
by Mike Vestil 


A customer (sometimes known as a client, buyer, or purchaser) is the recipient of a good, service, product, or idea, obtained from a seller, vendor, or supplier for a monetary or other valuable consideration. Customers are generally categorized into two types: An intermediate customer or trade customer (more informally: “the trade”) who is a dealer that purchases goods for re-sale. An ultimate customer who does not in turn re-sell the things bought but either passes them to the consumer or actually is the consumer. A customer may or may not also be a consumer, but the two notions are distinct, even though the terms are commonly confused. A customer purchases goods; a consumer uses them. An ultimate customer may be a consumer as well, but just as equally may have purchased items for someone else to consume. An intermediate customer is not a consumer at all. The situation is somewhat complicated in that ultimate customers of so-called industrial goods and services (who are entities such as government bodies, manufacturers, and educational and medical institutions) either themselves use up the goods and services that they buy, or incorporate them into other finished products, and so are technically consumers, too. However, they are rarely called that, but are rather called industrial customers or business-to-business customers. Similarly, customers who buy services rather than goods are rarely called consumers. Six Sigma doctrine places (active) customers in opposition to two other classes of people: not-customers and non-customers. Whilst customers have actively dealt with a business within a particular recent period that depends on the product sold, not-customers are either past customers who are no longer customers or potential customers who choose to do business with the competition, and non-customers are people who are active in a different market segment entirely. Geoff Tennant, a Six Sigma consultant from the United Kingdom, uses the following analogy to explain the difference: A supermarket’s customer is the person buying milk at that supermarket; a not-customer is buying milk from a competing supermarket, whereas a non-customer doesn’t buy milk from supermarkets at all but rather “has milk delivered to the door in the traditional British way”. Tennant also categorizes customers another way, that is employed outwith the fields of marketing. Whilst the intermediate/ultimate categorization is used by marketers, market regulation, and economists, in the world of customer service customers are categorized more often into two classes: An external customer of an organization is a customer who is not directly connected to that organization. An internal customer is a customer who is directly connected to an organization, and is usually (but not necessarily) internal to the organization. Internal customers are usually stakeholders, employees, or shareholders, but the definition also encompasses creditors and external regulators. The notion of an internal customer — before the introduction of which external customers were, simply, customers — was popularized by quality management writer Joseph M. Juran, who introduced it in the fourth edition of his Handbook . It has since gained wide acceptance in the literature on total quality management and service marketing; and the customer satisfaction of internal customers is nowadays recognized by many organizations as a precursor to, and prerequisite for, external customer satisfaction, with authors such as arguing that service organizations that design products for internal customer satisfaction are better able to satisfy the needs of external customers. Research on the theory and practice of managing the internal customer continues today in a variety of service sector industries.


Life is the process of having experiences and developing as a person over time. It is often defined as the ability to learn, grow, and evolve. Life encompasses many different elements: physical health, mental health, relationships with others, career aspirations, financial security, and more. Each individual has their own unique set of goals, values, and beliefs that define their life path.

The concept of customer life encompasses the various stages that customers go through from initial contact to long-term loyalty. Throughout this journey customers are faced with decisions that help shape their overall relationship with a company or brand. Customer life starts with customer acquisition which is when potential customers become aware of a product or service and take action by either purchasing or engaging in some form of activity (e.g., joining an email list). After acquiring a new customer, companies need to focus on retention strategies to ensure the longest lifetime value possible. This includes activities such as reward programs and personalized offers that keep customers loyal and engaged over time.

Customer loyalty is especially important for businesses because it leads to repeat purchases which helps create long-term financial stability through reliable cash flow. Companies can use several tactics to strengthen customer loyalty including providing excellent customer service and developing strong relationships through regular follow-up communications such as emails or phone calls. Additionally offering special discounts or other incentives can also help enhance customer loyalty over time.

The overall goal for most companies should be achieving a high rate of life-time value (LTV) from their customers where the total amount spent by each individual customer is higher than what was initially invested into them through marketing efforts. To maximize LTV companies need to analyze their data regularly in order to identify areas for improvement within the customer experience so they can make better informed decisions about how best to serve their clients’ needs in the future.

Overall understanding how customers interact with your business throughout the entire lifecycle is key in today’s competitive marketplace where companies need to remain ahead of trends in order to stay profitable in the long run. Taking a proactive approach towards optimizing your business processes while providing exceptional service will help ensure that you build positive brand recognition while keeping your existing customer base loyal for years to come.


