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by Mike Vestil 

estate planner

Estate planning is the process of anticipating and arranging for the disposal of an estate during a person’s life. Estate planning typically attempts to eliminate uncertainties over the administration of a probate and maximize the value of the estate by reducing taxes and other expenses. However, the ultimate goal of estate plan is determined by the specific goals of the client and may be as simple or complex as the client’s needs dictate. Guardians are often designated for minor children and beneficiaries in incapacity. It overlaps to some degree with elder law, which additionally includes other provisions such as long-term care.


A life estate planner is a professional who specializes in helping individuals and families plan for their financial future by creating an estate plan. Estate planning involves the careful selection of appropriate tools and techniques to ensure that a person’s assets, debts, and other financial obligations are managed according to his or her wishes, both during life and after death. An effective estate plan will provide peace of mind knowing that one’s wishes regarding their finances will be carried out in the event of death or incapacity.

The primary focus of a life estate planner is to ensure that an individual’s assets are distributed as intended upon death. This can include investments such as stocks, bonds, retirement accounts, real estate holdings, insurance policies, annuities and trusts. The estate planner strives to minimize taxes owed on these assets so that the maximum amount of property can go to the intended heirs. Additionally, a good life estate planner will review the existing wills and trusts in place to make sure they accurately reflect current circumstances and best suit the client’s goals.

To achieve this goal most effectively, a good life estate planner must understand all aspects of taxation laws related to wealth transfer upon death. This requires knowledge of federal laws as well as those governing specific states where assets are located. Without this knowledge, it may be impossible for an individual to maximize any potential tax savings from their estates.

Additionally, there are many different strategies available for managing one’s financial affairs while still alive: asset protection strategies; living wills; powers of attorney; health care directives; gifting plans; charitable giving plans; and more. A skilled life estate planner will help clients evaluate which strategies best meet their individual needs based on their goals and objectives for their lives now and in the future.

Finally, it is important for clients to keep their financial plans updated throughout their lives so they continue to represent their intentions with accuracy over time — especially when significant life events occur such as marriage or divorce or birth or death of loved ones. A qualified life estate planner can help individuals stay abreast of changing laws that may affect them in order to keep them informed about potential changes that could impact their present and future goals regarding asset management planning.


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Poltical Position

Estate planner is a term used to describe an individual or group of individuals who are dedicated to helping people plan ahead and make preparations for their estates in the event that they die or become incapacitated. Estate planners typically work with clients to develop plans that meet the client’s needs, wants, and goals. These plans usually involve wills, trusts, insurance policies, tax planning, and other financial matters related to estate planning.

When it comes to estate planning and politics, much of the same advice from financial professionals applies. It’s important for clients to consider their political beliefs when making decisions about their estate plans. This is because many laws and regulations related to estate planning are determined by government policies.

For instance, if a person has strong political beliefs that favor lower tax rates or fewer regulations on estates, then they may want to consider setting up a trust or utilizing charitable giving strategies in order to reduce taxes owed on their estate. On the other hand, if someone has strong philosophical beliefs against the accumulation of wealth in families over multiple generations or they feel strongly about reducing inequality between different class levels of society through progressive income taxation then they may want to devise a plan which maximizes the amount of money going towards charity instead of family members when they pass away.

In addition there are several types of trusts which have been created by lawmakers with specific social objectives in mind such as providing support for education or health care for those in need. A good estate planner will be able to help their client determine which type of trust best suits their needs while also ensuring that all applicable laws are adhered to.

Estate planners must also stay abreast of any changes in tax laws at both the federal and state level in order to keep up with changing regulations associated with preparing and managing an estate plan. It’s not uncommon for new tax legislation or court decisions regarding inheritance laws can drastically change how certain types of assets can be passed down from generation to generation. Knowing these changes can help an experienced estate planner guide their clients toward achieving their desired outcomes while avoiding unexpected legal issues down the road.

Overall, it’s important for clients who are considering working with an estate planner understand both how the political landscape affects their options as well as the importance of staying informed on current regulations pertaining to inheritance law so they can make sure their wishes will be carried out according to plan when they pass away. With careful consideration and advice from a qualified professional anyone can ensure that their legacy will live on long after them according to what was originally intended when developing an effective estate plan tailored specifically for them and their unique situation.


An estate planner is a professional who helps individuals or families prepare for the distribution of their assets after death. Estate planning involves developing strategies to help ensure that an individual’s property and possessions are managed appropriately, in accordance with their wishes. This process can involve tax planning, asset protection, and philanthropic giving. Philanthropy is an integral aspect of estate planning that allows individuals to give back to their communities in meaningful ways.

Philanthropy can take many forms. It may involve donating money or property to charities or creating endowments that will benefit the community upon an individual’s passing. Additionally, some individuals choose to establish trusts, which allow them to provide ongoing financial benefits to specific beneficiaries while providing tax advantages. Some estate planners also specialize in helping clients develop legacy plans that enable them to leave a lasting legacy through charitable giving.

