. Other countries may also recognize specific regions within their borders based on geography or politics; for example, China’s autonomous regions like Tibet and Xinjiang are legally distinct from the rest of the country in terms of laws and political representation.

Regional governments typically work closely with central authorities to maintain law and order in their areas. They may also be responsible for providing services such as education, healthcare, infrastructure maintenance/development, economic development initiatives (e.g., job training programs) tax collection/enforcement etc., depending on what responsibilities have been delegated to them by the central government.

Regional governments also play an important role in international relations; they may help represent their country’s interests during negotiations with other nations on matters such as trade agreements or political treaties. Additionally they often facilitate collaboration between different states in order to address shared challenges like environmental pollution or economic disparities between them.

In conclusion, regions have always played an essential role in federal systems throughout history due to their ability to balance autonomy with unity within a nation’s larger framework. With increased global mobility comes increased complexity around how these boundaries should be drawn so it will be increasingly important for governments to consider how best to define their nations’ regions moving forward in order ensure equitable decision-making processes at both local and national levels alike.


The founding of the federal government in the United States of America was a monumental moment in its history. It marked the beginning of a new era and laid the foundation for the nation to develop into a world superpower. The process began with the ratification of the Articles of Confederation in 1781, which created a decentralized government with limited powers. Although this government proved inadequate in governing the growing population, it provided an important stepping stone on the path to forming a stronger national government.

The Founding Fathers were instrumental in developing and ratifying what would become the United States Constitution in 1787. This document outlined the structure and purpose of a strong central government that divided power between three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial.

The Framers of the Constitution sought to provide citizens with individual liberties while also creating an efficient system of governance at both state and federal levels. A key provision was that all states had to agree to join before it could go into effect; once ratified by nine states, it became law.

James Madison is widely considered as one of most influential figures during this period, playing a major role in drafting many of its key provisions. Madison is often referred to as “the father” or “the founder” of the Constitution because he was a major contributor during its development. He combined his knowledge of political philosophy with his skill as an experienced politician to carefully craft language so that it could be accepted by all parties involved during debates over its content.

Under Madison’s leadership and through tireless negotiations with delegates from other states, compromises were made on several contentious issues including slavery and representation within Congress. His work eventually paid off when enough states agreed to ratify the document, making it officially part of United States law on June 21st 1788 setting up what would become one of strongest governments in history which continues to serve today hundreds years later after its creation by our Founding Fathers.

History / Origin

The federal government is the national government of a federation, usually a country consisting of several states or provinces that are united by a central government. The concept of federalism is based on the idea of shared governance and powers between the federal and state governments. In the United States, for instance, the federal government was established under the Constitution in 1787 following the American Revolution.

The history and origin of the federal government can be traced back to ancient times when city-states and other forms of small political entities began to unite under one political authority. The most well-known example is ancient Greece, where city-states such as Athens and Sparta formed an alliance known as the Delian League in 478BC. This league was ultimately transformed into an Athenian empire in 404BC, leading to further developments in centralized government systems such as those seen throughout medieval Europe.

The birth of modern federalism can be traced back to 16th century Switzerland where cantons were united under a form of confederational system with divided sovereignty between independent states which shared common interests but maintained their own rights and internal affairs. This model served as an inspiration for many European countries during their transition from monarchical rule to democracy and attracted attention from philosophers such as John Locke who described it as a ‘perfect separation’ between power and authority.

The concept was then adopted by America during its fight for independence from Great Britain; this led to the formation of ‘the Articles of Confederation’ in 1777 which established a loose union between what were then 13 independent states before being replaced by the current US Constitution by 1789. Over time, similar models were adopted by other countries including Canada, India, Mexico and Germany where they have come to be known as federations – countries made up of different autonomous regions that cooperate together through a central governing body while still maintaining distinct identities within each region.

Today there are over 40 federations around the world representing almost every continent; they range from large countries such as USA and India down to smaller island nations like Palau or Nauru which demonstrate that no matter how geographically varied or politically complex a nation may be, federalism can provide an effective way for citizens to unite under one unified whole while reaping benefits from decentralization at regional levels.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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