The Lazy Man’s Guide To Living The Good Life by Mike Vestil
Written by Youtuber Mike Vestil (me lol), catch a glimpse of his origin story and how he became the person he is today and how you too can get the body you want, the income you want, the relationships you want, and ultimately, the happiness that eludes us all.
WARNING: This book is an emotional roller coaster filled with obscene language.. read at your own risk.

After being exposed to all the free content Mike gives out on platforms such as YouTube and his blog, I just knew investing in this book would be worth every cent. Mike drops serious knowledge bombs while at the same time keeping it 100% real with you, with no fluff. This book was completely devoured by me. It is very engaging, which resulted in me not wanting to put it down. Sadly, like all books... it eventually ended. That’s the only downside to it haha. Now I don’t want to get too far into detail here, so to keep it simple I’ll just say, after implementing some of the ideas stated in this book, I am able to say that I feel a lot better in life and am Improving each and every day. Thank you for the great read Mike. Looking forward to what is to come in the near future!