Before engaging in philanthropic activities as part of their estate plan, it’s important for individuals to consult with experienced advisors and understand the potential tax implications associated with such donations. It’s also important for those considering philanthropic activities as part of their estate plan to consider various types of gifts—cash gifts, appreciated securities, real estate transfers, tangible personal property transfers—and the impact each type will have on taxes and other considerations such as gift limits or lifetime limitations on gifting. Additionally, it’s important for those looking at philanthropy as part of their estate plan to consider whether they would like to set up an irrevocable trust or make outright gifts at the time of death.

Moreover, engaging in philanthropic activities can often be beneficial from an investment standpoint as well; by donating appreciated securities rather than cash or other non-appreciated assets, donors may be able reduce capital gains taxes while receiving a charitable deduction for the full market value of the security being donated.

In conclusion, philanthropy is an essential component of estate planning that requires careful consideration and detailed analysis when approaching tax issues associated with charitable donations and gifting strategies. Experienced advisors can help ensure that donors are taking advantage of available strategies while fulfilling their other goals related to succession planning and wealth preservation


An estate plan is a set of legal documents and instructions that dictate how an individual’s assets should be distributed upon death. Estate planners typically use a variety of tools to design an estate plan, including books, trusts, wills and other types of legal documents. Books are one of the most important tools in the estate planning process because they provide useful information on how best to manage and preserve an individual’s wealth.

Books can help individuals gain a better understanding of the various aspects of estate planning. They can provide detailed explanations about the process, such as what types of trusts or wills are available, how to appoint someone to manage a trust, what types of taxes may apply to certain assets, and so on. Additionally, they can offer guidance on how best to protect one’s family from potential disputes over inheritance and succession rights.

Estate planning books are often written by experienced professionals with expertise in various areas related to estate planning, such as lawyers and financial advisors. For those who are new to estate planning or have limited experience in this field, reading these books can be extremely beneficial for gaining insight into the complexities associated with it. In addition, these books can provide advice on specific kinds of assets that may not be covered in regular legal documents like wills or trusts.

Books also offer an invaluable resource for those seeking specific information about state laws regarding estates and inheritance rights. The laws governing these matters vary significantly between states; thus, consulting state-specific material is essential when creating an effective estate plan. Furthermore, it’s highly recommended that individuals consult with qualified professionals who understand their particular situation when creating their plans; however, having access to reliable resources can still be helpful during this process.

Finally, books providing further detail on issues relevant to succession planning or asset protection can prove invaluable to future generations as well. As older generations become less familiar with complicated issues surrounding their estates due to age or illness – while younger generations take over – they often don’t have time (or the capability) to obtain all the necessary information needed for making informed decisions about them in their absence. Thus having access to pertinent materials that explain complex topics related to estate planning is essential for ensuring that future generations inherit exactly what was intended for them by their ancestors without any costly missteps along the way.

Personal Life

Estate planners are professionals who specialize in helping individuals and families manage the various financial, legal, and tax matters associated with their real estate holdings. Estate planning is an important component of any individual or family’s financial plan. It helps ensure that all of your assets are protected and managed according to your wishes should something happen to you or a loved one.

When it comes to estate planning, it is important to have a comprehensive look at one’s personal life as well as their finances. This includes taking into account the current state of relationships, particularly with those involved in the estate plan such as spouses, children, and other relatives. It is also important to consider future intentions for any income generated from real estate investments and how this may affect heirs and beneficiaries. Estate planners need to assess their client’s entire financial picture including their current income, assets, liabilities, investments, insurance policies, health care needs and more when developing an effective estate plan.

Estate planners can also provide guidance on life insurance policies that can be used to secure an inheritance for heirs or provide money needed for medical expenses or long-term care if things don’t go as planned. They are often familiar with the complexities of wills, trusts and probate laws so they can help clients minimize taxes while ensuring that assets are distributed according to their wishes. Estate planners can recommend strategies for avoiding probate costs such as creating living trusts or transferring assets while they are alive so they pass directly to heirs without going through probate court proceedings first.

Perhaps most importantly estate planners provide peace of mind knowing that even after death your wishes will be honored and your family will be taken care of financially. By working together with an experienced estate planner clients can create a comprehensive estate plan tailored to their unique circumstances that will address their short-term needs as well as long-term goals for themselves and future generations.


Estate planners help individuals and families to navigate the complex legal terrain associated with wills, trusts, and other related matters. Estate planning can be a complicated process, as it is based on a combination of legal principles, tax laws, and individual decisions. As such, estate planning often carries with it a certain level of controversy.

When it comes to estate planners, one of the most common sources of controversy revolves around their fees. Since estate planners are experts in their field, they typically charge more than what a regular lawyer or accountant would for consultation services. Some people feel that these fees are too expensive for what is effectively just providing legal paperwork advice. Others argue that these higher prices reflect the expertise and attention to detail that estate planners bring to the table.