Company is a global technology company that specializes in providing innovative products, services, and solutions to its customers. Founded in 19XX, the company has grown to become a leader in its field and is now an industry leader in providing customer-centric solutions to its customers.

The company offers a wide range of products and services that are designed to meet the needs of today’s consumers. These include computer hardware, software, mobile devices, and other electronic gadgets. Additionally, the company also offers cloud-based solutions that allow businesses to access powerful computing infrastructure without having to invest in expensive physical hardware. This provides businesses with cost savings while delivering reliable performance.

In addition to providing innovative technology solutions, Company also prides itself on customer service excellence. The company’s commitment to customer service allows it to serve customers across all industries from insurance companies to retail stores. Customer service representatives work closely with each customer to ensure their needs are met with high quality service and support.

To further enhance customer satisfaction levels, Company has implemented several initiatives such as online chat support and 24-hour telephone help desk assistance for customers who require technical support or guidance on how best to use their product or service. The company also offers free online tutorials for customers looking for further assistance or guidance on how best to use their product or service.

With its commitment towards customer satisfaction and dedication towards innovation and excellence in technology solutions, Company has established itself as a global leader in customer engagement solutions and continues to provide cutting edge products and services designed specifically towards meeting customer needs today.

Poltical Position

Customer Political Position is a term used to describe the political and economic views of customers in respect to their interactions with businesses, corporations, and organizations. It refers to how people think about the relationships between customers, companies, and government policy.

Customers have various opinions about how businesses should be organized and regulated. They may view government regulations as necessary for protecting consumers from unfair practices or as an intrusion into their private lives. Many customers also care deeply about the impact of corporate activities on society and the environment. As such, they may have strong feelings about corporate taxes, labor laws, environmental regulation, or other issues related to business operations.

The customer’s political position can influence their decisions when making purchases or investing money in companies. For example, someone who holds a particular view on taxes might choose to patronize a business that pays its fair share of taxes over another that doesn’t. Similarly, investors might seek out companies with progressive labor policies if they value workers’ rights above all else.

In general, customer political positions involve both beliefs about what is right and wrong economically and socially as well as values regarding how individuals should act within society. There are many different points of view on this issue; some may advocate for free markets while others suggest more regulations should be imposed on companies by governments in order to protect workers’ rights or ensure environmental standards are met.

Regardless of one’s political stance on these matters, it’s important for customers to understand the implications of their action when it comes to choosing which businesses or investments they want to engage with financially. By doing so, customers can make sure that their money goes towards supporting companies that reflect their values and priorities when it comes to running their business operations responsibly and ethically.


Philanthropy is an important part of customer relations, as it is an effective way to show appreciation and support for a particular cause or organization. Customer philanthropy involves providing financial assistance to organizations or individuals in need of aid. This form of philanthropy can be done through donations, volunteer work, or other forms of social assistance.

The main goal of customer philanthropy is to help improve the quality of life for those in need and increase public awareness about certain social issues. It also serves as a platform for customers to express their own values, beliefs, and priorities while forming meaningful relationships with communities they’re passionate about supporting.

Businesses often incorporate philanthropic activities into their customer relations strategies as a way to give back to their local communities and build goodwill. Customers are especially likely to remember businesses that demonstrate a commitment to helping out those who may not have access to necessary resources—such as education, healthcare, or food—which can lead to increased loyalty and satisfaction.

Customer philanthropy initiatives vary depending on the type of business or organization involved. For example, large companies may choose to donate money directly to charities or offer discounts on products and services purchased from them which will go towards benefiting the non-profit organization in question. Smaller businesses may opt for partnering up with local charities by hosting fundraising events or volunteering at homeless shelters or soup kitchens.

By engaging in customer philanthropy activities, businesses are able to build stronger ties within the community while promoting good corporate citizenship and demonstrating leadership skills. Philanthropic efforts also promote employee engagement by giving them a chance to actively participate in making a positive difference in their local community by contributing time and resources. As such, customer philanthropy activities can greatly benefit both businesses and the people they serve on multiple levels.


Books are an important part of customer service, as they provide a way for customers to learn about products and services and make informed decisions about their purchases. They can range from basic how-to guides to more detailed and comprehensive encyclopedias that cover a wide variety of topics. Customers can use books to quickly gain insight into a product or service, learn more about a specific topic, or simply read for pleasure.