Another source of controversy involves conflicts of interest among estate planners and their clients. This can occur if an estate planner has a financial stake in any investments or products that they recommend during their consultation services. While all estate planners must abide by certain ethical standards, some may not always disclose potential conflicts of interest when dealing with clients’ finances.

The use of trusts is also a frequent source of debate among those who practice estate planning. Trusts can be complicated instruments used to move assets between generations without passing through probate court or being subject to taxation. This often leads critics to accuse them as being nothing more than vehicles for avoiding taxes or protecting assets from creditors in case of death or bankruptcy. On the other hand, proponents argue that trusts have many benefits including preserving family wealth and promoting charitable giving over multiple generations – both important goals in some cases depending on individual circumstances.

Finally, another level of controversy arises when employers seek out outside consultants to provide assistance on employee benefit plans such as 401(k)s or group life insurance policies. In this case, questions regarding whether these consultants are acting solely in the interests of the employer or if they may be seeking profits from recommending certain investments come into play. As such, it is important for employers to thoroughly vet any potential consultants before signing contracts for services related to employee benefits plans and other matters dealing with employee financial well-being.

Estate planning is an essential part of financial planning for many individuals and families looking to protect themselves and their wealth after they are gone. However, there will always be debate surrounding this important topic due to its complexity and scope – which means it is up to each individual consumer to make sure their best interests are served when working with estate planners

Recognition / Awards or other financial professionals involved in similar activities such as setting up employee benefit plans or managing trust funds.

Estate planners are financial professionals who specialize in providing advice and guidance on estate matters. They help individuals, families, and businesses develop plans to ensure the orderly transfer of assets from one generation to the next. Estate planning is a complex process that requires knowledge of tax laws, insurance policies, and estate law.

Recognition for estate planners can come from a variety of sources including professional organizations, universities and colleges, continuing education programs, legal organizations, professional certification programs, and industry awards. Professional organizations such as the American College of Trusts and Estates Counsel (ACTEC), National Association of Estate Planners & Councils (NAEPC), and American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) provide recognition for their members through awards or certifications. Universities and colleges award degrees at various levels in the field of estate planning while continuing education courses also provide opportunities for recognition or certifications. Legal organizations often recognize top performers in their profession with awards or other forms of recognition. Finally, industry awards such as the International Association of Financial Planners (IAFP) Award for Excellence in Estate Planning are offered each year to recognize outstanding achievement in the field.

To receive any form of recognition is a great honor for an estate planner; however it must be accompanied by dedication to exemplary service and detailed knowledge within the field. Awards serve not only as an acknowledgment to those who have worked hard but also as motivation for others to pursue excellence within their respective fields. Additionally, these awards help promote public awareness about the importance of sound financial planning which ultimately benefits society as a whole.


Estate planner is a financial professional who helps individuals and families manage their assets and develop an effective plan for the transfer of wealth from one generation to the next. Estate planners provide advice on asset management, tax planning, retirement planning, charitable giving, and other important aspects of financial life. They work with attorneys and other professionals to ensure that all legal documents are in order and that clients have access to the most up-to-date estate laws. Furthermore, estate planners often assist with business succession planning as well as helping families prepare for potential difficulties such as disability or death.

The goal of estate planning is to ensure that assets are properly preserved for future generations. This should include developing strategies to reduce taxes on assets, prevent unnecessary probate costs and court fees, maintain privacy of estate matters, create trusts and other vehicles that protect assets from creditors or lawsuits, and guarantee that assets pass efficiently from one generation to the next based on the wishes of the individual(s) involved. Estate planners not only provide guidance in these matters but also help clients assess their overall financial situation so they can make informed decisions about their estates.

Estate planners sometimes specialize in certain areas such as tax planning, trust creation/administration or retirement planning among others. Taxation is a major factor in estate planning since it affects how much money can be transferred without incurring taxes or penalties. Estate planners help create special types of trusts which allow for more efficient transfer of property while reducing tax liability, thus ensuring more money gets passed down rather than going to state or federal governments. Likewise, retirement planning is another important aspect since it affects how much money will be available later in life for either oneself or heirs if desired.

Trusts are a powerful tool in managing estates since they offer advantages such as flexibility when it comes to distributing assets (e.g., allowing funds to be disbursed immediately after death), avoiding probate (which can be expensive), protecting confidential information associated with an estate (which would otherwise be accessible by anyone who files a request), protection against creditors (since trusts are not technically considered part of someone’s personal property), controlling when beneficiaries get access to funds (which can prevent them from squandering inheritances too quickly), maintaining control over inherited property even after death (e.g., preventing children from selling inherited real estate before setting up trusts) and allowing individuals with disabilities or special needs receive inheritance funds without affecting government benefits they’re already receiving).

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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