The inclusion of books in customer service is invaluable for the education and understanding of customers. Books allow customers to access knowledge without having to ask questions directly to sales representatives or other customer service personnel; this saves time and resources while allowing the customer to be better informed on the topics they need help with. Additionally, books can act as reference materials when making decisions on purchasing products or services, allowing customers to make wise buying decisions based on facts rather than assumptions.

In addition to providing information on products and services, books also offer unique insight into topics not typically covered by primary sources such as sales reps or websites. By reading extensively on a certain topic or industry, customers can gain an understanding of issues related to their purchase that may not have been discussed prior. This increase in knowledge leads to greater confidence in decision-making and ultimately better customer service overall.

Finally, books also act as entertainment for customers who are looking for lighthearted reading material. Many bookstores offer collections specifically tailored towards different interests and hobbies; this allows customers to find books that relate directly to their interests, interests that may not necessarily be related directly to the purchasing process but still bring value in terms of entertainment.

Overall, books play an integral role in customer service by providing valuable information about products and services as well as offering unique perspectives on topics not readily available elsewhere. By having access to this knowledge, customers are able make better buying decisions while simultaneously enjoying the enjoyment that comes with reading interesting material.

Personal Life

Customer Personal Life

The personal life of a customer, or customer lifestyle, is the sum of activities and habits that an individual engages in during their free time. It can be an important indicator of their overall health, mental well-being, and social relationships. Knowing more about a customer’s lifestyle can give businesses valuable insights into their customer base.

A person’s personal life can consist of many different activities. For example, some people may choose to spend their free time playing sports or games with others, going shopping or sightseeing with friends and family, or participating in hobbies or leisure activities such as painting, photography, writing, reading, and playing music. Others may opt for more solitary pursuits like meditation or studying. No matter what type of activities are chosen by the individual, they all contribute to the overall shape of a person’s lifestyle.

The types of food that customers eat can also be an indication of their personal lives as well as their overall health. Eating healthy and nutritious meals is an essential part of maintaining good health and wellness. Customers who consume a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables are likely to lead healthier lifestyles than those who rely on processed foods and unhealthy snacks. Additionally, those customers who enjoy eating out at various restaurants may show a higher level of income than those who prefer cooking at home.

Social interaction is also essential to leading a healthy lifestyle as it helps people maintain meaningful relationships with others which leads to greater mental well-being over time. Customers who engage in meaningful conversations with family members or peers are more likely to form positive connections that help them lead healthier lives in general. Participating in group activities such as attending religious services or volunteering can also provide customers with support from others while providing them opportunities for increased interpersonal skills development and connection building capabilities.

Finally, if customers have access to resources such as parks, gyms or other recreational areas then they are able to get physical exercise which is needed for optimal body function and overall mental well-being too. Taking part in aerobic activities such as swimming or running provides customers with the opportunity for much needed physical exercise along with socializing with other people interested in similar activities at the same time. All these aspects combined contribute towards forming an individual’s personal life style which must be taken into account when assessing customer needs and preferences by businesses today so that they can better serve their client base accordingly.


Customer controversies have been around for a long time and have caused many businesses to reconsider their practices. While some companies may choose to ignore the issues, it is important for them to take customer controversies seriously and address the issue in a timely manner.

One of the most prominent customer controversies involves privacy and data protection. Companies that collect and store personal information must ensure this data is kept secure and not misused or abused. This has become an increasing concern as more companies rely on technology and online services to store data. As a result, customers are rightfully concerned with how their private information is being used by large corporations.

Another major customer controversy involves transparency in pricing models and fees associated with certain services or products. Customers want to know exactly what they will be charged for when they purchase something, including all associated fees that may be included in the transaction. Additionally, customers also want assurance that there won’t be any hidden costs after they make their purchase so they can be comfortable making their decision to buy.

The usage of unethical advertising tactics has also been a major source of customer controversy over the years. Many businesses use deceptive advertising techniques such as false claims, hidden terms or conditions, bait-and-switch techniques, etc., which can often mislead customers into buying something they don’t need or can’t afford. It is essential for businesses to practice ethical advertising tactics in order for customers to trust them.

Customer service quality has also been a source of controversy among many businesses’ interactions with customers. Poor customer service can lead to negative customer experiences, resulting in decreased loyalty and profitability for the business. In order to avoid these issues, companies should strive to provide excellent customer service across all platforms such as phone calls, emails, online chats, etc., as well as offering solutions quickly whenever there is an issue with their product or service.

Finally, one of the biggest consumer controversies today revolves around sustainability and how businesses treat the environment when producing products or services. Consumers want assurance that companies are taking steps towards improving sustainability efforts by investing in renewable energy sources (such as solar power), utilizing eco-friendly materials when possible (such as recycled paper), reducing carbon emissions through investing in efficient transportation methods (such as electric cars), etc., so businesses must be willing to commit resources towards achieving these goals if they wish to remain competitive in today’s market.

In conclusion, understanding and addressing customer controversies is essential for any business that wishes to build a strong reputation with its customers over time and remain competitive in today’s market place. Taking proactive steps towards addressing any potential issues quickly allows companies to maintain trust from their customers while demonstrating that they are committed providing quality products/services at fair prices alongside ethical business practices that promote sustainability efforts whenever possible

Recognition / Awards

Customer recognition and awards are an excellent way for companies to show appreciation for the valued individuals who make up their customer base. Recognition is a powerful tool, as it reinforces positive behaviors and motivates customers to keep engaging with a product or service. Awards provide tangible rewards, reinforcing loyalty and commitment while creating valuable marketing opportunities.

Recognition and awards can come in various forms, such as public acknowledgements, certificates of achievement, gift cards, discounts or vouchers. For example, a company might offer its customers a special reward when they reach a certain purchase total over the course of a year. Another option is to publish customer stories on the company website or give out personalized cards that thank customers for their continued patronage.

In addition to providing tangible rewards, recognition and awards can also be used to build relationships between companies and their customers. Acknowledging customers publicly gives them a sense of visibility and importance that encourages further engagement and loyalty. Companies can also use recognition programs to communicate their own values by rewarding behaviors like volunteering or philanthropic donations.

Recognition programs can be tailored to individual customer needs to ensure maximum impact. Automated systems allow companies to track customer engagement levels in order to identify frequent buyers or most active participants so they can be rewarded accordingly. Analyzing data from past campaigns will help identify which types of rewards are most effective for different kinds of customers.

Companies should consider recognizing both individual customers as well as groups or communities when crafting recognition programs. This helps ensure that everyone feels appreciated while reinforcing key values like collaboration, transparency and communication within larger groups of people who may interact with the company’s products or services on an ongoing basis.

Overall, recognizing customers through awards and other forms of acknowledgment is an important part of creating strong relationships that increase brand loyalty while boosting sales at the same time. Companies should take care to tailor rewards according to individual needs while considering ways they can recognize entire groups if appropriate. By balancing these two approaches, businesses can create successful recognition programs that reward those who support them while promoting the core values they want associated with the brand itself.


Customer is a term used to describe the relationship between an individual or organization and a seller of goods or services. The customer is the person who purchases the items offered by the seller and pays for them in return. The role of the customer is important to any business as they represent the individuals or organizations that contribute to the purchasing power of a company.

Customers are typically divided into two categories, those who are loyal customers (those who consistently purchase products from a given seller) and those who are occasional customers (those who purchase products from multiple sellers). Loyal customers can generally be identified by their higher spending rates, higher frequency of buying, and loyalty programs that reward repeat customers with discounts or other benefits. On the other hand, occasional customers may not be as consistent in their purchases but still offer valuable economic activity to their chosen sellers.

One way for businesses to ensure customer satisfaction is through customer service quality assurance programs. These programs help a business assess its customer service performance by evaluating various criteria such as response times, product quality assurance, accuracy in billing, and overall customer satisfaction scores. By offering better value in terms of price and quality of goods or services being offered, companies can also increase customer loyalty over time by providing incentives such as discounts or rewards points systems.

Another way businesses can establish relationships with customers is through marketing campaigns targeted at specific demographics or interests. Through targeted advertising campaigns on television, radio, print media and online platforms (such as social media), companies can reach potential customers more effectively than ever before. Companies often use market research surveys to determine what types of products they should focus on in order to best meet their target market’s needs.

Finally, businesses must also strive for better communication with their customers in order to maximize satisfaction levels and ensure long-term loyalty. This includes providing clear instructions about how to use a product or service correctly; answering questions promptly; staying up-to-date on trends relevant to your industry; responding quickly when issues arise; using feedback from clients for improvement; and providing regular updates about new products/services available.

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About the author 

Mike Vestil

Mike Vestil is the author of the Lazy Man's Guide To Living The Good Life. He also has a YouTube channel with over 700,000 subscribers where he talks about personal development and personal finance.

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